Secrets of Moidodyr, how to remove fuel oil stains with a guarantee

foto31981-1Fuel oil is an oil refining product that has high adhesion to any surface.

Clothes and shoes stained in this thick dark substance are very difficult to clean. To remove fuel oil, you can use home recipes or special chemicals.

We will tell you further about how and with what you can remove fuel oil stains from clothes and shoes.

How to remove fresh?

foto31981-2Oil stains are among the most difficult to remove. It's easiest to remove a mark while it's fresh.

For initial processing you will need:

  • laundry soap;
  • water;
  • brush;
  • napkins.

Work order:

  1. Blot the fuel oil stain with a napkin or paper towel, trying to collect as much of the dark substance as possible. It is important to prevent it from being absorbed into the material.
  2. Moisten the affected area with water.
  3. Lather the brush with soap.
  4. Clean from the edges of the dirt towards the center. Rinse the brush in water as often as possible, lather it again, and continue cleaning.
  5. Wash the mark with clean water.

Only after all the dirt has been washed away can the item be washed by hand or in the washing machine.

How to remove using folk remedies?

It is no longer possible to wipe off a dried fuel oil stain with soap and water. Working with old stains takes longer and is more difficult, and the result is not guaranteed.


Ammonia purchased at a pharmacy is suitable for treating stains and splashes from fuel oil. A sponge soaked in ammonia is applied to the stain and left to act for 60 minutes. After this, the item is washed.

Tar soap

Tar soap can be purchased in the household chemicals department. It is produced using birch tar. For processing you will need a brush. It is moistened in water and soaped. As the stain is treated, the brush is washed from time to time and soaped again.

Caustic soda

foto31981-3Caustic soda is a technical product based on alkali. It is used in everyday life to clean various surfaces from difficult stains.

This product is also suitable for fuel oil, but only if thick workwear and not delicate fabrics are treated.

Application procedure for fresh traces fuel oil:

  • cover the stain with baking soda;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • brush off the powder;
  • wash the product.

Application procedure for removing old dirt:

  1. Prepare a solution in a basin - for every liter of water - a couple of tablespoons of caustic soda.
  2. Soak the soiled item in the prepared solution.
  3. Leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Rinse.
  5. Wash.

Refined gasoline

Refined gasoline can be used as a solvent. Moisten a napkin in the prepared product and moisten the area with the stain. After exposure, when the fuel oil begins to separate, use a brush to clean from the edges of the contamination to the center.


Turpentine, which is used as a solvent for oil paints, will also help with oil stains.

To increase efficiency, it is better to mix this substance in equal parts with ammonia and use it sparingly, only on the contaminated area.

Application of special compounds

To remove stains left by fuel oil, only serious, targeted stain removers capable of dissolving petroleum products should be used.

Dr.Beckmann Lubricant and bitumen

Concentrated stain remover Available in small 50 ml containers. The drug is suitable for removing stubborn stains left by:

  • machine oil,
  • lubricant,
  • bitumen.

The product has been tested by dermatologists and can be used to tidy up not only adult, but also children's clothing. The stain remover is suitable for white and colored fabrics. The drug is applied to the stained area and left until the stain dissolves and its particles separate. After this, the item is cleaned and washed.

The price at points of sale is mainly up to 200 rubles.


Duty oil

The product is intended to remove stains from lubricants and various technical fluids, including fuel oil. At its core This is a low-foaming, alkali-based detergent. with a disinfecting effect. A product for removing technical oils is produced in the Russian Federation. Price for 5 liters – from 1000 rubles.


Pro-Brite Axel-6 Oil & Grease Remover

The product in spray form is intended to remove marks from industrial oils from textiles and hard surfaces. It is convenient to spray the stain remover onto the area with the stain and treat it with a brush or napkin. The product can also be used for greasy stains of plant and animal origin. The average price is up to 350 rubles.


How to wash colored clothes?

Oil marks may leave streaks even after the stain has been removed. Products that have a brightening effect help remove such complex stains from white items.

