Useful tips on how to quickly remove unpleasant odors in an apartment or private house
An unpleasant smell in the apartment is the first thing you notice when you open the door. A repulsive aroma immediately spoils the entire impression of the room, and can even cause a deterioration in well-being.
To prevent this from happening, the problem must be solved using a suitable option. This could be a folk recipe, a special product purchased in a store, or a household appliance.
We'll tell you more about how to quickly remove unpleasant odors in an apartment or private house in this article.
Priority actions
When faced with the problem of an unpleasant odor in an apartment, it is necessary to ventilate the room and determine the source of the irritating aroma. In most cases, it is easily identified - cigarette smoke, old age smell, chemicals, food aroma, etc.
But sometimes identifying the “culprit” is not easy. These may be the following factors:
- sewer pipes;
- garbage not taken out on time;
- ventilation system;
- wet floor rags;
- smell from cat litter, etc.
Priority actions:
- Find the source of the odor.
- Eliminate the source of the stench.
- Ventilate the room.
For each reason, you need to choose your own method of eliminating odor.
Folk remedies that remove bad odors
To eliminate indoor odors, you can use products that you already have at home.
To remove an unpleasant odor, you can use scented or regular candles. You will need several of them for each room. It is enough to place them in different parts of the room and set them on fire.
Orange zest
Citrus zest contains quite a lot of oils. When you are in the room, aromatic substances begin to evaporate, refreshing the air in the room. Heating the zest in a frying pan will help speed up the process.
Cosmetic soap with a pronounced aroma is a good option Perform aromatization of the room.
To do this, you need to take several bars of soap with the scent you like, and cut each one into cubes. The pieces just need to be laid out in the room. They can be placed both on open shelves and in cabinets, bedside tables, etc.
An additional bonus is that laundry stored in a closet near scented soap will acquire a light, pleasant aroma.
Natural ground or coffee beans - good flavoring. It is poured into several containers and placed at different ends of the room. After a few days, the coffee is replaced with a new one.
Soda and activated carbon
The principle of operation of coal and soda is based on the ability of these substances to absorb odors. To treat the room, you need to take several packages of activated carbon and a pack of soda. The coal should be crushed to form a powder.
Baking soda and charcoal can be used separately or mixed. The mixture is scattered into bowls or small fabric sachets and laid out around the room.
Essential oils
Essential oils have a very strong and lasting aroma. Usually coniferous or citrus fruits are chosen.
To scent a room they can be used in several ways:
- Pour water into a spray bottle and add a few drops of oil. Shake the container vigorously and spray the liquid into a room with a bad odor.
- Apply a few drops of oil to a wet handkerchief and place it on the radiator.
- Use an aroma lamp.
Special preparations
To neutralize odors and aromatize the room, special household chemicals are used. They come in convenient packaging and are mostly effective.
SmellOff Universal
The spray is suitable for eliminating a wide range of odors, acting equally effectively on any surface.
SmellOff copes with odor:
- tobacco,
- urine,
- sweat,
- missing products and others.
Can be used to process:
- textiles,
- cabinet furniture,
- carpets, etc.
Price – about 700 rubles for 500 ml.
Odorgone Professional
Professional product is a universal preparation in the form of a concentrate that removes odors at the molecular level. Odorgone copes with aromas of any complexity:
- smells of rotting,
- dampness,
- cat marks,
- feces,
- gasoline, etc.
Price – from 800 rubles per 500 ml.
Helmetex neutralizer
The neutralizer does not mask, but directly:
- eliminates unpleasant odors at the molecular level,
- fights bacteria
- gives a fresh aroma.
It can be used to freshen textiles and hard surfaces. Dries quickly after application and does not require rinsing. Price – from 600 rubles per 400 ml.
Special household appliances can be used to clean the air and add freshness to the space. Such technical devices include:
- Ozonizer.
- Air purifier.
- Ionizer.
- Air conditioner.
- Fan.
An ozonizer is the most effective means of air purification. In just a few hours, such a device can deal with almost any indoor air pollutant.
When purifying air, a fan can only be used as a means of increasing air movement. If all windows and doors are closed, the air will not be purified.
Air conditioner
When choosing a device it makes sense give preference to one that has an air purification function. If the device is used without this option, its efficiency will be low. Additional functions make the price of the device higher.
Air purifiers
Air purifiers are presented in a wide range of products on the industrial goods market. They are divided into two groups, work on the principle of wet and dry filtration.
The quality of air purification depends on the design of the filter and its capabilities. The disadvantages of purifiers are relatively noisy operation and high cost of equipment.
The device allows you to disinfect the room and improve the situation with odors. By effect The ionizer copes with the cleaning task worse than filters, and worse than the ozonizer.
