Life hacks from experienced housewives on how to clean a burnt pan at home
Clean pots are the pride of housewives. But standard cleaning won't help with badly burnt food.
In this case, you will need special tools or the use of home methods to tidy up the dishes without damaging their surface.
We will tell you more about how and how to clean a burnt pan (enamel, cast iron, aluminum, stainless steel) in the article.
How to remove smoke using folk remedies?
Burnt-on composition is quite difficult to clean off immediately.. In order not to damage the pan itself, it is first advisable to fill the affected container with water and let it stand. This will soften the burnt layer, and it will be much easier to remove it.
This method is the simplest, but often shows itself to be ineffective when food is significantly burned.
- fill the container with water so that the water covers all affected areas with some reserve;
- boil;
- cool;
- repeat the treatment 2-3 times.
If, after several boilings, carbon deposits still remain, you can remove the softened layer with a dish sponge.
For light stains, when the bottom of the pan is not very burnt, you can use regular kitchen salt. It is poured into a pan in a thick layer and left to act for 5-8 hours.. After this, clean with a hard sponge. Wash the pan in the usual way with gel.
A concentrated saline solution will help remove burnt food from the pan.
How to use:
- Prepare a salt solution based on 5 tablespoons per liter of water. The liquid should cover all burnt areas, including on the walls of the dish.
- Place the pan on the fire.
- Boil for 1-1.5 hours.
- Cool.
- Treat with a sponge, removing softened carbon deposits.
Baking soda is an alkaline agent that can be used to remove burnt spots on the bottom of a pan.
- prepare a cleaning solution at the rate of 0.5 cups of powder per liter of water;
- put on fire;
- boil for at least 60 minutes;
- cool;
- clean with a kitchen sponge.
Soda-vinegar solution
For processing, it is necessary to prepare a concentrated solution of table vinegar, diluted in half with water. The solution is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. After removing from heat, add soda with a tablespoon. You need to add enough powder to form an extensive foam.
The pan is left standing while the reaction takes place.. After the foam settles, mechanical cleaning will proceed faster, as the carbon deposits will soften, and in some places even move away from the bottom and walls.
Soda and peroxide
Adding peroxide will help enhance the effect of soda. For use, a composition is prepared at the rate of 3 parts baking soda to 2 parts water.
- The resulting preparation is used to treat areas affected by burnt food.
- Leave to act for a quarter of an hour.
- Rubbing with a hard sponge.
Table vinegar can be used in several ways:
- in its pure form;
- in the form of an aqueous solution;
- with additional boiling.
Using vinegar requires good ventilation, this is especially important when using methods with heated solution.
Vinegar is used as follows:
- Pour the liquid directly from the bottle into the pan. It can be left alone or diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2.
- Heat, but do not bring to a boil.
- Leave for several hours.
- Clean the pan with a stiff sponge.
Heating is a factor that enhances the effect of acetic acid.
Activated carbon
The use of pharmaceutical activated carbon will help remove small stains, but not cope with old ones.
- black powder obtained from tablets is poured onto the bottom so as to cover the affected areas;
- the pan is infused for several hours;
- water is added - enough is needed to cover all the stains;
- leave the pan for another hour and a half;
- cleaning with a sponge.
Mustard powder
Using mustard powder helps keep the bottom and walls of the pan clean.But this method will not overcome the burnt layer of porridge or jam.
Apply mustard to a damp sponge and rub the stained areas. The resulting cleaning slurry helps remove small, older stains.
You can enhance the effect by mixing mustard powder with soda and pre-rubbing the bottom of the pan with the mixture.
The lactic acid in the whey will help clean off burnt-on food. The product is poured into the pan in sufficient quantity to cover the burn marks. The minimum layer of liquid poured is from 20 mm.
Cover the pan with a lid and leave for several hours. During this time, the acid will soften the deposit, which will allow it to be removed without damaging the base material.
Apples, lemon
After burnt porridge, you can clean the pan using fresh apples. You need to choose fruits of sour varieties. A similar result can be obtained using lemons.
- Cut the apples into large pieces.
- Place in a saucepan.
- To fill with water.
- Boil for 30-60 minutes.
A non-standard use of toothpaste is for scrubbing burnt areas inside the pan. This method will give a good effect when the contamination is fresh. The paste is squeezed onto a sponge or directly into the pan and rubbed with the hard side.
Coca Cola
To remove burnt marks Coca-Cola can be used.
The drink is poured into the affected pan and left to act for several hours. After this, rub with the hard side of the sponge.
The effect of the drink is due to the inclusion of carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid in its composition.
How to remove with special preparations?
In cases where home recipes have proven to be ineffective, You can try commercial cleaning products. These products dissolve even heavily burnt areas on the bottom and walls.
After cleaning with special preparations, the pan must be washed with dishwashing gel and rinsed well.
Grass Azelit Anti-grease Shiny cauldron
The cleaner comes in spray form. The drug is highly concentrated and will help cope with even old fat. Price for volume 0.6 l – from 125 rubles.
Sano Forte Plus Concentrated fat removal gel
Gel concentrate allows you to cope with burnt fat and other contaminants. Forte Plus even copes with old burnt marks in pots and ovens. The action is fast and effective. Cost - about 500 rubles per package.
