Tips and recipes for removing epoxy resin stains and drips

foto27216-1Epoxy resin is a substance that, when cured, acquires strength and resistance to external influences.

It is used in various repair work, and in some areas of decorative and applied art.

If work is carried out carelessly, stains and drips may remain on the surfaces of materials, which are very difficult to remove.

We will tell you in this article how to remove epoxy resin from various surfaces.

Removal Features

Epoxy resin is a structurally complex multicomponent substance that has a complex composition. It is its composition that makes it difficult to remove.

In its pure form it is an oligomer. In order for the resin to harden, a hardener is used. The result is a solid polymer with a synthetic base that adheres well to the surface.

Tree resin is different. Coniferous resins contain only natural substances, while synthetic ones contain:

  • silica,
  • structure seals,
  • fiberglass, etc.

Solvents can help remove such a composition. (homemade and purchased), which can soften the hardened polymer.

How to wipe off with folk remedies?

You can erase resin stains not only with solvents, but also with home remedies that you can find on the farm. The choice of method should take into account the type of base material. Traditional recipes may not be effective enough if large areas need to be cleaned.


foto27216-2An organic agent, dimethyl sulfoxide, can be used as a dissolution preparation.

It is a liquid that has no distinct odor or color. One of the frequently used options is pharmaceutical Dimexide..

The product is easily diluted with water. To use as a solvent, the composition is diluted 1:3 and applied to the surface. Once the resin has softened, it can be removed.


Medical alcohol can be used as a solvent resin. A sponge or napkin is soaked with undiluted preparation and applied to the stain for 15-20 minutes. The composition that has become viscous can be wiped off with the same cotton swab.


Vegetable oil has a mild effect. This allows it to be used to remove tar from the skin, including in children.

To remove the sponge, soak it in oil and rub it into the stain.. You can even leave the cotton pad on the stain for a better effect for 10-15 minutes. After such exposure, the viscous composition is easier to remove.

The use of oil, like other fatty compounds, is not recommended when removing epoxy from fabrics.

Lemon acid

foto27216-3Regular citric acid will help deal with spilled epoxy and smudges.

For processing you will need:

  • container with water;
  • lemon acid;
  • sponge.

The stain should be treated section by section. The sponge needs to be moistened and the excess water squeezed out. After this, it is dipped in acid powder and tinder.

It takes a very long time to process a large area in this way. But such This method is good in cases where it is necessary to clean the skin of the hands..

How to remove with acetone?

Acetone can be used as a solvent. As an option, use a nail polish remover containing acetone.


  1. Moisten the sponge in the composition.
  2. Apply to the stain.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Try to erase.

For large stains, the acetone method may not be effective.

Denatured alcohol

Denatured alcohol is a solvent with a distinct unpleasant odor., which has wide application in industry. It can also be used to soften resin.

Use as a solvent - undiluted, until the resin becomes soft.

Temperature methods of influence

Epoxy resin is designed to be used in a limited temperature range. Excessive heating can cause the resin to become viscous, while freezing, on the contrary, makes the epoxy brittle. These physical properties make it possible to use temperature effects for removal - heating and freezing.


foto27216-4Using heat is one of the gentle methods. You can even use an ordinary hair dryer, but a construction hair dryer is better.

In order to get a good result, you need to set the device to a high temperature.

The heating process should take place evenly - to do this, the hair dryer is moved from side to side over the affected area. After the top layer of the stain has warmed up, it is carefully removed with a spatula.

For epoxy that has cured in a thick layer, warming up and using the spatula must be repeated several times. This will allow you to remove the entire composition carefully, without damaging the base. Gradual stripping is a necessary condition, since the entire voluminous layer is not able to warm up at once.

The heating method can only be used on heat-resistant surfaces.


To remove epoxy from a surface, it can be frozen. For small items, such as clothing, it is permissible to place the item in the refrigerator.

After exposure to low temperatures, the resin crumbles easily - it can be broken into pieces and shaken off; from dense materials - cleaned off with a spatula.

In cases where it is impossible to place an item in the refrigerator, a special aerosol is used that cools the desired area when sprayed. As a result, the hardened resin becomes cracked and can be removed.

The use of aerosol freezing agents must be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions for the specific drug.

How to remove with special compounds?

Ready-made solvents can be used to remove epoxy resin from various surfaces. These are chemicals that require storage only in appropriate conditions and careful use.

Solvent 646

The solvent has a wide range of applications. It can be used not only to remove stains, but also to clean molds that were used to pour the epoxy compound, as well as used tools.

Half of the composition is toluene. It also contains butyl alcohol, acetone and other components. The solvent is used in its pure form, applied with a napkin or sponge. After the epoxy softens, everything is cleaned off and the surface is washed.

Products are produced in packaging of various sizes. 1 liter costs about 100 rubles, 10 liters - from 800 rubles.


Cleaner SP-6

Remover is a synthetic chemical substance that softens epoxy resin.Having become plastic, it can be easily removed with a regular spatula.