Features of removal depending on the situation
Depending on the specific situation, a method for eliminating unpleasant odors is determined.In most cases, the approach to solving a problem should be comprehensive.
Not only upholstered furniture, but also cabinet furniture can be a source of unpleasant odors. Most often, stale smell in kitchen cabinets is associated with the following factors:
- storage of spoiled products;
- high humidity due to wet dishes in a closed space;
- infrequent cleaning, etc.
The solution to the problem is general cleaning with mandatory treatment of all internal and external surfaces. This can be done using a solution of citric acid or vinegar. In the future, you can use citrus peels or natural coffee for flavoring.
He will tell you how to remove the smell of new furniture this article about eliminating unpleasant odors in the closet - this.
Eliminating odor from carpets is difficult due to the pile, which absorbs and retains any odors.
For cleaning, you can use a solution of ammonia or vinegar, as well as special shampoos.
If treatment at home does not help, Carpets can be cleaned. This will not only eliminate odors, but also refresh their color.
After renovation
After renovations, you may notice a smell in your apartment that remains from building mixtures. The easiest way to make the air clean is to ventilate the room. But this method will not give quick results.
Odor neutralizers will help improve the situation, as well as simple homemade recipes for aromatizing space. Almost any option can be used:
- lit candles,
- coffee,
- orange zest, etc.
Like any textile, curtains easily absorb various odors. The easiest way is to wash them. But in cases where this is impossible, it would be better to use special neutralizing agents that are approved for fabrics.
The smell of burning
If something was burning in the room, for example, food was burnt in a frying pan, the room should be ventilated. To eliminate the stench, you can use special products or clean and add natural flavors.
It is better to wash surfaces with an aqueous solution of vinegar or ammonia.. To speed up the process of removing the burning smell, roasting orange skins in a frying pan and placing bowls of soda, salt or coffee in the room will help.
Read about ways to eliminate the smell of burning in an apartment after a fire. Here, from a burnt pan - here, microwaves - Here.
Senile smell
Eliminating the smell of old people in a room is quite difficult. Even with good ventilation, it will not disappear on its own.
It is necessary to remove from the room those things that are not needed, and after that carry out general cleaning, including washing all surfaces with a vinegar solution, cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture.
In some cases, the best option is to carry out cosmetic repairs and replace wallpaper, which can also accumulate odors. Special household chemicals will also help in the fight against odors. Read more in this article.
The smell of dampness indicates that there is high humidity in the room. This may also indicate mold growth. Most often this happens in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, less often in living quarters.
Control of dampness may include placing indoors:
- containers with activated carbon;
- bowl with salt;
- coffee beans, etc.
In the future, you will have to strictly control that the room is not constantly damp - thoroughly wash and wipe the surfaces dry, organize high-quality ventilation.
Products used as sorbents and flavorings must be periodically replaced so that their effectiveness does not decrease.
From cooking
Kitchen smells aren't always pleasant. In addition, they tend to spread throughout all rooms.
To cope with the task, it is necessary to organize good ventilation in the kitchen. A hood installed above the stove significantly improves the situation.
You can also use purchased or homemade odor absorbers. To quickly eliminate the problem, an express method is suitable - roasting orange zest in a frying pan.
For preventive purposes You can use natural sorbents and flavorings:
- coffee,
- cinnamon sticks,
- soda,
- activated carbon, etc.
The smell of cigarette smoke is highly persistent. It quickly absorbs into its surroundings. Textiles are especially susceptible to this.
The following folk recipes are suitable for eliminating odor:
- use of citrus peels;
- burning a bay leaf in an ashtray;
- washing surfaces using ammonia;
- hanging wet terry towels in the room, etc.
You can find out how to remove the smell of cigarettes in an apartment here And Here.
cat litter
The smell of cat urine is pungent and unpleasant. It can be eliminated by washing out the marks using solutions based on peroxide, soda and citric acid or using special preparations that can be purchased at a pet store.
He will tell you more about eliminating cat odor in an apartment. this article.
Make it easier to deal with unpleasant odors The following recommendations will help:
In difficult cases, when you cannot cope with an unpleasant persistent odor on your own, you can use an innovative approach - dry fog. This is an expensive but very effective procedure, which is carried out using special equipment.
- Regular cleaning will help keep the room fresh.
- Without eliminating the source of the unpleasant odor, no aromatization or stink neutralization methods will have much effect.
- Dirty or wet clothes and shoes should never be stored in a closet.
- The more often the room is cleaned, the better.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.
Video on the topic of the article
How to get rid of unpleasant odors in the house, video tips:
It is quite possible to remove unpleasant odors from your apartment using homemade recipes, special products and household appliances. With an integrated approach and thorough cleaning, the room will become clean and fresh.
OdorGone Professional works well against the smell of a corpse. The smell can be said to disappear instantly. Before this we tried many remedies, but nothing helped.