Tips from a plumber: how to eliminate odor from a kitchen sink at home
The kitchen sink should always be kept clean. An unpleasant odor from it is not only undesirable, but unacceptable.
This problem requires a mandatory solution. Mechanical methods, special purchased products and simple home recipes will come to the rescue.
We will tell you more about how to eliminate the unpleasant smell of sewage from the kitchen sink in this article.
6 reasons for unpleasant sewer odor
An unpleasant smell from a sink can have several causes. Taking them into account, a method for solving the issue is selected.
Causes of odor from the kitchen sink:
Siphon clogged. This is one of the most common problems. Organic waste that gets into the drain is not washed with water further through the pipes, but remains in the siphon.
- Incorrect installation of the drainage system, and the siphon itself in particular.
- Rare use of the sink. At the same time, the water from the siphon, which forms a water seal, has time to evaporate and sewer gases flow freely into the kitchen.
- Disposing of food waste down the drain without rinsing with clean water.
- Violation of the integrity of seals, corrugations, pipes, which allow sewer odors to enter the apartment.
- Airing the system.
How to remove using folk remedies?
Most often, the problem with sink odor is due to a clog. You can cope with the task in simple ways, using available tools.
Vinegar with soda
Organic deposits can be removed using vinegar and soda. How to use:
- pour into the drain? glasses of soda;
- pour in 1 glass of vinegar;
- leave to react for a quarter of an hour;
- rinse with plenty of water.
Salt has the property of softening fatty deposits, so its use will help in untreated cases.
To unclog your kitchen drain and remove deposits that can cause an unpleasant odor, use regular kitchen salt.
- Pour 1 cup of salt into the drain.
- Pour in 400 ml of boiling water.
- Leave for 3 hours.
- Rinse with plenty of water.
Salt and soda
To treat the siphon and eliminate odors from it, you can use a mixture of salt and soda. This method is mild in impact and does not help in all cases.
Processing process:
- pour into a separate container? glasses of salt;
- pour in? glasses of soda;
- mix;
- pour the mixture into the drain;
- wait 30 minutes;
- rinse with boiling water.
Lemon acid
A packet of citric acid can be used to neutralize the odor. The powder is poured into the drain and poured a glass of boiling water.. Leave the sink in this form for at least half an hour, after which it is rinsed with hot water.
Dry mustard
Mustard powder can help cope with the smell from the sink, but in case of a clog this method is ineffective.
The principle of operation is similar to the previous methods:
- Pour in? cups of powder into the drain.
- Pour 1 cup boiling water.
- Leave to stand for 30-60 minutes.
- Rinse with boiling water.
TOP 3 special preparations for cleaning pipes
A large number of drugs are produced for sewer care. They have a complex effect - they remove blockages, disinfect and remove a specific unpleasant odor.
Domestos gel for removing blockages
The product is intended for cleaning pipes. The gel is suitable for cleaning sinks, showers and bathtubs. The drug eliminates unpleasant odors and disinfects. Contains chlorine and nonionic surfactants.
- pour 0.25 liters of product into the drain directly from the package;
- leave for 15 minutes;
- rinse with plenty of hot water.
The average price is about 300 rubles per bottle.
Tiret Professional
Tiret Professional gel is designed to restore the permeability of metal and plastic pipes and eliminate odor. The product has an antibacterial effect. Contains nonionic surfactants and chlorine. Manufacturer - Russian Federation.
- Pour in? bottle into stock.
- Leave for 5-15 minutes.
- Rinse with plenty of water.
The average price is 420 rubles.
Mr.Muscle pellets
The drug is available in granular form. The main purpose of the product is to clean pipes and eliminate odors. Contains soda.
- pour the contents of the bag directly into the drain hole;
- pour in 1 glass of warm water;
- leave for half an hour;
- drain with plenty of water.
Each bag contains 70 grams of powder, which is enough to treat one drain hole. The average price is 90 rubles per sachet.
Mechanical ways to solve the problem
In cases where the cause of the stench from the kitchen sink is a clog, conservative methods of exposure through exposure to various solutions may not always be effective.
If the problem is pronounced Time-tested cleaning techniques will come to the rescue:
- disassembling and cleaning the siphon;
- using a plunger;
- using a plumbing cable.
A plunger is a pipe cleaning tool with a plastic or wooden handle and a rubber cap. Its use will help clear the blockage without dismantling the siphon. Drain cleaning is done by creating pressure.
The plunger is placed vertically above the sink drain hole with the cap facing down.
- Fill the sink with hot water to cover the plunger nozzle.
- By making progressive movements up and down, you can get rid of the blockage, and, as a result, the stagnation of organic matter and the unpleasant odor.
- Raise the plunger sharply above the water.
- Repeat the procedure.
- Run hot water into the sink.
- Rinse the Sami sink.
To clean the sewer, a special metal cable several meters long is used. At one end of this device there is a splitting like a brush or a hook, at the other there is a handle.
Cleaning is carried out by rotating the handle and passing the cable through the sewer pipe. When the cable is screwed in, debris gets caught on its end, which is then removed. To properly clear the blockage, it is necessary to carry out cleaning in several approaches; one approach is not enough.
After clearing the blockage, the cable must be cleaned, dried and lubricated with oil. Store the instrument rolled up.
Siphon cleaning
If you suspect that a lot of food deposits have formed in the siphon under the sink, you can check this by disassembling the siphon.
Nothing helps: what to do?
Not in all cases, an unpleasant odor can be eliminated with homemade or special remedies. For some reasons, it will be necessary to carry out plumbing work.
Such circumstances include:
- incorrect installation;
- dried out gaskets;
- physical damage to the sewer drain system;
- airing of the entire riser.
The solution to the issue in this case is to repair the drain system, replace individual parts or the entire assembly.
To determine the source of sewer malfunction The best solution is to call a plumber. If the riser becomes airy, contact the company responsible for maintaining public communications.
Using preventive measures, you can not only avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors from the kitchen sink, but also significantly reduce the likelihood of clogs.
Such measures include:
- Cleaning pipes using special products or simple recipes should be done periodically. The frequency recommended by experts is at least once a month.
- Residues of food, dried tea leaves, etc. should not fall into the drain. Large particles that fall into the drain will mostly settle in the siphon. Overgrown with fat and decomposing, they will become a source of unpleasant odor and impair the permeability of pipes.
- It is advisable to trust the installation of plumbing and water communications to professionals.
- In case of a long trip, you can pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil down the drain.This will help prevent water from evaporating from the siphon and sewer odors from entering the kitchen.
- It is recommended to finish washing greasy dishes by pouring a large amount of hot water down the drain.
In order to remove the smell from the kitchen sink quickly and efficiently, It is recommended to follow the advice of experts:
The use of household chemicals for cleaning pipes must be done with rubber gloves, observing all safety requirements.
- During one procedure, several drugs cannot be poured into the drain at once. When combined in place, they can form very caustic compounds that release toxic gases.
There is also a possibility that drugs that are not designed for simultaneous use will neutralize each other's effects.
- Drain cleaning products must be stored separately from food products, out of the reach of children.
Video on the topic of the article
This video will show you how to get rid of an unpleasant smell from the kitchen sink:
You can eliminate the smell from the kitchen sink using special store-bought household chemicals, or using homemade recipes.
In some cases, when the smell from the drain is accompanied by a clog, cleaning with tools may be necessary. In order to reduce the likelihood of a problem occurring, it is important to use preventive measures and maintain cleanliness.