40 life hacks to make cleaning fun
Cleaning the house is a tedious task that takes a lot of effort and time. This is what a housewife who does it the “old fashioned way” might think.
In fact, progress does not stand still; today there are many life hacks to simplify the cleaning process. Read this article about how to make housework easier.
Top 10 tricks
A selection of the 10 best cleaning hacks:
- When cleaning, you have to walk around the apartment a lot: now for a cleaning product, now for a damp cloth, now for a dry cloth. A regular plastic box will help you save time and effort, in which you put everything you need for cleaning in advance.
- Cleaning should be carried out not only in the apartment, but also in the place where detergents are stored. Rags are neatly folded, brushes and gloves are hung on homemade hooks. If the drawer is in order, finding the right product will not be difficult.
- To remove old grease stains, it is not necessary to purchase expensive products. As a rule, ordinary laundry soap copes with this task. You can enhance its effect with alcohol. These products are available in almost every home; they are budget-friendly, but no less effective.
You can get rid of stains on upholstered furniture using regular alcohol and a soft-bristled brush. Baking soda is used to combat unpleasant odors.
- Don't throw your old toothbrush in the trash. Thrifty housewives put it in a drawer where cleaning tools are stored. A toothbrush is a real fighter against dirt accumulated in hard-to-reach places.
- Cleaning is not only about washing surfaces, but also about filling the apartment with a pleasant aroma. It’s easy to make a freshener with your own hands. There is no need to throw away your favorite perfume bottle. It is untwisted, filled halfway with water and several bamboo sticks are dropped inside. Place the bottle in the hallway or in the bathroom. Within a few minutes, a pleasant smell will spread throughout the room.
- Dust - This is the main headache of all housewives. So that it settles less on surfaces, the rag should be moistened not in ordinary water, but in a solution with the addition of 1 tablespoon of fabric softener. Acting as an antistatic agent, the invisible film will repel dust particles.
- You can refresh any home textile without washing. To do this, use ordinary soda, which is sprinkled on surfaces that need treatment. After 2 hours they are simply vacuumed.
- You can even save time by filling buckets with plastic bags. You just need to place not one, but 5 garbage bags in it at once.
- To avoid having to take off your shoes or walk around the apartment in shoes if something is forgotten, you can put a pair of shoe covers in the hallway.
Useful tips for tidying up
In addition to general tips, there are many life hacks that can make cleaning your living room, bathroom, and kitchen easier.
Tips for cleaning your room:
- when cleaning the room, take with you not only a rag and detergents, but also a garbage bag - this will allow you not to waste time walking around the apartment to throw out another piece of trash or small debris;
- if you need to clean upholstered furniture or a mattress, pour vodka mixed with water in equal proportions into a spray bottle and irrigate the entire surface with it - the alcohol will disinfect the sleeping area and destroy bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor;
- for wet cleaning, it is convenient to use gloves rather than an ordinary rag; they can be sewn from microfiber - this way it is much more convenient and faster to wipe surfaces, for example, vases, figurines, chandeliers;
- It is convenient to sweep away dust from hard-to-reach places with a brush - the thin handle is able to reach places where a regular rag cannot be reached;
- wash curtains and drapes quite labor-intensive, but at the same time a lot of dust accumulates on them - you can deal with the problem using a vacuum cleaner;
- A cleaning roller for clothes with a sticky surface will be an excellent assistant in the fight against dust on lampshades, decorative pillows and other fabric surfaces.
Life hacks for cleaning the kitchen:
It's no secret that dishes need to be washed immediately. If you no longer have the strength to do this, for example, after a party, you need to soak it. In the morning, all that remains is to rinse the plates, glasses and cutlery.
- To make it easier to put things in order refrigerator, just cut off a few pieces of parchment and spread it on the shelves. When soiled, the paper is changed. This way you don't have to wash the entire refrigerator.
- In a microwave oven you can not only cook and heat food, but also disinfect kitchen rags and sponges. They are soaped, placed in a plastic bag and put in the microwave.1 minute of operating the device at full power is enough for all bacteria to die.
