One hundred percent methods and methods on how to remove paint from a bench from clothes
Workers painting benches in cities do not always warn citizens not to sit on them. The consequence of such carelessness is paint stains from the painted bench on clothes.
You can wash them with various improvised and special means. But first you need to find out what kind of paint the item was damaged by.
In the article we will tell you how to remove paint from clothes from a painted bench (bench) at home.
Dyes used to paint benches and the nuances of their removal
Street benches are mainly treated with oil paint. This substance is durable. Oil paint leaves corrosive marks on clothes. They may be greasy if greasy paint was used when painting.
When removing such dyes from things, it is necessary to take into account the following features:
Oil paints can only be cleaned with strong solvents. Home remedies like baking soda, vinegar, and salt are less effective against such stains.
- Oil paint marks They are better removed if they are fresh. Old stains cannot be treated even with strong solvents.
It is recommended to wash oil paint from the item in the first hours after the stain appears.
Cleaning products
Traces of paint on things from benches can be removed by the following means:
- petrol;
- alcohol;
- acetone;
- a mixture of salt and vinegar;
- turpentine;
- window cleaner;
- margarine;
- special solvents.
Each product has different effectiveness and is selected taking into account the complexity of the contamination.
How to clean with gasoline?
The mixture is a good solvent. Gasoline dissolves fresh and dried paint quite well. In this case, the compound can have an aggressive effect on thin tissues.
Gasoline should only be used when removing paint from clothing made from thick fabrics.
It is recommended to choose only refined gasoline. Use a cotton pad soaked in it to wipe the stain. Then the contamination is additionally treated with ammonia. After the procedure, the item should be washed by hand several times.
How else can you wash a paint-stained item? Ethanol dissolves greasy paint well. To remove stains from clothing, it is better to use purified rubbing alcohol. This product is most suitable for removing stains on bolognese jackets and polyester items.
After treatment, you need to rinse the item with clean water. It is better to wipe off dirt from the edges to the center.
How to remove with acetone?
The product acts as a strong solvent for dyes. Acetone cleans clothes best from fresh dirt.
The substance interacts well with ethanol, due to which the properties of the solvent are enhanced.
To clean things, it is recommended to take a cotton pad and soak it in acetone.. You can also additionally moisten the disc with technical ethanol and carefully wipe the mark. After treatment, you need to wash the item with clean water.
Salt and vinegar mixture
Both substances in combination with each other act as good solvents. Salt absorbs dirt, and vinegar dissolves it. This product is suitable for removing only fresh stains. The mixture will not be able to cope with old stains.
The product is made according to the following scheme:
- A large spoonful of salt is mixed with a teaspoon of vinegar.
- The components are mixed until mushy.
- The gruel is applied to the stain.
- After 15 minutes it is rubbed down with a stiff brush.
- Clothes are washed with running water.
How to erase with turpentine?
The mixture is one of the best solvents. Turpentine works best for removing fresh stains. Can be used to cleanse old stains.
Fresh stains can be removed with turpentine as follows:
- The napkin is moistened in the mixture.
- Apply to the contaminated area.
- Stay on it for 15 minutes.
- Removed from the contaminated area. After this, the clothes are treated with rags.
- The trace of turpentine is removed from the item with dish soap.
Old paint stains are washed off clothes with a mixture of one large spoon of turpentine and a small spoon of ammonia. The composition is applied to the stain and left there for 15 minutes.
After this, the dirt is cleaned with a soda-based solution (a large spoon in a glass of water). The thing is further stretched.
Window cleaning liquid
Such products contain isopropyl alcohol. It acts as a good solvent for dyes. The compound is toxic. It is recommended to wear a mask when working with it.
When cleaning things with window cleaner, you must first moisten the stain with a spray bottle.. It is recommended to wait about 5 minutes. After this, you need to thoroughly wipe off the dirt with a brush. The treated item must be washed.
How to remove with margarine?
This product can only be used to clean fresh stains.. Margarine is not effective against old stains.
The product can be used to remove dyes because it contains vegetable oils.
It is recommended to use margarine in combination with strong solvents. The product must be rubbed into the stain to soften the fabric.
After this, you need to wipe the stain with turpentine, and then wash the entire item. As an alternative to margarine, you can use butter.
White Spirit
What else can you use to remove paint from clothes? White spirit is suitable for removing stains from dyes on clothes. The specified gasoline solvent is the best cleaning agent clothes from the paint from the bench.
When working with white spirit, you must wear gloves and ventilate the room itself. The product should be kept away from sources of fire.
Recommendations and prohibitions
When working with solvents, you must follow the advice and observe the prohibitions:
When processing an item, do not rub the product into it too much;
- When cleaning, do not rub the stain from its center to the edges;
- do not wash the item after cleaning with a solvent in too hot water;
- Before using a solvent, test its effect on an inconspicuous area of the item.
Old stains should be soaked in alcohol before cleaning. Fabric with dried stains You can also soften it with butter.
Video on the topic
Video tips on removing paint from clothes:
Since oil paint is used when painting benches, it is recommended to use solvents to get rid of it if it gets on clothes.
White spirit works best for this task.. Also effective: acetone, turpentine, alcohol and gasoline. It is important to take precautions when using solvents.