The remover has proven itself well when it is necessary to remove resin from metal surfaces. For this The solvent must be applied to the stain for half an hour, and then proceed with removal.

The price of the wash is about 700 rubles for a container of 0.8 kg.



Professional epoxy remover is available in containers weighing 13 kg and 5 kg. It is a gel mass. DOCKER EPOXY is capable of removing almost all types of epoxy mixtures. Contains no acids.

The composition is applied with a brush or any other method. After leaving the epoxy on the surface for 10-20 minutes, the composition is cleaned off with a spatula.

If the surface of the epoxy composition is multi-layered, then processing can be continued. Restriction – the remover should not remain on the material for more than 2 hours.

The price of a package weighing 1 kg is about 1,400 rubles.


How to clean from different surfaces?

The resinous composition can be removed from various surfaces in various ways. It is necessary to take into account the type of material – this will avoid damage to it.

Some of the highest demands are placed on removing dirt from the skin, since using inappropriate methods can cause irritation and even wounds. It is easiest to clean stains from a hard surface that is resistant to temperature and the use of solvents.

From hand

Removing epoxy from leather is a responsible undertaking. It is advisable to remove the composition immediately when it first gets on the skin.

It is better to use tar or laundry soap. Residual resin can be washed off with acetone or denatured alcohol. If this does not work, you will have to use one of the home recipes or a purchased solvent.

It should be borne in mind that even seemingly safe compositions can cause irritation and dryness of the skin. After using any of the products, you must thoroughly rinse off the composition and lubricate the skin of your hands with a softening cream.

foto27216-8Best removal products epoxy, including from baby skin:

  • use of vegetable oil;
  • applying thick cream, etc.

The greasy composition is generously applied to the stained area and rubbed in. The resin will begin to come off very quickly. Using a washcloth or soft brush will help speed up the process.

Methods such as heating are not recommended for treating the skin.. It may cause burns. You can apply ice cubes to the stained area - this will help scrape off the resin easier. But this option requires very careful use so as not to cause frostbite.

If simple recipes do not help, solvents can be used to a limited extent. To do this, soak a tampon with the product and carefully treat the area.

From plastic

Plastic is one of the most difficult surfaces to remove resin from. The use of solvents may be limited, and only in those situations where this is permitted according to the instructions for the drug.

Heat can damage the plastic surface, lead to its deformation and loss of its original characteristics.

For some types, exposure to ice is suitable, but for thin, delicate surfaces that are not designed for temperature changes, a method using fats - cream, oil - is suitable.

From fabric

Removing resin from fabric can be very difficult. The porous material easily absorbs the substance, as a result of which the stain becomes persistent and difficult to remove.

For processing it is possible to use:

  • pharmaceutical alcohol;
  • turpentine with ammonia and starch;
  • heating from the inside out, etc.
When using any product, it is necessary to take into account the type of fabric from which the clothing is made.

From glass and tiles

foto27216-9Smooth glass and tile surfaces are easy to clean in cases where the resin has not yet set. To do this, simply wipe the stain with a damp sponge.

If the composition has time to set, then heating and freezing methods are suitable.. They will both be effective.

Heating should be done with caution to avoid sudden temperature changes. The softened plastic resinous composition can be cleaned off and the area wiped with a damp cloth.

Freezing is conveniently carried out using an aerosol can.. After the surface begins to crack, the composition is cleaned off.

Chemical reagents - solvents, are also suitable for use. After the resin has dissolved, it is removed and the surface is washed using cleaning products.

What not to do and why?

In an effort to quickly clean a stained surface from epoxy resin stains, It is important to avoid common mistakes:

  1. Exposure to sharp objects (knife, sharp side of a spatula, screwdriver) in order to chip off the resin deposit can damage any base.
  2. Hitting the resin to break it up can also ruin the stained base. Hammers and similar tools are prohibited.
  3. Solvents should not be used extensively - the effect should be local, affecting only the stained area. This is especially important in cases where they are used to remove contamination from the skin.
  4. Sulfuric acid should not be used as an epoxy solvent.This is a dangerous toxic drug that reacts with human skin, wood, metal and other materials.


Advice from experts will help you cope with the task Removing epoxy resin is as simple as possible and without consequences:

  1. All work with solvents should be carried out with rubber gloves, with good ventilation.
  2. Expired solvents may be ineffective.
  3. Any use of chemical solvents must take into account how the substance used may affect the material that is stained. To avoid troubles, it is important to study the instructions for the drug you are purchasing in advance.

Recipes and tips for removing resin from various surfaces are presented in this section.

Video on the topic of the article

The video will tell you how to dissolve epoxy resin:


How to wash off epoxy resin depends on what exactly is stained and how strongly the bonding compound has set. With the right approach, cleaning off the resin will not be as difficult as it might seem from the very beginning. The main thing is to act consistently, in compliance with the technology and rules of application.


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