Effective and proven ways to remove slime from a carpet
Children's fun is not always painless for the environment at home.
Slime is one such toy that can literally “leave an indelible mark” on a variety of surfaces, including the carpet.
Removing slime from a fluffy surface can be very difficult. Effective recipes will come to the rescue.
How to clean dried slime from a carpet at home?
In its form, slime is a dense jelly-like mass that is sticky and can be absorbed into the carpet pile.
You can remove it in several stages:
- Remove the slime itself.
- Remove the mark left by the slime.
If you find a jelly-like stain on the surface of the carpet, you must try to remove it before it dries.
You can use another similar toy that will help collect all the particles from the carpet.. The second slime is gently pressed to the surface and slowly, trying not to make the stain even larger, lifted up.
If a significant surface has been damaged, you should use available means (for example, a spoon) to collect as much of the jelly-like mass as possible.
In this case, you need to work from the edge to the center of the spot. It is not advisable to use a sharp knife or blade for this, as this can damage the pile. After this they move on to cleaning.
Not all slime removal recipes are suitable. for carpet processing due to its following features:
- It is not advisable to overly moisten the surface;
- the presence of lint creates difficulties during cleaning;
- inability to use very high and very low temperatures;
- Do not use products that can discolor the pile;
- Do not use products that can themselves lead to the formation of stains and streaks.
Application of funds for carpet cleaning from slime is based on the principle of dissolving dried particles and their better release from the pile. Removal of contamination from slime residues begins after the slime itself has been removed.
Work order:
The area of contamination is moistened with a product prepared for this purpose.
- Leave the product to act for a quarter of an hour.
- After exposure to glue solvent, alcohol or another substance, the remaining slime becomes viscous; they are removed with rags or napkins.
- The stain treated in this way is thoroughly wiped with a wet cloth, collecting any remaining mucus.
- After this, the treatment area is wiped with a dry cloth.
- Let the carpet dry. If the room is cold, you can use a low-heat hairdryer to dry.
Vinegar can remove traces left by slime. To treat contaminants, it is used in diluted form: at ? Do you need a glass of water? glasses of vinegar. Vinegar is not used in its pure form, as it can damage the carpet fibers.
Medical or industrial alcohol can be used to remove slime. To do this, soak a cotton swab well with the product and treat the area of contamination.
For large stains, do not pour a lot of alcohol at once, as this can damage the carpet itself. Moisturize the area affected by the slime with alcohol gradually..
Do not use alcohol-containing products that have a pronounced tint, as this can lead to new stains. To a greater extent, this prohibition applies to light-colored carpets.
Glue solvent
Glue remover will help remove slime residue from the carpet and deal with the stain. A napkin soaked in it must be applied to the area of contamination.. For these purposes, you can use, for example, Dr. glue remover. Beckmann.
WD-40 is a car lubricant that will help clean the carpet after children's pranks. This product is safe for carpeting.
8 Cleaning Tips
When dealing with such a difficult problem as lick on the carpet, It is recommended to adhere to the following tips:
- It is possible to use a vacuum cleaner only when the main part of the slime has been collected and its remains on the pile have dried. Otherwise, the stain will only be smeared, and the vacuum cleaner itself may suffer from the viscous mass.
Before using a stain remover, you should first test it on an inconspicuous area so as not to further damage the carpet.
- When using chemicals to clean carpet, you should wear rubber gloves.
- When using chemicals, such as adhesive solvent, all work should be done in a well-ventilated area.
- When using products to remove slime, it is recommended that the solvents do not go beyond the stain, so as not to damage the rest of the pile and the carpet base.
- The effect of the solvent is not immediate; it is necessary to ensure its effect on the slime for about a quarter of an hour.
- To remove slime, do not use products that can discolor the lint, for example, acetone for nail polish remover.
- Do not use wine, apple, or other types of vinegar that have color, as this can lead to staining of the pile.
Useful video
This video will show you how to remove slime from a carpet:
It is better to use only proven recipes to remove slime from the carpet. When using any products, you should keep in mind that in addition to cleaning the slime itself, it is necessary to remove the stains left by it and not make new ones.
Instead of vinegar, citric acid is perfect, it’s cheaper and doesn’t stink, an 80 gram packet for 1.5 liters of water and this solution into a washing vacuum cleaner. Fill it in, scrub it with a brush, collect it with a vacuum cleaner, and so on 5-8 times.With 3 liters of solution I washed 60 ml of red slime from white without a trace! shaggy. Afterwards, to neutralize the acid, treat with a solution of baking soda, 50 g per 1.5 liters of water.