Little tricks on how to remove lipstick stains
Lipstick is one of the popular and often used decorative cosmetics by women.
Most of them leave marks upon contact with various objects. Clothing and even furniture can be damaged.
Special and home remedies will help you remove stains. Read on to learn how to remove lipstick stains.
Folk recipes
Using improvised means will help out when you need to act quickly, and there is simply no time to go to a household chemicals store or order from an online store. The drugs that can be found in the kitchen and bathroom will be used.
Hydrogen peroxide
You can use pharmacy hydrogen peroxide as a stain remover. It can be used pure or diluted in half with water.
- Apply the solution first to a cotton sponge or cotton-gauze swab.
- Squeeze out excess liquid.
- Using blotting and lightly rubbing movements, treat the affected area of the material.
- Repeat until the mark disappears completely.
- Wash the entire thing.
Peroxide can lead to discoloration of the material, so it is advisable to use it with caution on bright-colored clothing.
Citric acid
The use of this method can only be recommended for treating a fresh stain. Citric acid may not cope with old stains.
Application procedure:
- dilute 1 tsp. acids with water so that a paste forms;
- apply the product to the stain without rubbing;
- leave for an hour;
- remove any remaining product with a sponge or napkin;
- wash the entire item.
Laundry soap
The soap contains alkali, which quite effectively copes with various stains, including traces left by lipstick.
- Moisten the area of tissue that is affected.
- Rub the stain with laundry soap.
- Leave the item to lie with the soaped area for a quarter of an hour to half an hour.
- Wash the item.
Kitchen soda
In order to eliminate bright lipstick marks, you can use the combined effect of baking soda and laundry soap.
Processing order:
moisten the area with the stain;
- lather the stain with soap;
- pour soda on top of the mark;
- as the soda absorbs the lipstick pigment, the powder must be replaced with a new one;
- repeat the process until the stain is completely removed;
- rinse the item to remove any remaining detergent;
- wash.
For removing lipstick marks from light-colored materials You can use toothpaste:
- Turn the soiled item inside out.
- Place the neck of a glass jar under the stain.
- Apply the paste from the tube directly to the fabric from the inside out.
- Using an old toothbrush, rub in the product.
- Leave to act for half an hour.
- Wipe the product off the fabric.
- Wash the stain with soap.
- Wash the item entirely.
Dishwashing gel
Dish detergents can be used as stain removers. A small amount of gel is applied to the moistened area of the fabric without intense pressure, in a circular motion so as to cover the area with the mark.
Leave the item in this form for 10-15 minutes, after which the product along with the dirt is removed with a napkin or sponge. If the result is not achieved, the process is repeated. Finally, you will need to wash it.
Refined gasoline
Refined gasoline helps to cope with a large list of contaminants. In order to remove lipstick from fabric, apply a small amount of the product to a napkin and treat the stain. After this, leave the item for 10 or 15 minutes to act. After a quarter of an hour, the stain is wiped off and the product is washed.
Methods for removing lipstick from fabric - in the video:
How to remove with special means?
Lipstick stains on clothes are quite complex stains. In order to remove such a stain, you can use stain removers.
Dr.Beckmann for herbs, makeup
Product made in Germany by Dr. Beckmann copes well with removing marks from lipstick, other makeup products, perfumes, pollen and grass.
Can be used on colored and white fabrics, including those that cannot be washed. The product contains components that are highly active against highly pigmented spots.
Application for washable items:
- saturate the fabric in the area with the stain with stain remover;
- set the product aside for 10-15 minutes;
- swab the affected area with a napkin soaked in water;
- wash.
If the product cannot be washed, then processing is reduced to the following steps:
- Applying stain remover.
- Leave on fabric for a quarter of an hour (or 30 minutes for difficult stains).
- Tamponing with a wet cloth.
The price for a 50 ml package is about 200 rubles.
Udalix Ultra
The stain remover comes in pencil form.. This allows for local treatment of contaminants quickly and highly efficiently. The product can be used to clean fabrics of any color.
Application is very economical and simple, since the drug is applied directly to the problem area of the product for a quarter of an hour. Storage is as convenient and compact as possible.
A pencil is enough to remove about 500 stains measuring 20 x 30 mm. Price – about 60 rubles.
