Features of using baking soda and soda ash for washing dishes
Despite the variety of household chemicals on the shelves of hardware stores, more and more housewives prefer to use improvised products for washing dishes.
Soda is a product that is found in the kitchen of every home. Absolutely harmless to health, affordable, easy to use, soda occupies the first position in the ranking of the popularity of improvised means for caring for kitchen utensils.
Is it possible to use soda for washing and boiling dishes? Read the article.
Is it possible to wash dishes with sodium bicarbonate?
Sodium bicarbonate (in simple terms - “soda”) is a fine-grained snow-white powder, which, in addition to culinary arts, is actively used for household needs.
Unlike harsh chemicals, baking soda absolutely harmless to human health.
On store shelves you can see two types: food and calcined. Which one is suitable for washing dishes? Answer: Both options are suitable. The only difference is the effectiveness of the powder.
In practice, baking soda is most often used.It cannot be called the most effective in the fight against fat, carbon deposits and soot, but since baking soda is also used in cooking, it takes first place in the popularity rating.
In second place in terms of frequency of use is calcined soda. And this is an unjustifiably low position, since it is the one that copes best with old stains of grease, soot and scale. Soda ash can easily clean those surfaces that other products could not cope with.
How to clean with only soda?
Dry baking soda powder is an excellent abrasive for cleaning baking sheets, pan racks, pots and other kitchen utensils.
It is enough to apply a small amount of dry powder to the contaminated areas, wipe the surface with a sponge soaked in water, and then rinse under running water.
Cleaning with dry soda copes well with traces of fat, burnt food, soot, but there is one drawback - the powder leaves scratches.
For more delicate cleaning of glass, ceramic dishes, and items with a glossy surface, soda is diluted with warm water (the consistency of the mixture should resemble thick sour cream). The resulting paste is rubbed onto the contaminated areas, and then washed off under running water.
Soda as an independent product is an excellent tool for combating fat, soot, and carbon deposits. But if necessary (ingrained dirt cannot be removed the first time) Additional ingredients will help enhance the cleaning effect.
Detergent Recipes
Below are recipes for dish detergents that contain baking soda:
With glue
An effective folk cleaner - soda and glue - will restore shine to smoked, thickly coated pots and pans. There are several options for using this tool.
This is an ideal way to clean a large number of dishes at once.
Algorithm of actions:
- Place dirty dishes in a large container and fill with hot water.
- Mix 500 g of office glue and 500 g of soda ash in a glass jar (white flakes form when mixing the two ingredients - this is normal).
- The resulting liquid is added to a basin with dirty dishes and left to soak for at least two hours.
- Using a hard kitchen sponge or brush, remove acidified fat and carbon deposits from the walls of pots and pans under running water.
If you don’t have a large saucepan or basin at hand, you can soak the dishes in the bathtub.
How to clean dishes using soda, glue and detergent - video recipe:
This is an excellent method for cleaning dishes from dense layers of grease and stubborn dirt.
Algorithm of actions:
- Mix 100 g of glue and 150 g of soda.
- Place dirty dishes in a large saucepan, add 10 liters of water, and add the previously prepared cleaning agent.
- Boil the kitchen utensils for fifteen minutes, after which the pan is removed from the heat.
- As soon as the solution has cooled, remove the dishes from the pan and rinse under running water (incompletely cleaned areas are wiped with a stiff brush or sponge).
With soap
A dishwashing detergent that is safe for the delicate skin of your hands can be easily prepared at home from baking soda and laundry soap.
Algorithm of actions:
Rub half a bar of laundry soap on a coarse grater. The shavings are diluted with warm water to form a thick paste.
- Add 1.5 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. baking soda.
- The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, removing any foam that has formed.
- The prepared cleaning agent is transferred to hermetically sealed containers and allowed to brew for at least twelve hours.
To enhance the cleaning effect, you can add 2 tsp to the mixture. ammonia, but it is necessary to work with such a product only with rubber gloves in a well-ventilated area.
With hydrogen peroxide
A mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of traces of burnt food on the walls of enamel dishes.
Algorithm of actions:
- Mix 2 tbsp in a glass container. hydrogen peroxide, 7 tbsp. soda powder and 1 tsp. liquid detergent (you should get a homogeneous mass, the consistency of thick sour cream).
- The stains are treated with the prepared mixture and left for fifteen minutes.
- Wipe the treated surfaces with a hard sponge, then rinse the dishes under running water.
With mustard
Mustard destroys fat particles, and soda perfectly neutralizes unpleasant odors and disinfects surfaces. In combination, these two ingredients form an excellent tool in the fight against grease and deposits on the surface of dishes.
Algorithm of actions:
Mix 3 tbsp. dry mustard powder and 4 tbsp. soda ash.
- Dilute the resulting mixture with warm water to form a thick paste.
- Rub the resulting product onto the dirty surface and leave for five minutes.
- We wash off the cleaning paste along with dirt and grease under running water.
You should not prepare the mixture in large quantities in reserve. The paste very quickly loses its cleaning properties.
With citric acid
An excellent solution for washing glassware coated with a thick layer of fat is baking soda and citric acid.
Algorithm of actions:
- In a clean container, mix soda powder and citric acid (in equal proportions).
- The glassware is moistened with water and the still wet surface is rubbed with the previously prepared mixture.
- After five minutes, the fat on the glass will begin to fall off and all that remains to be done is to rinse the glassware under running water.
Application for boiling
One of the methods to quickly restore the radiance and shine of fried pans is boiling with soda.
Algorithm of actions:
- Place the largest saucepan or basin on the stove (the frying pan should fit completely), fill the container with hot water.
- Add soda ash to the pan at the rate of 70 g per liter, bring the water to a boil.
- Place a dirty frying pan in boiling water and leave to simmer over low heat for at least one hour.
- Remove the pan from the stove, after the water has cooled, take out the boiled dishes.
During boiling, all the fat will come off the walls of the frying pan, and all that remains to be done is to rinse it under running water.
Soda is an affordable and safe product for health. the effectiveness of which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews.
Video review about using baking soda for washing dishes:
In order not to completely ruin the appearance of the dishes, you should not clean aluminum frying pans, plastic and wood products with soda and glue.
It's easy to descale your kettle: just add 1 tbsp. baking soda, add water and boil it for thirty minutes. Afterwards, the water is drained and the walls of the kettle are wiped with a soft sponge. Details - in this article.
Numerous recipes for making soda-based cleaning products will help you maintain perfect cleanliness in the kitchen without the use of aggressive, expensive chemicals.