Just add water, or how to clean a carpet with a vacuum cleaner
Wet cleaning of the carpet allows you not only to remove dust from it, but also to get rid of serious dirt. A washing vacuum cleaner was developed to help housewives.
In order for the cleaning to be completed as efficiently as possible and not cause damage to the product, you need to know the basic rules for its implementation.
About, how to clean a carpet washing vacuum cleaner Thomas, Kirby, Zelmer, you can learn from this article.
Which ones can be washed and which ones can’t?
For cleaning the floor covering with a washing vacuum cleaner can be used in the following cases:
The product is sewn from synthetic materials. Rugs made of acrylic, polypropylene, polyester, microfiber, polyamide, nylon and terclone are not afraid of wet cleaning.
- The flooring is made of semi-synthetic.
- The carpets are made of knitwear. They can be cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner, but with caution, as they are sensitive to water.
- The products are sewn from tufting.
Using a washing vacuum cleaner Do not wash carpets such as:
- products made from natural fabrics: wool, felt and fur;
- silk floor coverings;
- hand-made products;
- viscose carpets;
- jute carpets with very long pile more than 15 cm;
- Cotton and linen carpets - only dry cleaning is suitable for them.
This causes an unpleasant odor and bacterial growth.. It will be very difficult to “reanimate” them.
Each carpet has certain care features. This directly depends on its composition.Most often, products are of a mixed type, so it is necessary to check with the seller at the purchase stage whether a washing vacuum cleaner is suitable for cleaning them.
Algorithm of actions
To clean a carpet with a vacuum cleaner, you need to follow several steps in sequence.
Algorithm of actions:
First you need to vacuum the rug as usual. Dry cleaning is necessary to remove dirt and large debris from it. Be sure to remove all dust from the walls and furniture.
- Water and detergent are added to a special tank. Prepare the vacuum cleaner for use (put on the nozzle, unwind the cord, etc.).
- To make cleaning effective, all movements are performed slowly. The brush is gradually moved along the pile. The pressure should be medium, you should not press too hard.
- After treating the flooring with detergent, the remaining residue is drained and the tank is filled with clean water. Cleaning is done again.
- Then they pass through the carpet with a suction nozzle, if one is provided by the vacuum cleaner model.
- After washing, the dirty water is drained and the product is left to dry. You cannot walk on it at this time. The average drying time is 3 hours. To reduce the humidity in the room, you can open the windows.
Features of cleaning household appliances of different brands
Depending on the brand of the washing vacuum cleaner, there are certain features of their operation. Let's look at how devices from Kirby, Thomas and Zelmer work.
Their main feature is the correct consumption and collection of foam. When the vacuum cleaner moves forward, it will be absorbed into the product, and when moving the device in the opposite direction, the cleaning agent is evenly distributed over its surface.
Then you need to wait until the foam dries completely. At this time, the washing nozzle and water tank are replaced with a permanent bag and a regular brush. With their help, the rug is vacuumed as usual.
Thomas vacuum cleaners for wet cleaning can only be used in combination with special attachments. It is important to install a splash guard in the dirty water collection tank.
To ensure that as little water as possible remains on the carpet, It is recommended to clean at maximum power. The direction of movement of the brush is towards the retractable one. After cleaning is completed, all attachments and containers are washed and dried.
The Zelmer vacuum cleaner for washing carpets is equipped with a special nozzle and turned on at full power. The floor covering is then treated with a cleaning solution.
You need to start cleaning from the far end of the room and move towards the door. The brush should move along the strips, overlapping each other.
After cleaning is completed, the cleaning solution is poured out and the tank is filled with clean water. With its help, the carpet is processed again. Cleaning is completed by collecting water using a suction nozzle.
Regardless of the brand of the device, all tubes, brushes and reservoirs should be thoroughly washed and dried after cleaning. Only after this can the equipment be sent for storage.
Video review of carpet cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner Zelmer ZVC762ZKRU (Aquawelt Plus VC7920.5SK):
Tips and tricks
To ensure that no dirt remains on the carpet after wet cleaning, The following recommendations should be taken into account:
- The vacuum cleaner nozzle must match the length of the floor covering pile.
Do not clean products too often. It is recommended to use a washing vacuum cleaner once a week or less.
- If the carpet is new, then the first wet cleaning can be done 3-6 months after purchase.
- Remove stains needed immediately after appearance. This will be more difficult to do in the future.
- Do not use hot water to wash the carpet.
- You should not clean the carpet if there is dust or debris on it. First you need to carry out dry cleaning.
- When cleaning, do not rush; processing is carried out at a moderate pace.
- To prevent the carpet from getting wet, you don’t need to treat the same area for too long.
Cleaning your carpet with a power-drying vacuum cleaner will get rid of dust mites, stubborn stains and unpleasant odors. During such cleaning, high-quality air humidification occurs and allergens are removed from it..
The coating dries quickly, since the vacuum cleaner collects most of the water in the reservoir. After cleaning, the carpet takes on a fresh and updated look.