Effective ways to remove the smell of onions after eating, as well as from the body, dishes, and the room
Onions are a popular product that is used to prepare various dishes and is also consumed fresh by people.
Despite the taste and benefits, the vegetable has a significant drawback in the form of a pungent odor. It will come from the mouth, from the skin of the hands, from the hair and dishes.
Read the article about how to freshen your breath and remove the smell of onions from different surfaces.
How to remove it from your mouth?
After eating fresh onions, a characteristic odor will emanate from your mouth. You can freshen your breath in the following ways:
Brush your teeth. Mint paste covers up the onion smell well, but to completely get rid of it you need to pay attention not only to the interdental spaces, but also to the gums and tongue.
- Rinse your mouth with an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. The product should not be swallowed.
- Chew a slice of citrus fruit, for example, lemon or orange. After such aromatization of the oral cavity, not a trace will remain of the smell.
- Rinse your mouth with laurel infusion. Pour hot water over two sheets, cover with a lid and let sit for an hour. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product 2-3 times.
- Eat some roasted nuts. Almonds or peanuts will do. To kill the onion aroma, it is enough to use them in the amount of 5 pieces.
- Chew sorrel leaves. Due to the presence of acid in them, they effectively neutralize any odors. Before eating the leaves, they need to be washed.Sorrel juice, which is diluted with water in equal proportions, has a good effect. It can be consumed in its pure form or simply rinsed with it in the mouth.
- Drink a cup of natural coffee. This delicious drink has a distinct aroma that can cover up the onion smell.
This video will show you how to remove onion smell from your mouth:
How to remove it from hair?
Many women use fresh onions as a means to enhance hair growth. Such masks are highly effective, but after them a characteristic aroma will emanate from the head for a long time. It cannot be washed off with eau de toilette and washed off with regular shampoo. More radical measures will be required.
You can get rid of the intrusive aroma using an acetic acid-based mouthwash. Mode of application:
- wash your hair with shampoo;
- dilute 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 liter of warm water;
- rinse your hair with it after completing all procedures.
If your scalp is dry and prone to flaking, this recipe is not recommended.
To combat odor, use masks with honey and yolk.
Cooking method:
- Two raw yolks need to be separated from the whites.
- Add to them a tablespoon of honey and 5 drops of lavender or tangerine essential oil.
- The finished mixture is applied to the hair and left for an hour.
- Wash off the mixture with shampoo.
- To enhance the effect, you can rinse your hair with water and lemon juice.
- Repeat the procedure after 3 days.
If your hair is very dry, then you can add 2 tablespoons of full-fat sour cream or natural mayonnaise to the yolks.
You can cope with the obsessive aroma using colorless henna.
Mode of application:
- for 1 tablespoon of henna you will need a teaspoon of dry mustard and 2-4 tablespoons of kefir - the consistency of the composition should resemble store-bought sour cream;
- to flavor the mixture, add 5 drops of rosemary or tea tree essential oil;
- apply the mask to the scalp and distribute through the hair;
- leave for half an hour, rinse with clean water.
How to remove onion smell from hair, video tips:
How to wash it off the skin?
It is impossible to wash off the onion smell from the skin of your hands with plain water. If it gets absorbed into the pores, The following recipe comes to the rescue:
- Liquid soap or body gel is mixed with salt or coffee grounds.
- Without waiting for the salt to dissolve, the mixture is intensively rubbed into the skin of the hands, palms and fingertips.
- For convenience, you can use a soft brush.
- After completing the procedure, rinse your hands with cool water.
This method will not only remove foreign odors from the skin, but will also make it soft and tender. Salt or coffee can be replaced with sugar, soda and even toothpaste.
Other ways to solve the problem:
Lemon neutralizes the smell of onions well. A small slice is cut from the fruit and rubbed with your fingers. Then you need to rinse your hands and repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.
- If there is no lemon in the house, then you can use raw potatoes. The vegetable is peeled, cut into slices and rubbed on hands, which are first washed with soap.
- Mint has a distinct aroma that will overpower the smell of onions.It is enough to grind a few leaves so that they release juice.
If you rinse your hands with cold water before cutting the vegetable, the pores will narrow and will not absorb much onion juice.
How to get rid of aroma in an apartment?
To get rid of the onion aroma in your apartment, you first need to eliminate its source. If the cut onion remains in the public domain, then all measures taken will be useless.
The following tips will help you quickly solve the problem:
- use flavored water, adding orange or fir essential oil to it - pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray it throughout the apartment;
- Take water into a saucepan, add a few slices of lemon and 5 drops of cedar oil - this mixture must be boiled for at least 15 minutes, during which time aromatic vapors will fill the room and displace the onion smell;
- In a saucepan or small enamel cup, boil water with 10 clove inflorescences and 5 mint leaves - these aromatic plants will quickly eliminate all foreign odors in the apartment.
How to remove from kitchen appliances?
The odor is absorbed most strongly by wooden and plastic surfaces, from which cutting boards are most often made, so it is recommended to use glass utensils when cutting onions.
If it does get absorbed into kitchen utensils, it is output in the following ways:
Dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water. Boards, knives or other utensils that need to be processed are soaked in the solution. After an hour, the liquid is drained and the dishes are washed.
- Dilute 50 ml of table vinegar in 1 liter of water, moisten a sponge in this solution and wash the dishes. After 10 minutes, the devices are rinsed with clean water.
- Lemon acid. It is dissolved in water and used as a dishwashing detergent.
- Mustard powder. They are sprinkled on all surfaces that need treatment. After 5 minutes, the devices are washed as usual. Mustard will not only eliminate odor, but also degrease surfaces.
- Soda. You need to use it to clean utensils that smell like onions.
If the smell is absorbed into the walls of the pan, then fill it with water, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and bring to a boil. When it cools down, it is drained and the dishes are rinsed.
This video will show you how to remove the smell of onions from a cutting board:
Helpful information
Tips to help prevent and eliminate onion odor:
- It is recommended to wear gloves when working with a bow. They will not allow its smell to be absorbed into the skin of the hands;
- the knife can be lubricated with vegetable oil, which will protect it from odor;
- During a feast, dishes with fresh onions should be tasted first - this is done so that subsequent products can cover up their smell;
- to remove the pungent aroma from a vegetable, you can pour boiling water over it, or marinate it for 15 minutes in a weak vinegar solution;
- a cut but unused onion should be wrapped in cling film or placed in a container so that its aroma does not fill the entire room.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.
The onion smell cannot be called pleasant. For lovers of this vegetable, it is better to eat it in the evening. In other cases, you will have to resort to additional means to neutralize the onion aroma.
For half a century I struggled with the smell of onions from the skin on my palm, as soon as I didn’t peel it, the salt immediately removed it