Rating of Sibrtech snow blowers: model range, characteristics, prices, opinions of owners
Winter is the time to think about buying snow removal equipment. There are many models and manufacturers on the market, so it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to make a choice.
You can make it easier if you study as much information as possible on the most popular brands of snow blowers, one of which is Sibrtech.
Read the article about what kind of manufacturer this is, what advantages and disadvantages its equipment has, how to use it correctly and more.
Sibrtech is a Russian brand that produces and sells hand and power tools, including power equipment. It belongs to the company "World of Tools", which is a wholesale supplier of goods.
The company was founded in 2008. To date, the organization’s catalog contains more than 5,000 different units of tools and equipment. The organization is constantly working to update offers in its niche.
During its existence, it managed to gain a reputation as a manufacturer of high-quality and technologically advanced tools and other equipment. Sibrtech snow blowers are assembled at certified factories in China.
Pros and cons of snow blowers
Among the advantages of snow removal equipment Sibrtech:
high performance;
- the declared service life of the machines is 3 years;
- possibility of adjusting the snow throw range;
- affordable prices;
- reduced noise level - even for a gasoline model it is only 89 dB;
- maneuverability - it is achieved due to low weight;
- high-quality insulation of coatings, which eliminates the risk of electric shock;
- ease of maintenance and operation of equipment;
- It is possible to remove wet and compacted snow.
- Small lineup. The range includes one petrol and two electric snow blowers.
- The equipment is produced in China. Although in most cases this does not affect the quality of the units, for some users this fact may be decisive when purchasing.
Popular electric, battery and petrol models
The most popular models of Sibrtech snow blowers:
Electric snow blower. The machine is equipped with a 2 kW electric motor, which corresponds to 2.71 hp. The snow capture width is 46 cm. The snow throw range reaches 9 m.
The gutter is plastic, the screw is rubberized, smooth. It is possible to operate the machine with one hand, the weight of the product is 15 kg. Price – 16,600 rubles.
SB 6500
Self-propelled petrol snow blower. Machine with a four-stroke engine rated at 6.50 hp. copes well with cleaning small areas. The width of the path to be cleaned is 55 cm.
The auger is metal, with a relief shape, and even removes compacted snow. The fuel tank is designed for 3.6 liters of gasoline. The snow throw range is 12 m. The electric starter is not included in the package. The total weight of the product is 69 kg. Price – 33,000 rubles.
Battery snow blower. A machine with an electric motor does not require a constant connection to the network, since runs on 40 V battery.
The width of the cleared path is 46 cm, snow is thrown at a distance of up to 7 m. The total weight of the product is 16 kg. Price – 17,000 rubles.
Preparing for launch
Before putting the Sibrtech snow blower into operation, you need to do the following:
- Assemble the machine according to the instructions. Most often, users have to independently install the snow ejection chute, handles and power cord clamp (for electric models).
- Fill the engine with oil and fill the gas tank (for gasoline models). The fuel must not contain foreign impurities or inclusions and must be fresh.
- Prepare an extension cord to connect the machine to the circuit. For outdoor work, you can use an industrial cable. Household extension cords are not suitable for this purpose. Electric models operate on a 220 W network.
How to launch and use?
The Sibrteh petrol snow blower starts up only with a manual starter.
To activate the motor, perform the following steps:
- open the fuel supply valve - it is located under the air damper;
- if the engine is cold, then the damper is closed; when starting a warm engine, it is left open;
- set the throttle lever to the “Turtle” position;
- press the fuel pumping primer 5-6 times;
- pull the starter cord up until resistance arises, then sharply pull the handle to start the engine, slowly return it to its place, if it was not possible to activate the engine the first time, repeat the procedure;
- when the engine warms up, open the air damper;
- start work.
To run an electric model snow blower Sibrtech perform the following actions:
connect the equipment to the power circuit, the machines operate on a 220 W network;
- fix the extension cord in the bracket;
- lift the equipment above the ground, press and hold the lock button I, then press the auger activation bracket II; as soon as the device starts working, release the lock button;
- return the device to its original position and begin removing snow.
During operation, you need to ensure that the cord does not get under the moving snow blower.
Operating rules:
- If the height of the snowdrifts does not exceed 20 cm, then you can work at normal speed. When there is a lot of precipitation or the snow cover is compacted, you need to move the equipment slowly.
- Immediately after completing the cleaning, do not turn off the engine. It should run for about 5 minutes to remove moisture. This will prevent icing of parts.
- On gasoline models, when changing gears, you need to release the levers responsible for the wheel drive and rotation of the auger.
- It is advisable to direct the snow discharge chute downwind.
- There should be no animals or children in the area being cleared.
- It is recommended to remove snow immediately after it falls.
Maintenance and storage
Compliance with equipment maintenance recommendations will help avoid premature breakdowns and keep the machine in working condition:
- Regular oil check and change. The engine of gasoline models is filled with 5w mineral oil and changed after the first 5 hours of using the device, and then every 25 hours.
- It is recommended to lubricate the screw of electric models with silicone compounds before each session.
- The spark plug is cleaned every 25 hours.
- Before sending a gasoline car for long-term storage, the fuel tank is completely drained. If you do not do this, then during the oxidation of fuel and lubricants, its walls will be damaged.
- The snow blower is cleaned of snow and dirt after each use. To do this, it is recommended to use a brush with a long handle.
Where and for how much to buy?
You can purchase Sibrtech brand equipment in retail stores. The necessary models are always presented in online markets.
It is better to make a purchase on large online platformsto prevent the transfer of funds to fraudsters.
Snow blowers with an electric motor cost about 17,000 rubles; for a gasoline model you will have to pay from 33,000 rubles.
An analysis of owner reviews showed that they are satisfied with Sibrtech snow blowers. This applies to both electric and gasoline models. They are satisfied with the price-quality ratio, maneuverability and functionality of the units. They note that the machines are easy to operate and light in weight.
Disadvantages include rapid breakdown of the chute rotation drive and its unreliable fastening. Some users fail to correctly adjust the direction of snow ejection, causing it to fall into the engine compartment and onto the worker himself.
As an alternative to Sibrtech snow blowers You can consider models from the following manufacturers:
- Stiga;
- Hyundai;
- DDE and others.
Read about Hyundai snow blowers here.
Problems that you can deal with on your own:
- The engine will not start. It is necessary to check the voltage in the network, evaluate the serviceability of the switch and power cord.Sometimes the engine cannot be activated due to expired gasoline.
- The engine makes a hum, but the machine does not remove snow. Perhaps the crust is too dense, so the auger cannot cope with the crust. A similar situation can also occur due to a foreign object entering the casing.
- The auger or wheels do not rotate. The most common cause is loose belts. They need to be tightened.
- The car pulls to the side while driving or vibrates excessively. The reason is flat tires. They need to be pumped up.
Engine problems
Repairing a snow blower engine is a complex breakdown that only a service center technician can handle. You should not try to disassemble the motor yourself; this requires special equipment.
Weak snow emission
The reasons for weak snow emissions are as follows:
- a blockage has formed in the gutter - most often this happens when removing wet snow;
- the auger is blocked by a foreign object;
- the tension belts have loosened;
- The equipment is moving at too high a speed and needs to be slowed down.
All of the above reasons can be eliminated on your own.
Sibrtech snow blowers will help you clear the area of snow and save time. The machines are easy to operate, affordable, and have the necessary set of functions.