Simple but effective methods for removing berry stains from textiles
Hot summer is the time for ripe, juicy berries and the stains that berry juice leaves on clothes.
Traces from cherries, strawberries, mulberries - dealing with such stains is not difficult if you understand the intricacies of the cleaning process.
The main thing is to start the stain removal process in time, using an effective method selected according to the type of fabric and degree of contamination. We'll tell you how to remove stains from berries below.
Universal folk recipes
There are many ways to remove berry stains from clothes using improvised means.
Fresh traces of berries are sprinkled with salt (in a fairly thick layer) and left for five minutes.
During this time salt will absorb natural pigment and all that remains is to shake the fabric and wash the clothes as usual.
If the juice from the berries has already been absorbed into the fabric, the contamination is treated with salt mixed with water (the consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream).
Lemon juice
An excellent natural bleach, fresh lemon juice can easily remove berry stains. It’s simple: use a cotton pad generously moistened with lemon juice to treat the stain, after which the fabric is ironed through gauze.
Table vinegar will help enhance the effect of lemon (the ingredients are mixed in equal proportions).
Hydrogen peroxide
Pharmaceutical product - hydrogen peroxide will remove berry marks on clothes in a matter of minutes. First, hydrogen peroxide (15 ml) is mixed with water (125 ml). The resulting solution is rubbed into the stain, left for five minutes, after which the clothes are washed as usual.
The fastest way to remove a colored berry stain is to wipe it with a cotton swab moistened with ammonia.
Dishwashing liquid
Gel or dishwashing liquid works well to remove the acid from berry juice on fabric. Simply apply a few drops of detergent to the stain., wait twenty minutes, then wash the clothes as usual.
Dishwashing liquid is most effective for removing fresh dirt.
An excellent remedy in the fight against stubborn stains from berries. Contaminants are blotted with a cotton pad generously soaked in gasoline.. As soon as the berry traces are processed, they are sprinkled with talc, starch or semolina and left for ten minutes. Afterwards, the clothes are washed as usual.
This method is perfect for all types of fabrics (even delicate silk, velvety suede and leather). The main thing in your work is to use only high-quality purified gasoline.
This video will show you how to remove berry stains:
Proven household chemicals
Household chemicals are easy to use and effective in removing berry stains on clothes. When choosing a stain remover, pay special attention to the composition, the type of fabric for which it is intended. TOP 3 best remedies for berry stains:
Udalix Ultra Spray
A universal liquid highly effective remedy for stains on berries, fruits and wine. Suitable for all types of fabric. The stain remover penetrates deeply into the fibers, carefully removing complex, old stains from the fabric.
Spray the product onto the stain and leave for ten minutes., after which the fabric is rinsed under running water. The average cost is 250 rubles. (volume 150 ml).
Dr.Beckmann fruits and drinks
The stain remover quickly removes traces of fruits, berries, and wine from fabric. The active oxygen contained in the stain remover gently cleanses all types of fabrics without disturbing the structure of the fibers and preserving the color.
Contaminants are soaked in water, crushed with powder, and then moistened again.. Clothes treated with stain remover are left for six hours, after which they are washed as usual. The average cost is 200 rubles. (volume 50 ml).
Active oxygen in the product removes any stains. Suitable for white and colored fabrics. Does not contain chlorine.
The stain remover is added along with the powder to the washing machine.. For particularly stubborn stains, it is recommended to pre-soak in warm water with the addition of a stain remover (one scoop per ten liters of water).
The average cost is 460 rubles. (weight 500 g).
You can only use household chemicals strictly following the instructions. manufacturer. Do not exceed the contact time of the stain remover with the fabric; do not apply several cleaning compounds to the stain at the same time.
How to remove traces?
When choosing a method and means of removing stains from clothes, it is necessary to take into account the type of berry that left its mark. This will help deal with contamination faster.
From strawberry
The first thing to do as soon as strawberry juice gets on your clothes is to blot it gently with a paper napkin (to remove excess moisture). Only after this can you begin the process of removing the stain.
In the fight against traces of strawberry juice on white fabric experienced housewives use milk. The soiled item is soaked in milk for several hours, after which it is washed as usual.
