Little tricks on how to remove smell from an outdoor (country, village) toilet
An outdoor toilet is a source of odor, which, if handled incorrectly, will spread far beyond its boundaries.
Since this small structure is most often installed in garden plots and is in daily demand, measures must be taken to eliminate it.
Read the article about how to completely remove the smell from a street (country, village) toilet using improvised and special means.
How to eliminate it using folk remedies?
You can cope with an unpleasant odor using folk remedies. Plant residues, peat and ash are popular among summer residents.
Plant residues (tops)
This is the most affordable tool that is available in every area.. Its main advantage is the absence of any financial costs.
Any vegetation can be used as an odor neutralizer:
- nettle,
- tomato tops,
- cut stepsons,
- weeds, etc.
The method of application is very simple - a small amount of weed should be added to the pit after each visit to the toilet.
Nettles and tomato tops are administered once every 7 days.. These plants not only neutralize odors, but also help get rid of flies.
However, this method has several disadvantages. The first is that the cesspool will quickly overflow, which is why you will have to call a vacuum cleaner. Secondly, it will not be possible to completely neutralize the smell.
This video will show you how to remove the smell from a toilet in the country:
To combat odor in outdoor toilets you can use the ash left after burning dry grass or other waste. They use it in the same way as tops - add 1 scoop after each visit to the toilet.
You can muffle the smell with sawdust. Like other folk remedies, they are poured into a hole after each use.
Sawdust composts natural human waste. To avoid having to constantly run around the area with a mug, you can install a separate box in the toilet for sawdust.
Sawdust is an inexpensive material. However, it will not be possible to completely neutralize the odor. In addition, the cesspool will have to be emptied mechanically more often.
You can get rid of the smell using peat. You need to add it regularly, after each visit to the latrine. An additional benefit of peat is that it helps keep flies away. It is safe for ecology and the environment, absorbs fumes.
The main disadvantage of this method is the need to purchase peat mixtures, which can be expensive for summer residents.
Biologically active additives
Dietary supplements are often used instead of chemicals, as they have a high safety profile.
Their main advantages:
- They do not harm the environment or human health. They contain bacteria that process organic matter into a harmless mass. The waste stops emitting gases and the smell disappears.
- It is enough to use dietary supplements 1-2 times per season, depending on how actively you use the toilet.
- Complete elimination of odor.
- Reduce waste volume. This allows you to save on the services of vacuum cleaners.
- No negative impact on the material from which the toilet is made. Additives do not spoil plastic, wood and metal.
The method of using dietary supplements depends on the chosen product, but there are few significant differences. Universal instructions for use:
- dilute the product in water and mix thoroughly;
- pour the composition into the cesspool;
- inspect it after 3-4 days - if foam appears on the surface, the bacteria have begun their work.
You can find various biological supplements on sale. Most popular brands:
- Sannitree. Biogranules for country toilets with a cesspool. The drug is based on an enzyme composition that is safe for humans and living organisms. The price of a 100 g package is 50 rubles.
- Bioforce. Biological product for dry toilets. It is produced in the form of a gel. Price 1 liter – 600 rubles.
- Bioforce Professional. A biodegradable preparation for country toilets effectively eliminates unpleasant odors. Available in tablet form. Price – 70 rubles for 5 pieces.
How to remove an unpleasant odor using special chemicals?
You can get rid of the smell in an outdoor toilet using chemicals. Top 3 effective remedies:
Roetech K-47
Means for maintaining country toilets and septic tanks. Using this product allows you not only to get rid of odor, but also to reduce the volume of solid fractions. One bottle is enough for six months of regular use. The cost of a 0.946 liter package is 690 rubles.
Formula for country toilets. This deodorizing agent helps neutralize unpleasant odors. It is recommended to use it once a month. A 0.5 liter tank will require 500 ml of gel. The price of a 1 liter package is 500 rubles.
Thetford B-Fresh Green Toilet Liquid
Sanitary gel allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors and liquefies waste.. For 1 use, 75 ml of liquid product is required. The composition can be used for ordinary country toilets and dry closets. A 2 liter canister costs 600 rubles.
Chemicals must be used strictly according to instructions.
If the ventilation system in the room was provided at the stage of its construction, then the problem is solved by itself. When the air vent has not been taken care of, you need to build it yourself.
When heated in the sun, it will create additional traction, promoting high-quality removal of gases. A canopy is installed on top that will prevent precipitation and debris from entering the pit.
If there is no desire to install a pipe, then a window made in the wall can play the role of ventilation. It is recommended to place one hole as low as possible to the floor, and the second from above - at a distance of 15 cm from the ceiling. This will ensure the natural movement of air flows and its purification. To prevent insects from entering the toilet through the hole, it is sealed with mesh.
For ventilation to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to combine two methods - install the pipe in the cesspool and make vents in the walls.
Dry toilets outside
Dry toilets are a special type of latrine that does not use water. Many summer residents choose them because they are very easy to care for. Such devices are used both indoors and outdoors.
Main varieties:
Composting toilets. In them, waste is completely converted into compost, which practical gardeners use on the site as fertilizer.
- Dry toilets with separate urine collection. They separate feces from urine into different containers.
- Dry toilets with chemical filler. They are small in size and suitable for short-term use.
- Toilets with different types of waste disposal: incineration, packaging and freezing. These devices are practical to use, but have a high cost, which can exceed 50,000 rubles.
The main advantage of all dry toilets is the absence of odor.
Helpful information
Tips that will be useful to all owners of outdoor toilets:
- in addition to treating the cesspool with special means, the toilet must be washed regularly using antiseptics;
- You can use air fresheners indoors—devices that operate automatically are convenient;
- the cesspool should be cleaned regularly - if it is overfilled, no strong remedy will be able to cope with the unpleasant odor;
- you need to think about the ventilation system at the stage of constructing the toilet;
- Chemicals must be used carefully, as they are not always safe for humans and the environment.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.
Dealing with the smell of an outdoor toilet is easy. For greater efficiency, you can combine different means, and also do not forget to hire a sewer truck to pump out waste in a timely manner.