- In order not to waste time cleaning the microwave, you need to place a container of water in it and let it boil for a few minutes. After this procedure, all that remains is to wipe its walls with a damp cloth.
- Oil splashed on oven during frying, easy to assemble with flour. Sprinkle the surface with it, and then carefully roll it up with a dry cloth or paper napkin.
- The top of wall cabinets should be covered with newspapers or cling film. This will avoid dust settling on surfaces and not waste time cleaning shelves. Simply changing the newspaper sheet is enough.
Tips for cleaning the bathroom:
- It’s not difficult to keep the plumbing fixtures clean - just fill it with cleaning gel in the morning, before going to work, and in the evening all you have to do is walk along the walls of the toilet with a brush and rinse the bathtub with a shower; the whole process will take no more than 5 minutes;
- many housewives are faced with the search for rags for cleaning the toilet - in fact, it is very convenient to use wet toilet paper, you can wipe the seat and rim with it, throw it in the toilet and immediately flush it, simple and hygienic;
- To make the bathroom mirror fog less, wipe it with a rag with a little shaving cream applied;
- They put newspaper on the bottom of the trash can, so you don’t have to wash it every time if the bag accidentally breaks or something leaks - to prevent an unpleasant odor, sprinkle the newspaper with soda;
- If a shower stall is installed in the bathroom, then you need to purchase a water squeegee for it, which is used for washing windows - every time after a shower, the glass is wiped with this cleaner, as a result, they will always shine clean.
You will find many useful tips for cleaning the bathroom in this section.
You can clean your windows quickly and easily using the following tips:
You need to start the procedure only in cloudy, dry weather, when there is no wind or precipitation outside. Otherwise, cleaning will turn into an endless struggle with stains and dust.
- You should not immediately start cleaning windows with a cleaner. First, you need to remove all dirt from the glass. This is done with ordinary water. It is better to choose a microfiber rag.
- To speed up the process, it is recommended to use a mop with a telescopic handle. It makes it easier to reach hard-to-reach places. The mop is equipped with a water squirt that can be used for washing mirrors and shower stalls.
- No better device has been invented for cleaning windows than old newspapers. They do not leave behind streaks or small lint.
- When washing glass, be sure to remove the mosquito net and clean it of dust. If this is not done, the windows will very quickly become dirty again.
A lot of useful information about window cleaning is presented in this section.
Tips for quick cleaning
Please note the following recommendations:
- If you don’t want to waste time cleaning faucet nozzles from limescale, you need to fill a plastic bag with water, add vinegar to it and secure it to the shower head with a clothespin. In an hour there will be no trace left of the raid.
- You can save time on wiping light bulbs if you use alcohol rather than ordinary water to clean them. After this treatment, less dust will accumulate on them.
- To prevent traces of water flowing from outdoor boots and shoes from staining the corridor, use a box lid filled with stones. All you have to do is take off your shoes and put your shoes in this improvised stand.At the same time, you don’t have to wipe the floor several times a day.
- To allow dust to sit on the surface of the furniture longer, they use polish.
- TVs and monitors are treated with special products with an antistatic effect.
- Sometimes trash just consumes rooms. To prevent bits of eaten apples and pieces of candy from lying around everywhere, it is enough to organize a miniature “trash can” in each room. Its role can be played by cute vases or boxes, which need to be emptied every 2-3 days.
- First, you need to collect all the scattered things in one basin, and then put them in their places, moving around the rooms with it.
- All small items should be stored in groups, in small baskets. It is much easier to lift the box of polishes and wipe the dust underneath than to rearrange each bottle one by one.
First of all, this is modern technology:
- robot vacuum cleaner,
- window cleaning robot,
- steam generators,
- washing vacuum cleaners,
- dishwashers and more.
Video on the topic of the article
Video lifehacks for cleaning:
Cleaning lifehacks will help make this process quick and effective. They were invented specifically to make housekeeping easier and free up time for more enjoyable things.