Recommendations from owners of private houses on how to ensure that odor is removed from a septic tank
Comfortable living in a private house requires the installation of a septic tank that processes household waste. But connection and operation errors can cause a very unpleasant odor.
Timely diagnosis of the problem and the correct solution method will allow you to quickly eliminate unpleasant odors from the septic tank, thereby returning comfortable living in a private home.
We will tell you in this article how to remove the smell from a septic tank in a private home.
What to do first?
To accurately determine the cause of the unpleasant odor and further steps to eliminate it, First of all, you need to clarify the following points:
- how long ago the septic tank was cleaned;
- the presence of a ventilation riser;
- analysis of damage to sewer pipes;
- the likelihood of water containing aggressive chemicals and detergents being discharged into the sewer system;
- timing of filling the septic tank with anaerobic bacteria.
Once the answer to the basic questions has been received, choosing a method to eliminate the cause of the unpleasant odor will not be difficult.
Causes of unpleasant odor
There are several reasons why the uninterrupted operation of a septic tank is disrupted:
- Ventilation problems caused by design and installation errors, lack of a vent pipe.
- Problems with sewer pipes (leaking joints, cracks in plastic pipes).
- The inability of anaerobic bacteria to efficiently process wastewater. This situation occurs when the volume of wastewater is several times greater than the ability of bacteria to process, or anaerobes have lost their activity after contact with detergents and chlorine-containing agents.
For all of the above reasons, the possibility of a production tank of only an installed septic tank cannot be ruled out (installation of equipment must be trusted to professionals).
4 reasons for the appearance of smell from a septic tank - in the video:
How to remove odor?
Depending on the identified cause of the unpleasant odor, a specific method of eliminating the problem is selected.
Cleaning the container
There is only one way to eliminate the smell from an overfilled septic tank - by cleaning the holding tank. This process can be carried out manually or using specialized equipment.
Manual cleaning is carried out according to the following algorithm:
liquid waste is removed from the pit using a bucket or drainage pump;
- use a shovel to clear solid deposits from the bottom of the cesspool;
- The inner surface of the storage container is cleaned with an iron brush;
- The septic tank is flushed with running water from a hose (the container is filled with water for ten minutes, after which the liquid is pumped out).
For those who do not have the desire, opportunity and time to clean the septic tank manually, septic tank specialists will come to the rescue.On the Internet there are a sufficient number of telephone numbers of companies specializing in pumping out and removing accumulated waste from a cesspool.
Upon arrival, the specialist lowers the hose of the suction machine into the storage tank. A vacuum pump lifts waste containing solids from a great depth, and moves it through a hose into a special storage tank for further transportation and disposal.
The construction of a drain pipe helps remove accumulated gases from drains and reduce the formation of unpleasant odors. Also, due to the constant supply of oxygen inside the treatment plant, bacteria (septic tank cleaners) begin to work more actively.
The construction of the ventilation riser proceeds according to the following scheme:
- Preparation of material. To work, you will need a plastic pipe (diameter 110 mm), fasteners (clamp, bracket), sealant, and a tip that protects the device from precipitation and external contamination.
- The pipe is placed in the septic tank.
- The joints are carefully treated with sealant.
- The upper part of the pipe is covered with a protective tip.
According to regulatory documents, for private houses with two floors or more, the installation of a drain pipe is mandatory.
Bacteria - how does it work?
The use of special biological products helps solve several problems at once:
- eliminate unpleasant odor,
- reduce the volume of septic tank filler,
- disinfect the surfaces of the storage tank.
Bacteria are absolutely safe for people and the environment.The substance formed during the interaction of bacteria with human waste can be used as a fertilizer.
In order to make the right choice of biological product, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- microorganisms in liquid mixtures are immediately ready for work, dry and granular compositions require special manipulations to “awaken” bacteria;
- the higher the concentration of bacteria in the preparation, the higher the efficiency of their work;
- the ratio of the number of bacteria to the volume of septic tank waste (if there is a lack of bacteria, there will be no effective cleaning; an excessive amount is also ineffective, since in this case the bacteria will devour themselves).
It is very important to monitor the expiration date of the biological product. Fresh formulations are most effective.
This video will tell you about bacteria for septic tanks:
To forget forever about the problem of unpleasant smell from a septic tank in an honest house, you need to take care of the following points:
- At the design stage, choose bulk septic tanks (it is better to install a larger one than necessary rather than suffer from unpleasant odors from a constantly overfilled tank).
- Carefully select bacteria for the septic tank (the best option is compositions with anaerobic bacteria that actively function without a constant flow of oxygen).
- Regular cleaning of the storage tank (helps avoid unpleasant odors).
Before purchasing a septic tank, you need to check every detail, tightness and materials of manufacture. The quality of the unit’s operation in the future depends on this.
Recommendations from experienced private home owners will speed up the process of removing the unpleasant smell of a septic tank:
When cleaning, do not forget about personal protective equipment. Rubber gloves, a respirator, an old gown and a rubberized apron will help prevent fecal matter from getting on your skin.
- After cleaning, a certain amount of liquid remains in the septic tank, which must be pumped out with a conventional pump. It is not recommended to use a filter (there is a high risk of equipment clogging).
- It is prohibited to simply pump waste into the ground (there is a high risk of clogging the soil and groundwater on the site). The contents from the cesspool are collected in plastic barrels, which are transported to special waste recycling stations.
Strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions for operating the septic tank will help minimize the risk of unpleasant odors.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about removing various unpleasant odors from objects and surfaces in this section.
An unpleasant smell from a septic tank is not a reason to panic. Using in practice numerous ways to solve this problem, you can quickly, without much effort, eliminate it.