Vinegar and baking soda can help remove strawberry stains from delicate fabrics. The ingredients are mixed to a thick paste. Cover the stain with the resulting mixture and leave for fifteen minutes. Afterwards the clothes are washed in cool water.
From cherry
The bright red pigment of cherry penetrates easily and dries very quickly into fabric fibers, leaving stains that are difficult to remove.
One of the effective ways to remove such fresh stains is cover them with any absorbent powder: starch, baby powder or crushed chalk.
As soon as the powder absorbs the cherry juice (turns red), the clothes are washed as usual.
Having stained clothes with cherries, it is important not to allow the stain to dry out. Otherwise, there is a high risk that you will not be able to completely get rid of the bright red mark on your clothes.
From cherries
Best cherry stains on fabric can be removed with gasoline soap. The stained area is thoroughly rubbed with soap, left for a few minutes, after which the item is washed as usual.
From grapes
A mixture of vodka, glycerin and ammonia will help to carefully clean clothes from grape stains.
Algorithm of actions:
- in a clean container mix 3 parts of vodka, one part of ammonia and one part of ammonia;
- Treat the stain with the resulting solution until it disappears completely.
This method is suitable for all types of fabrics (including delicate ones), as well as for non-fast dyed fabrics.
From mulberry
The dark purple mulberry leaves stubborn stains on clothes, which can be removed with household chemicals. For white things stained with mulberries, use a chlorine-containing product Whiteness.
Dilute 5 tbsp in 10 liters of warm (you cannot use boiling water) water. bleach. The clothes are soaked in the resulting solution for at least two hours. Afterwards, the items are rinsed under running water and sent to the wash.
Rinse chlorine bleach out of fabric as thoroughly as possible., since when in contact with washing powder, whiteness can leave yellow stains.
For colored fabrics, more delicate, but no less effective in removing stains, oxygen bleaches are used.
From currants
Persistent, dark currant stains are quite difficult to remove from clothing. One effective method will help speed up the process. The first thing to do as soon as the currant juice gets on the fabric is to pour boiling water over it.
Algorithm of actions:
- the soiled area of clothing is stretched over a pan or wide basin;
- pour boiling water over the currant stain in a thin stream from the kettle.
Boiling water washes out not only the juice from the berries, but also the color dye from the fibers. The use of boiling water is not recommended for cleaning colored clothing, delicate fabrics, and woolen fabrics.
Features of removal from the sofa
Removing berry stains from sofa upholstery is, in principle, no different from cleaning clothes. The only point worth remembering is that upholstered furniture should not be cleaned with powders or special stain remover pencils (they are very difficult to wash off from the upholstery).
If the juice from the berries has managed to be absorbed from the upholstery of the sofa, only professional dry cleaning will help remove the stains.
How to remove from carpet?
The basic rule to remember is Carpet cleaning should be started immediately, as soon as a berry stain appears on it.
The further the cleaning process drags on, the deeper the berry juice penetrates into the pile. As a result, it is almost impossible to restore the original appearance of carpeting on your own.
To begin with, blot the trace of the berry with a paper napkin. Then the stained area of the carpet is treated with a soap solution (2-3 teaspoons of detergent per 1 liter of warm water), and then wiped with a cotton sponge moistened with medical alcohol.
If traditional methods do not help get rid of berry stains, It is necessary to use special stain removers for carpets. The product is applied to the stain, left for a certain time (precisely indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging), after which the carpet is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or brush.
If there is no time to remove fresh berry stains from clothing, the stained area should be rinsed under running cold water. This way, part of the natural pigment is washed out of the fabric, which greatly simplifies the delayed process of removing traces of berries.
Do not wash away traces of berry juice with laundry soap.. Interacting with alkali, the pigment changes shade and is absorbed even more firmly into the fabric fibers.
Soaking for two hours in whey will simplify the process of removing berry stains from fabric. To prevent the berry trail from spreading during the cleaning process, it must be covered around the edges with a layer of starch or crushed chalk.
Under no circumstances should berry marks be rubbed, only gently blotted. Treatment with cleaning compounds occurs in a circular motion., from the edge to the center of the contamination. This way the stain will not spread across the surface.
Berry stains will not be a death sentence for a soiled item if you start the cleaning process in a timely manner (as soon as the contamination appears) using the correctly selected method or product.