Simple ways and means to remove acrylic paint from clothes
Acrylic paint is popular not only as a medium for children's creativity. It is used in interior decoration and in applied arts.
With such active use, you cannot do without stains on your clothes. The question arises - how to remove acrylic paint from clothes and how to remove stains at home?
How difficult is it to wash acrylic?
Problems with washing acrylic from clothes are related to the composition of the paint itself.
It includes:
- water;
- coloring pigment;
- film former
Acrylic resins and water base create uniform color. And a film former is used to harden the surface.
It takes half an hour to an hour to harden. and it takes about a day for the surface to dry completely.
The advantages of acrylic paints include:
- wide range of shades;
- ease of use;
- fast drying process.
The process is complicated, and in some cases makes stain removal completely impossible, by the following factors:
- an old stain deeply embedded in the fibers of the material;
- the stain on the material was improperly processed, resulting in caked paint;
- an item that has been soiled cannot be cleaned due to the delicacy of the material.
The absence of an organic solvent allows us to talk about the environmental friendliness of the product and the possibility of its widespread use in construction and creativity.
When starting cleaning, you should consider:
the type of material from which the soiled clothes are made;
- fabric dye fastness;
- presence of prints on fabric;
- the presence of decorative elements;
- what type of cleaning is allowed for a particular item.
Before you begin removing stains, you need to study the label on the product, which indicates the possibility of washing, temperature conditions, and fabric composition.
If the product is made of delicate material that cannot be washed, then it will not be possible to remove the stain.. Decorative elements and fittings complicate the task of washing things if they also have paint on them.
It's never too late to throw away something covered in paint, but you can first try to save it using stain removers.
How to remove dried stains using what you have on hand?
As soon as a stain is discovered, you must immediately begin washing. You should start by removing as much paint as possible from the material.
In this case, it is necessary to act not only quickly, but also extremely carefully:
- the stain should not become larger;
- You cannot “drive” the paint deep into the fibers.
Vinegar, ammonia and soda
For removing paint stains you need to prepare a cleaning product from available ingredients taken from the kitchen and from the home medicine cabinet:
- ammonia (1/2 cup);
- vinegar (1/2 cup);
- soda (1 tsp).
- Trying to remove as much paint as possible, rinse the area of contamination with water.
- Mix all prepared ingredients.
- Dip a sponge in the prepared solution and wet the stain well.
- Remove loose paint with a spoon or plastic scraper.
- Rinse the item in plenty of water.
- Wash the product as usual.
Nail polish remover
Nail polish remover can also help remove paint stains.
For this:
- Using a napkin or sponge, apply the product to the area where the paint gets in contact.
- Wait a few minutes.
- Using a brush, carefully remove any remaining stain.
- Cleaning ends with the normal wash cycle.
If the paint stain is small, you can use an old toothbrush to scrub it off.
Dishwashing liquid
This method is suitable for fresh stains. After as much paint as possible has been removed from the clothing, you need to do the following:
Blot the fabric with a napkin.
- Turn the item inside out.
- Rinse the contaminated area with plenty of cool water, directing the stream from the inside out.
- Wash the affected area of fabric using dishwashing detergent.
- If the density of the material allows, you can rub the stain with a brush.
- Dilute dishwashing detergent in a container of cool water.
- Soak items for no more than 4 hours.
- Rinse the product manually or using a washing machine.
This cleaning option is only suitable if the stain is not only fresh, but also small in size.
How to remove with tape?
Regular craft tape can be used to remove dry paint and cotton fabric.
Isopropyl alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol can be used as a quick response agent.
The order of work in this case is as follows:
Soak the stained area with alcohol.
- Mechanically scrape off as much paint as possible using, for example, a spoon.
- Remove small paint residues with a toothpick.
- Wash the product as usual using washing powder.
The stain removal process may need to be repeated if acrylic paint still remains.
How to clean with gasoline, acetone or white spirit
In cases where the acrylic paint stain was not detected immediately and had time to dry, you will have to use one of the solvents:
- white alcohol;
- acetone;
- gasoline.
Stain removal should be carried out in stages:
- Spread the item out on a flat surface.
- Moisten the prepared sponge in paint thinner.
- Treat the stain with gentle movements, avoiding smearing the paint.
- The mark left on the fabric after treatment must be washed with laundry soap.