If the composition of the tissue allows, even aggressive drugs can be used. In this case, it is better to carry out subsequent washing with powder intended for washing white clothes, supplementing it with a powder enhancer.

You need to be careful with colored things. In addition to effectively removing the dirt itself, aggressive agents can damage bright colors.

To avoid such a nuisance, it is better to test the selected product on an inconspicuous area. And only after making sure that it is safe, proceed to treating the stains. If the dye is not permanent, it is better to take the item to the dry cleaner for professional treatment.

Features of removing traces from different materials

The type of fabric from which the clothes are made largely influences the rules for caring for the product., including methods of action for removing stains. When working with fuel oil, special work clothing is recommended. Dense fabrics used for overalls withstand solvents, even aggressive ones.

Difficulties in removing fuel oil from clothes arise when everyday clothes are soiled. Basic information about how to care for an item can be found by examining the label.


foto31981-7Most often, jeans suffer from fuel oil and other petrochemical products. To clean these trousers you can use store-bought stain removers and home remedies.

One of the main requirements is that the selected drug should not discolor the color. Therefore, products with chlorine and bleaches are immediately prohibited.

It is advisable to immediately wash denim trousers that have just been soiled using soap or dish gel.

Can also be used:

  • refined gasoline;
  • auto cosmetics;
  • solvents, etc.


Products that dissolve technical fats will help remove traces of fuel oil from bologna. It could even be regular dishwashing detergent or solvents. After treatment, the jacket will need to be washed, otherwise smudges and stains will remain on its surface.

Wool, silk, synthetics

If clothing made of wool, silk or synthetics has been damaged by fuel oil, Solvents should not be used. Harsh chemicals can seriously damage fabric.

Preparations containing alcohol or ammonia will help to overcome stains on products made from such fabric. You can also use stain removers that are gentle on fabric fibers and are guaranteed not to spoil the item.


Fuel oil can be removed from work clothes in almost any way. Even regular laundry detergents can be effective if you rub the dirt with a brush and leave it to act on the applied product.

But also in relation to such durable clothes Directional stain removers will give a much greater effect. Before using a new stain remover, it is best to test its effect on an inconspicuous area.

How to clean it from shoes?

To remove fuel oil stains from shoes, you need to analyze what material the pair is made of. Just as with clothing, you need to act without delay.


Textile sneakers remove stains using the same principle as clothing.. Taking into account the type of upper fabric, a suitable stain remover is selected. After the stains are removed, the sneakers are washed.


Shoes and clothes made of suede that have been damaged by fuel oil are difficult to clean due to the capriciousness of the material. Such products cannot be washed.

foto31981-8You can use the following approach to remove fresh stains:

  1. Sprinkle starch or talcum powder directly onto the stain.
  2. Leave the item for a few minutes so that the dirt is partially absorbed into the powder.
  3. Shake off the powder.
  4. Clean the suede with a special brush.
  5. Apply a special suede care product.


It is advisable to remove any dirt that gets on your shoes as quickly as possible. Talc or chalk will help to collect the bulk of the fuel oil. The powder is poured onto the stain and rubbed in effortlessly using a brush. It is better to leave the couple in this form for a day. After a day, the chalk is shaken off, and the surface of the skin is wiped with a sponge soaked in glycerin.

6 recommendations

To successfully treat items stained with fuel oil, The following expert advice should be taken into account:

  1. Work with solvents should be carried out with rubber gloves and good ventilation.
  2. Before using aggressive drugs, their effect must be tested in advance on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material.
  3. You should not use several stain removers at the same time, since when combined, they can give an unpredictable reaction, including damage to the item and the formation of toxic fumes.
  4. Store-bought stain removers must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  5. The item can be sent for general washing only when the contamination has been completely removed.
  6. Any stain remover should not be left on fabric without rinsing off.

Video on the topic of the article

This video will show you how to remove oil stains:


Remove fuel oil stains from clothes - The task is difficult, but it can be accomplished even at home. To increase the chances of high-quality cleaning without leaving a trace, you should tackle the stain as soon as the stain appears. In difficult cases, you can turn to specialists for help - take the item to dry cleaning.


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