Proven ways to remove oxide from aluminum products at home
Aluminum products are used very widely. They are light and comfortable and have shine. But during operation, the shine fades quite quickly, and oxide forms on the surface, which greatly spoils the appearance.
To solve the problem with the oxide that appears, you can use special means and folk recipes, as well as adhere to the operating rules.
We will tell you how to remove oxide from aluminum in this article.
How to clean with improvised means?
When using aluminum items, dark spots appear on their surface. Remove oxide possible using simple cleaning methods.
Lemon acid
To treat an aluminum container, it is necessary to prepare a solution in the following proportion: for each liter of water - 2 tablespoons of citric acid. The resulting solution must be boiled for a quarter of an hour (or a little longer if there is a lot of oxide). After this, the container is washed.
Fruit acid, which is found in fresh apples, copes well with oxide.
- The fruit is cut in half.
- Dark spots are rubbed with a cut.
- Leave to act for 30 minutes.
- The container is washed.
Coca Cola
The sweet carbonated drink contains orthophosphoric acid, which copes well with the oxide. The use of Cola is very simple:
- pour the drink into an aluminum container;
- leave for 1.5 hours;
- Rinse.
Fresh sorrel is required for processing. Application procedure:
- A bunch of leaves is placed in a container that needs to be processed.
- Fill the container with water.
- Boil over low heat for half an hour.
- The solution with the leaves is poured out.
- The container is washed.
Salt, vinegar and mustard powder
If the darkening from oxide is on the outside of the container, You can use the following method:
- add 1 tablespoon of salt and mustard powder into a bowl;
- pour in 1 tbsp. vinegar;
- stir;
- using a sponge, apply the resulting slurry to areas with oxide;
- leave for a quarter of an hour;
- rinse with warm water.
Kitchen salt
Table salt diluted with water can also be used to eliminate the oxide. Work order:
- Pour 2 tbsp into a bowl. salt.
- Pour in 1 tsp. warm temperature water.
- Mix.
- Apply with a sponge to areas with darkening.
- Leave for 30 minutes.
- Rinse.
Soda solution
To eliminate oxidation from the surface of aluminum objects, you can use an aqueous solution of soda. This recipe is suitable not only for dishes, but also for removing darkening from various parts of mechanisms.
Pour water into a large container in which aluminum objects will be cleaned by immersion and add baking soda in the following ratio: for every liter of liquid - 2 tablespoons of powder.
Processing order:
- pour the soda solution into the container;
- the item to be processed is lowered into the container;
- bring to a boil;
- boil for at least 10 minutes, monitoring the effect.
Use of household chemicals
You can find special products for cleaning and polishing aluminum products. Their use gives a good effect, but not all of them can be used to clean dishes from the inside in contact with food.
Shine Coins for cleaning and polishing
Domestic product Designed for cleaning and polishing aluminum and coins. The product contains surfactants and an ultra-nanodisperse abrasive component, which is gentle on the aluminum surface.
Shake the product before use. It is convenient to apply the drug with a sponge using rubbing movements. After processing, the aluminum product is rinsed. The cost for a volume of 150 ml is from 250 rubles.
Autosol Aluminum Cleaner
Aluminum cleaner is an auto chemical product. The product is produced in Germany. The drug is suitable for eliminating complex contaminants and oxidation sites. Can be used to process aluminum cookware.
The cleaner is applied by spraying and works within 10 minutes. After the treatment, the surface is cleaned and polished with a rag. Cost for 500 ml – from 600 rubles.
Cleaner Moreman
Aluminum cleaner is designed to remove traces of oxidation and other contaminants from various aluminum surfaces, including marine vessels. The drug in contact with the surface gives almost instant effect.
In addition to oxide, the product removes lime deposits, rust, etc. The cleaner is biodegradable. Manufacturer – Spain. Price for 1 liter – from 1,500 rubles.
Removal from aluminum cookware
Cookware made from aluminum is susceptible to scale formation. This circumstance is directly related to the composition of tap water. The more metal salts it contains, the more actively scale will form.For processing, you can use the tools that you have on hand.
Lemon acid
For descaling treatment preparing a solution of citric acid. For every 1.5 liters you need to add 25 grams of acid. The container is brought to a boil and left to cool. After this, you can rinse the inside.
For processing you will need table vinegar. It is diluted half and half with water or used undiluted. The solution is poured into the container so as to cover the areas with scale.
After bringing to a boil, remove the aluminum pan from the heat and allow to cool. The liquid is drained, and the dishes themselves are washed and boiled with clean water.
7 recommendations to help
Remove oxide from aluminum objects without unpleasant consequences The following tips will help:
To clean the surface from dirt and oxide, do not use sharp objects that can damage the aluminum. Metal brushes, knives, hard scrapers, etc. are prohibited.
- When choosing a cleaning composition based on consistency, it is better to give preference to gels and liquids, since powders are abrasives that can lead to scratches.
- Aluminum cookware should not be cleaned while hot; it must be given time to cool. This requirement is due to the fact that hot metal can be deformed when it comes into contact with water.
- Harsh chemicals should not be used on aluminum, as the surface of the metal may react and release toxic substances.
- Aluminum cookware is not dishwasher safe. With such processing, temperature changes are inevitable, which this metal does not tolerate very well.
- A mixture of 3 parts borax and 1 part ammonia will help to add shine to aluminum.
- Aluminum is not intended for long-term food storage, as this leads to the development of oxidative processes that are harmful to health. For the same reason, you should not use such utensils when preparing preserves for the winter.
Remove oxide from aluminum you can do it yourself at home. To implement the task, you need to take home recipes and special products that can give a good effect.