Vanish Oxi Action for colored items
Vanish stain remover comes in powder and liquid form.. The product contains active oxygen, which allows you to remove difficult stains even from delicate fabrics, as well as from wool and silk.
Vanish can be used as a wash enhancer, for soaking and for pre-treatment of stains. The lipstick mark needs pre-treatment. To do this, a small amount of the product (about 20 ml) is applied to the stained area with rubbing movements.
The price of the bottle is about 350 rubles.
Features of removing marks taking into account the color of the material
There are several factors to consider when removing lipstick stains. These include the type and color of the fabric.It is also important to pay attention to the durability of the dye and the care instructions on the label.
You can remove traces of lipstick from white items using almost any method from your arsenal of home remedies and household chemicals. Recipes based on citric acid, alcohol, peroxide will be effective. etc.
From purchased products, you can choose a suitable stain remover, preferably one that is marked “for white fabrics,” but a universal one will do.
As a last resort, they need to be tested in advance in an inconspicuous area. Hydrogen peroxide, for example, falls into this category. Among household chemicals, it is possible to use only those intended for colored laundry or universal ones.
Removing stains from things that are not permanently stained, fade heavily and dry out, leaving streaks and drips, is difficult with any means. To tidy up very high-maintenance materials, it is recommended to seek help from a dry cleaner.
The nuances of cleaning different types of fabrics
In rushing to quickly remove a stain from a thing, there is a danger of making it worse by damaging the material itself. To prevent this from happening, the composition of the fabric must be taken into account.
You can remove stains from cotton using various means.. Store-bought stain removers and “quick-response” products - improvised preparations - will do the job well. You can use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, citric acid, and soap.
Despite the fact that jeans are made of cotton, you should be careful when choosing cleaning products.When using stain removers from the store, you should choose those that are designed for treating colored fabrics. One of the best home recipes is the method of scrubbing stains with purified gasoline.
Natural wool and silk
Natural wool and silk materials are very sensitive to the components of detergents and household preparations. The use of purchased stain removers is only permissible if this is indicated on the packaging.
For delicate fabrics, only gentle care is suitable.. Purchased stain removers, if they are not marked for use on such materials, cannot be used. You can try cleaning with a paste of water and soda. In this case, the processing should take place in a gentle mode, without intense friction.
Thick, jersey
With fairly thick fabrics, you can try to remove traces of lipstick with soap. If the stain is old, it is better to use gasoline. It is also possible to use store-bought stain removers.
How to remove dirt from furniture?
If cabinet furniture has been damaged by lipstick, the marks are wiped off with a napkin, and the surface is polished with a polish, for example, Pronto.
In a situation where the upholstery of upholstered furniture has been damaged, you can use both traditional methods and purchased household chemicals for cleaning. Special shampoos give the best results and other products that produce abundant foam.
If the upholstery of expensive furniture has been damaged, or the stained area is very large, it will be extremely difficult to remove all marks without a trace.In cases where you cannot cope on your own, it is recommended to seek help from a dry cleaner.
6 recommendations to help
For more efficient processing It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals:
- It is necessary to wipe the stain from the fabric with gentle, short movements. Otherwise, the pigment can only be spread over an even larger area.
- The stained item must be treated immediately, without leaving the problem with the stain for later. Over time, the dirt will be more absorbed into the fibers and become fixed. Eliminating it will become much more difficult.
- You should not put the item in the washing machine without pre-treating the mark. The likelihood that a stain will be removed on a regular cycle using standard washing powder is not great. But the risk of the stain becoming permanent increases. There is also a chance of dirtying other things in the drum.
- The use of strong solvents that are not intended for processing fabric can lead to damage to the material - eating away the pigment, forming holes, etc.
- It is recommended to carry out work wearing rubber gloves to protect your hands from exposure to chemicals, including when treating stains using home recipes.
- Once the stain is removed, the product must be washed. It is advisable not to wash only the area where the stain was, but to wash the entire item completely. This will avoid divorces.
Removing lipstick stains is a task that you can handle even without dry cleaning. The main thing is to evaluate the type of material, the color of the product and the extent of the stain. In some cases, contamination can be dealt with using home remedies., in others - household chemicals.