Why is the LG washing machine leaking, how to fix the problem?
A leak from an LG washing machine is always an unpleasant situation.
In some cases, this problem can be solved quite simply, even on your own, but sometimes a leak means the need for very serious and expensive repairs.
Why the LG washing machine leaks, how to find the problem and fix it, we will tell you in the article.
What to do first?
If you find a puddle under your LG washing machine, you should act quickly. Even if a lot of water has spilled, you should not panic. Work order:
- The first thing you need to do is turn off the power to the device. This must be done immediately, but without stepping into a puddle. If you cannot reach the plug and socket, turn off the switch at the electrical panel.
- Turn off the water supply to the washing machine - turn on the tap.
- Use rags to remove spilled water from the floor.
- Drain the water from the machine through the emergency drain.
- Remove the laundry from the drum.
Only after urgent measures have been taken can we proceed to diagnosis and search for the cause of the leak.
Causes of leakage and solutions
When looking for the cause of a leak, LG will help determine the location of the leak and at what stage of the wash cycle the water began to pour out.
Water leaking from the left corner at the bottom of the housing
There is a drain filter at the bottom of the LG washing machine. An emergency drain hose is located next to it. There can be several reasons for a leak:
- poorly secured plug on the emergency drain hose;
- loose drain filter;
- the drain filter is clogged;
- pump clogged/broken;
- broken/clogged pipes.
After removing the panel at the bottom of the front side of the LG washing machine, access to the filter opens. Before unscrewing it, you need to place rags to absorb any water that may still be in the washing machine.
The filter is unscrewed, cleaned and washed in water. After processing, it is installed in place. If it is damaged, the part should be replaced with a new one.
When installing the filter in its intended place, you should ensure that the installation is carried out efficiently. If installed carelessly, a leak may occur from this location again.
You can watch the video on how to clean the drain filter in an LG car:
When dialing
If water begins to pour out even at the stage of entering the LG washing machine, you should check the condition of the pipes and inlet hose. In order to carry out an inspection, you will have to partially disassemble the washing machine.
All pipes must be connected very securely, checking the quality of the pipes.
From below
Water spreading under an LG machine can be either a relatively simple breakdown or a serious one that will cost several thousand rubles.
The cause of the leak may be:
Worn or damaged pipes leading to the dispenser, tank, etc.
- Damaged tank...
- Destroyed bearings.
- Clogged or damaged pump.
- Violation of the integrity of the hoses that supply and discharge water.
- Wear of gaskets.
- Broken seal of the heating element seat.
All these areas and working units can only be analyzed when disassembling the washing machine. For some types of breakdowns (for example, when replacing a tank), repairs are only possible in a workshop, since free space will be required to completely disassemble the machine, and special tools.
Replacement of hoses and pipes is usually carried out on site. The same applies to replacing gaskets that no longer perform their intended functions.
In addition to the reasons listed, water leakage can be a consequence of previous repairs (successful or unsuccessful), when an old solder joint or previously treated joints begin to leak water some time after the previous repair. In such situations, repeated repairs cannot be avoided.
Why water flows from below the washing machine, read in this article.
From the tray
A leak from the tray can be caused by:
- impaired passage of water from the dispenser into the pipe;
- damage to the plastic of the powder receptacle;
- high pressure in the water supply.
If there are also no problems with water pressure, then you will need to check the outlet pipe for defects and the quality of the joints. To carry out inspection, it will be necessary to remove the back and top panels.
From the hatch
Leakage from the LG hatch door can occur on the outside and inside of the washing machine.
Circumstances that lead to water appearing on the floor: may be the following:
- Violation of the integrity of the rubber seal.
- A foreign object has gotten between the rubber band and the door.
If the reason is sloppy stacking of laundry, then no repairs are required. In the future, you just need to be careful when placing things in the washing machine.
A cuff defect is determined quite simply. The rubber band should be examined carefully. If there are holes, the cuff must be replaced. The part should not be repaired. How to replace the cuff, read Here.
Call the master
If you can’t figure out the leak in your LG machine on your own, you can contact a household appliance repair company. It is not difficult to find such companies on the Internet by indicating the name of your city in the search query.
The cost of the technician’s work will depend on the severity of the breakdown and the complexity of the repair. Payment for spare parts required is made separately.
The average price for work in Moscow is:
- replacement of the drain hose – from 1,500 rubles;
- eliminating drain blockage – from 1,400 rubles;
- replacement of detergent dispenser – from 1,200 rubles;
- cleaning the drain filter – from 1,300 rubles;
- pipe replacement – from 2,000 rubles;
- pump replacement/repair – 2,100 rubles;
- tank replacement – from 4,600 rubles, etc.
To invite a specialist, you should call the phone number listed on the company’s website or leave your contact details for communication. When applying you should indicate:
- type of malfunction;
- car make/model.
After the repair has been carried out, the machine is started without adding laundry. If the work is successful, the master issues a guarantee for the repairs performed.
An LG washing machine may leak if parts break down, wear out, or due to violations of operating rules. Most of the reasons can be dealt with on your own., but sometimes you may need professional help.
In any case, the problem should not be left unresolved, since over time the situation will only worsen.