- Rinse clothes in clean water.
- Wash the entire item.
Sunflower oil and laundry soap
To work on removing a fresh stain you will need:
- sunflower oil;
- laundry soap;
- water.
Rub the stain with sunflower oil using a sponge or napkin.
- Grate? bar of laundry soap.
- Dilute soap shavings in 4 liters of water.
- Soak the item.
- Leave for a quarter of an hour.
- Rub the stained area and rinse the clothes.
- Wash the product as usual.
Sunflower oil can leave greasy stains on clothes. If they cannot be avoided, washing them with dishwashing detergent will help.
Top 3 best solvents
Special paint solvents will come to the rescue if other means are ineffective. Such drugs often have an aggressive composition, which can damage fabric fibers and discolor clothing. Therefore, they should be used especially carefully.
Multi Cleaner
Multi Cleaner is a universal product suitable for cleaning all types of fabrics. It can also be used to clean carpets. Thanks to its thick foam, Multi Cleaner penetrates well into the fibers of materials and literally “pushes” dirt to the surface.
Work order:
- Apply the product to the stain.
- Rub with a brush.
- Rinse with water.
- Wash.
Price - from 800 rubles per 1 liter, manufacturer - Great Britain.
The technology of the wash Fail-1 is the absorption of pigment. The product should be used very carefully, applying strictly to the acrylic stain, leaving it on the surface for 5-7 minutes.
After removing the acrylic, the item must be washed and aired. Cost - 5120 rubles for a container of 20 liters.
Docker S4
Paint remover is gentle because it does not contain acids. Its main purpose is to soften acrylic that has already dried. Available in containers of 5 and 13 kg.
- Apply the gel remover to the entire surface of the acrylic stain.
- Leave for 5 minutes.
- Carefully remove the paint with a scraper or other tool with a flat surface, such as a spatula.
- Wash off with soapy water.
- Wash in washing machine or by hand.
Advantages of Docker S4:
- low price;
- economical consumption;
- non-toxic;
- no pungent odor;
- the ability to immerse the entire thing in the solution.
The disadvantage is that it is not very effective when compared with other means. Price - about 1900 rubles per 5 kg, manufacturer - Germany.
How to clean different types of fabrics?
In order not to spoil the item in the process of removing stains, you need to pay attention to the composition of the fabric. This information can be found on the product label.
In most cases, dense fabrics are easier to clean than thin ones:
- Cotton. For cleaning, you can use almost any of the above recipes, after first testing the effect of the composition on an inconspicuous area.
- Wool. To clean woolen products, it is recommended to use an aqueous solution of laundry soap.
- Synthetics. You can wash acrylic from synthetics (artificial silk, nylon, nylon) according to recipes containing alcohol. Gasoline can be used on warm jackets and parkas.
- Denim. Acrylic paint is not easy to remove from the dense textured surface of denim. Due to the specifics of the material, homemade recipes often show their ineffectiveness. In this case, you will have to use professional drugs that are more aggressive in their effects.
9 recommendations to help
Dealing with stained clothing using acrylic paint A few simple but very important tips will help:
The easiest way to clean clothes is with fresh paint.
- When using folk recipes or chemicals, it is advisable to test the cleaning composition on an inconspicuous area of the material.
- When removing a stain, it is necessary to avoid actions that could lead to “driving” of paint into the structure of the material.
- When washing off a stain, do not expose the stain to heat, including using hot water. This approach can start the process of paint curling, making it very difficult to remove.
- Work on removing paint stains from clothing must be carried out in a well-ventilated area, wearing rubber gloves. And when working with aggressive solvents, you need to use a respirator and safety glasses.
- In order to eliminate the specific odor of solvents used to clean clothes, it is recommended to use fabric softener during rinsing during the final wash.
- When removing the top layer of paint from clothing using improvised objects, it is not advisable to use sharp ones (knife, blade or scissors), as they can damage the material itself.
- In cases where the clothes are all stained with paint, it will not be possible to bring them into perfect condition; it is better to part with them.
- After using solvents and washing, clothes should be well ventilated to remove the chemical smell.
Polyacrylates, the base of acrylic paint, are water-soluble compounds that are fairly easy to remove if the stain is detected immediately. But even after time, it is possible to completely clean soiled clothes if you use home recipes or professional removers.