Meine Liebe Anti-grease
Anti-grease cleaning product – biodegradable, allows you to remove burnt fat from various types of surfaces, including frying pans and pots. Burnt food remains, even ingrained ones, can be removed quickly enough, without damaging the surface of the dish. The average price is from 200 rubles.
Features of cleaning various surfaces of kitchen utensils
The method for cleaning pans from burnt food must take into account the coating material of the cookware. This is an important point, since only certain methods of exposure are permissible for different surfaces.
The enamel coating is unpretentious, but can be damaged by intense mechanical stress. Because of this the use of hard sponges and metal scrapers is contraindicated.
Both acidic and alkaline compounds are suitable for cleaning burnt bottoms.If the whiteness of the enamel has been lost after processing or as a result of use, boiling it with a water-vinegar solution will help restore it.
Stainless steel
Stainless steel pans are durable, reliable and have a very long service life. You can deal with burnt areas using:
- vinegar,
- lemon,
- serums,
- Coca-Cola, etc.
Intensive cleaning with alkaline powders can cause scratches and loss of shine on the surface.
Aluminum pans are very demanding when choosing a cleaning method.
Acidic solutions are absolutely not suitable for processing., since they react with the material itself. The use of alkaline powders and solutions is also difficult - they can cause darkening of the surface.
It is advisable to avoid prolonged boiling with cleaning compounds, since this can cause the top layers of aluminum to become even more friable. This will increase the likelihood of food burning. Not all purchased products are designed to care for aluminum, so the information on the packaging should be read especially carefully before purchasing the product.
The non-stick Teflon coating can also burn if the pan is used incorrectly. Since the Teflon layer is quite thin, it can be easily damaged.
Such utensils must be handled carefully, trying to avoid aggressive mechanical or chemical influences. To clean such surfaces, it is better to choose special preparations and a sponge designed for caring for Teflon coating.
Ceramic coating requires careful handling. Like Teflon, such a surface has its own shelf life, after which the dishes must be replaced with new ones.
To clean the burnt bottom of such dishes, you should not use alkaline agents or apply intense rubbing with washcloths. Temperature contrast, which leads to damage to the ceramic layer, is also prohibited.
Cleaning should be as gentle as possible. It is better to scrub burnt areas with a sponge soaked in vegetable oil. Another option for exposure is long-term pre-soaking.
Regular burning of food in a ceramic pan may indicate the need for replacement, since the coating has ceased to cope with its basic functions.
Cast iron
Cast iron cookware has an almost unlimited service life. Such a pan can only be damaged by mechanical force.
To clean such kitchen utensils You can use almost any cleaning method without restrictions.
If the dishes are burnt and intensive processing is required, the surface of the bottom and walls may lose their natural protective layer. The porosity of the inner surface can also cause food to burn. If such a circumstance occurs, the frying pan will need to be heated with kitchen salt to restore the protective layer.
The nuances of removing various food burnt inside from the bottom
Depending on what product is burnt in the pan, you can choose the most suitable processing option.
Sugar containing products
When sweet desserts (baked goods, jam, syrup) burn It is advisable to use acidic cleaning compounds. If caramel or jam is burnt, you should not leave cleaning the pan for later. First you need to pour high-temperature water into it and let it stand for at least 3-5 hours.
If soaking does not help resolve the issue, the pan should be boiled with a cleaning agent, which is selected based on the material of the dishes.
Burnt milk not only spoils the inside of pans, but also has an unpleasant odor. For cleaning, both acids (for example, lemon) and activated carbon or soda can be used.
If milk is boiled frequently, It is recommended to purchase a special saucepan - a milk cooker. It has a special structure with two layers of walls.
This video will show you how to clean a pan from burnt milk:
Meat, potatoes
If a potato or meat dish is burnt, fill the pan with water as quickly as possible and let it sit. As a result, the deposits will begin to lag behind and can be removed. In order not to damage the surface, cleaning must be carried out in stages, in several passes.
Cereals contain a large amount of fiber. This makes it easier to scrape burnt porridge from the bottom of the pan. You should start by soaking the affected bottom and walls. To do this, pour hot water into the container and leave the pan for at least half an hour. In advanced cases, you can try boiling.
It is not easy to remove burnt fat from a pan.Soaking in this case will not give a clear result. Mustard powder and soda will help deal with fresh soot. To quickly clean a long-burnt pan, it is more convenient to use special household chemicals.
What not to do and why?
When cleaning a burnt pan You must remember the following prohibitions:
You should not use cleaning products that are not intended for use on dishes, as this can be harmful not only to the pan, but also to your health.
- Do not clean with bare hands - you will need protective rubber gloves.
- Intensive mechanical cleaning methods should not be used as they may damage the surface.
- The type of coating material should not be ignored. You need to choose methods of influence only taking into account the material, so as not to completely ruin the pan.
Expert advice will help you clean your dishes as efficiently as possible:
- If the cause of food burning is damage to the non-stick layer, then it is better to throw away such dishes, since using such a pan is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to health due to carcinogenic substances getting into the food.
- The use of the cleaning composition must be carried out according to the instructions, in compliance with safety precautions.
- When choosing the consistency of the cleaning product, it is necessary to take into account that powders can scratch the surface of the material, and sprays are used only if there is good ventilation.
It is possible to clean a burnt pan and restore its appearance even using home methods. In difficult situations, an approach in several stages, as well as the use of special household chemicals, will help.
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