Gentle methods and radical methods on how to remove creases from leather and leatherette items
Creases form not only on shoes. They can appear anywhere, even on a leather skirt or bag.
A thing with such a defect looks untidy, but there is no need to rush to get rid of it.
Read the article about how to remove deep and shallow creases from various products, as well as how to prevent their occurrence.
How to eliminate a defect from a leather product?
Leather items are more susceptible to creases. It is better to start eliminating them at a stage when the defects are shallow. Although there are ways to get rid of even serious dents.
Leather is a durable material, but shallow creases appear on it very quickly. You can deal with them in the following way:
All existing contaminants are removed from the surface of the product.
- Lubricate it generously with rich cream. If these are shoes, then a specialized composition is used. When processing a bag or skirt, you can resort to using regular hand cream, the main thing is that it is colorless, free of foreign inclusions and has sufficient fat content.
- Provide tension to the product so that the skin at the fracture site becomes smooth. Shoes and a bag can be stuffed with paper, the skirt can be stretched on an ironing board or on another item that fits the size.
- Leave the item in this position for another 2 days.
- As it is absorbed, the cream is renewed.
- When the creases are smoothed out, wipe the item with a soft cloth to remove any remaining product. If necessary, use wax.
Thanks to this procedure, the creases will straighten out. However, it helps only for a while, so it will have to be repeated. During the recovery period, which takes at least 2 days, the item is not worn.
Dealing with deep creases is more difficult, as the damage is more serious. However, you need to try to revive the thing.
There are several ways to do this:
- Clean the surface of the product.
- Achieve maximum tension on the crease. If possible, the fold should be pushed out completely.
- Soak a napkin in plain water, wring it out and apply it to the damaged areas.
- Leave the fabric on the skin to saturate it with moisture. The minimum exposure time is 30 minutes. This is enough to make the material softer and more elastic.
- Includes iron with steam function. When it warms up, it is carefully passed over the areas that need treatment. You can steam the skin only through a napkin, so as not to burn the material.
- After processing, the product is dried under natural conditions. Do not place it near heating devices or in direct sunlight.
- When excess moisture has evaporated, the item is soaked in cream or rubbed with wax.
The thermal method is not the only one in the fight against creases. You can get rid of them mechanically.
The procedure is as follows:
using fine-grained sandpaper, go over the creases - the movements should be light, without applying force, 3-5 grouts are enough;
- the treated areas are degreased with alcohol, you can use acetone, but only if the skin is light;
- apply a few drops of liquid leather to the surface, matching the tone of the main product, it can be purchased in shoe stores or ordered online, the average cost of a bottle is 80-100 rubles;
- wait until the composition sets, after which a thick cream is applied;
- when the product absorbs it, the surface is polished with a soft cloth.
Features of removal from jackets, shoes, bags
Depending on what product the creases have formed on, the ways to deal with them differ:
- Shoes. Before processing, it is subjected to high-quality cleaning, since street dust and dirt accumulate on its surface. The most convenient way to stretch a pair is with wooden blocks. If you don't have them, you can use crumpled newspapers. For impregnation, use shoe polish of a suitable color.
- Skirt. If the creases on it are minor, you can do without using an iron. Simply hang the skirt on hangers, spray with warm water from a spray bottle and leave overnight. In the morning, the creases should straighten out. For greater effect, use weights.
- Bag. A product made of genuine leather lends itself well to straightening with oily compounds. Vaseline is an inexpensive and effective remedy. It is colorless, so it can be used on any bag.
This video will show you how to remove creases from shoes:
How to restore leatherette?
Creases on leatherette appear even faster than on natural material. You should not hesitate to correct them, as they quickly turn into cracks. To deal with the problem, proceed as follows:
- remove dust and dirt from the surface;
- Heat the wax in a water bath;
- fill folds with it;
- wait until the wax hardens, remove its excess;
- apply a thick cream to the product;
- After an hour, polish the treated surface.
To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to use a damp cloth. You need to keep the iron at some distance from the item.
How to remove from nubuck?
Nubuck is very soft, which is why it is prone to creases. To process it, you can use substances that are intended specifically for this material. If creases appear, it will not be possible to completely get rid of them, but it is quite possible to reduce their size.
The procedure is as follows:
Clean the product.
- Filler is placed inside to stretch the item and straighten out the dent.
- Pass the surface of the product several times with sandpaper. Touches should be subtle so as not to erase the material to the base.
- Cover the treated area with a damp cloth, turn on the hairdryer and heat the nubuck through the cloth. The distance must be at least 10 cm.
- The product is dried naturally.
- They go over the surface with a special rubber brush designed for caring for nubuck.
If creases have just begun to form, you can do without sandpaper by working them with a brush on the nubuck. Abrasive is used only to combat deep dents.
How to prevent education?
To prevent creases from forming on leather products, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Store things correctly. The skirt is hung in the closet with clips, the shoes are stored in a box. Fabric bags are used for bags.
- To prevent new defects from appearing during storage, use filler for shoes and bags.
- Items must be selected according to size. Products that are too small will dangle and bend in the wrong place, while large ones, on the contrary, will overstretch.
- Shoes are worn only in accordance with the season. You should not walk in suede shoes in puddles, and in thin leather sneakers in the snow.
- Products made of leather, leatherette and nubuck require special care. To maintain their attractiveness, special creams are used.
- To dry products, do not use devices that are a source of heat, for example, a hair dryer or a radiator. The moisture should evaporate naturally.
- When putting on shoes, you don’t need to be lazy about unlacing or unfastening them. This will avoid creases on the back.
Helpful information
Tips to help you cope with creases and do not damage the item:
You cannot use aggressive substances to process the product - it is better to degrease the surface with an alcohol-containing liquid;
- if the item is made from natural materials, for example, leather or nubuck, special compounds are purchased for them;
- if the product is branded, then it is better to entrust its care to a specialist;
- Before going outside in wet weather, shoes must be treated with water-repellent agents;
- If after treatment areas of the skin have darkened, they are wiped with orange peel - the oils contained in it will give the item its original shine.
Creases are not a death sentence. You can get rid of them at home. To begin with, it is better to try gentle methods; if they do not help, move on to radical methods of influence, using an abrasive.