Organization process and recommendations for cleaning the workplace
The place where a person works must be kept in order. This is necessary not only to maintain aesthetics, but also to preserve your own health.
Dust and dirt are sources of infection, and scattered things are a direct path to injury.
Read the article about why workplace cleaning is needed, how to carry it out correctly, and who should do it.
Why is it needed?
Cleaning the workplace designed to solve several problems at once, including:
- Maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the workspace. For example, if there is clutter at the checkout and on store shelves, customer flow decreases. This is relevant for any places with high traffic: beauty salons, offices, banks and more.
Compliance with safety standards and regulations. This goal takes on particular importance when it comes to industrial enterprises, commercial warehouses, factories and other similar institutions.
For example, a machine part that is out of place can cause serious injury.
- Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. This task is especially acute for personnel working in medical institutions of any type. The higher the level of bacterial contamination, the greater the risk of spreading infection if the workplace is not cleaned.
For example, it is difficult to imagine how the negligent attitude of a treatment room nurse to the performance of her duties could end.
- Reducing morbidity among employees.If they breathe dust, the room is not ventilated, and wet cleaning is not carried out, then the number of absenteeism due to sick leave increases. For example, regular breathing of stone, coal or wood dust provokes diseases of the respiratory system, eyes, heart and blood vessels.
The listed tasks are, to one degree or another, relevant for all institutions in which people work. The main goal of cleaning the workplace is to maintain order.
How often should I do it?
The workplace is cleaned according to a predetermined schedule. Depending on the type of institution, processing is carried out at different frequencies.
General recommendations are as follows:
- perform daily routine cleaning at least once per shift - as a rule, some of the actions are carried out before starting work, during the shift and after its completion;
- carry out activities aimed at monitoring the cleanliness of the workplace at least once a week or month;
- General cleaning is performed at least once a quarter.
The most difficult and time-consuming is general cleaning. It comes down to putting things in order in production as a whole. All employees are involved in the process.
Cleaning rules are largely determined by the characteristics of a person’s workplace. For all social facilities, separate standards and acts have been developed regulating the quality, procedure and frequency of cleaning.
The main recommendations are as follows:
Remove unnecessary things from the workplace: equipment, inventory, garbage.
- Organize your drawers.
- Wipe off dust from surfaces. If the cleaning is ongoing, then areas up to human height are processed. During general cleaning, all surfaces, including ceilings, must be cleaned.
- Window sills and radiators are wiped.
- Water the flowers, if any.
- Remove dust from windows and doors.
- Ventilate the room. If necessary, it is disinfected.
When cleaning, sanitary standards must be observed. Garbage must be disposed of in designated areas. Most businesses provide separate cleaning equipment. For example, to wash the floor in the office reception area and in the bathroom, there should be different buckets and rags.
Who should clean up?
The current cleaning of the workplace is carried out by the person who owns it. For example, a mechanic sweeps away shavings from a machine, a nurse who gave an injection throws out used ampoules, and a computer desk is wiped down by an office employee who is assigned to him.
Daily and general cleaning of the work area is performed by hired personnel. The basic requirements for cleaners are as follows:
- the person must be an adult;
- Employees who have passed a medical examination are allowed to work;
- before performing duties, a person must be instructed;
- if necessary, the employee undergoes an internship under the guidance of senior staff.
Service cost
If you need staff to clean your workplace, you can contact a cleaning company. Before making a choice in favor of a particular organization, You should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:
Find out how long the company has been on the market, what is the experience of the employees working in the company.
- Ask what products the cleaners use and whether they have professional equipment.
- Clarify what guarantees the company provides, what responsibility the management bears in case of non-compliance with the terms of the contract.
- Study reviews left by other customers.
The larger the organization and the friendlier the employees, the greater the likelihood that the cleaning will be completed efficiently and on time. The average cost of the service per 1 square meter starts from 200 rubles.
Precautionary measures
Precautionary measures when cleaning the workplace must be observed. Ignoring them is dangerous not only for the health, but also for the lives of employees.
Key points:
- the worker must be given a uniform to perform cleaning that can protect him from injury;
- the employee must be given a clear task, his manager must make sure that he understands its essence;
- Before performing work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the equipment;
- Before contacting electrical machines, it is necessary to de-energize them - it is unacceptable to touch devices connected to the network with a damp cloth;
- Before washing windows, you need to make sure that the frames are securely fastened;
- if you are going to use a stepladder, it must be in good working order, without cracks;
- If situations arise that could cause harm to health, management must be informed about this.
Cleaning the workplace is a mandatory process, without which work cannot be carried out in any enterprise. It pursues a single goal - maintaining cleanliness in production. It must be performed regularly and according to established rules.