What to do if the LG washing machine displays an IE (1E) error, how to resolve it?
The IE error on the LG washing machine occurs at the beginning of the wash cycle, when the laundry is loaded and the program is selected. But the water has not started to fill up or is pouring in very slowly, never reaching the required level.
A problem like this needs a timely solution. Sometimes it is possible to correct the situation even on your own, but in difficult cases you cannot do without the help of a specialist.
What does this LG washing machine code mean?
The encoding on the IE display is formed by the first letters of the two English words “Intel Error”. The code is deciphered as the inability to collect water for a certain time.
Causes, diagnosis, solution to the problem
IE does not always mean that LG is broken. In some situations, troubleshooting is so simple that you can easily do it yourself.
Lack of water
If there is no water in the literal sense of the word in the system, it physically cannot get into the machine. The following points should be analyzed:
Is the water supply tap to the washing machine open or not? Incomplete opening of the tap will also prevent high-quality water from entering the tank.
- Is there water in the plumbing in the apartment?
- Weak water pressure in the plumbing system, as well as a not fully open water supply valve, can lead to an error appearing on the display, since the machine simply does not have time to draw water in the allotted time.
Crushed hose
A water supply hose that is kinked or squashed by something can also prevent it from flowing into the tank. To correct the situation, the hose must be straightened, released, and positioned freely.
Clogged inlet hose mesh
The mesh filter is located in the area where the inlet hose enters the washing machine. LG. The purpose of this small part is to retain small debris (pieces of rust, grains of sand, etc.) so that it does not get in with the water coming from the water supply.
The solution to the problem is cleaning the mesh. To do this, you need to disconnect the washing machine from the communications and remove the inlet hose. The mesh filter is removed, washed, and after processing is installed in its original place.
During active repair work on main water pipelines, there may be a lot of small debris in the tap water.
You can watch the video on how to clean the filter:
Random failure in the control module
A power surge or other accident may cause an IE error code to be issued. To reset settings, The washing machine should be unplugged for 20 minutes. Pulling the plug out of the socket. If the error does not go away when you turn it on again, diagnostic measures must be continued.
Intake valve failure
If the LG machine does not draw water at all, or does so very sluggishly, the problem may be due to a broken inlet valve. If there is a failure, it does not open to the command of the control module and, as a result, water does not fill. If it does not work completely, water may flow into the washer, but very slowly and a little at a time.
Why the LG washing machine does not draw water well or does not do so at all, he will tell you this article.
Clogged pipes
The pipes through which water enters the LG powder receptacle can also become clogged. In this case, you will have to partially disassemble the washing machine, detach the pipes from the powder receiver and clean it.
The pressure switch is broken
If the sensor breaks down, water is not added to the LG machine. The pressure switch needs to be removed and examined for diagnostics.. If the tube is clogged, it can be blown out. In other cases, the part is replaced with a new one.
Control board problems
The LG control module gives signals to the nodes, coordinating their coordinated work in accordance with the program specified by the user.
If the board fails, almost any error can appear on the display, including IE.
To analyze the condition and performance of the board, as well as to carry out repairs, it is removed by disconnecting it from the contacts. In most cases, this unit can be repaired, but it is better to entrust such responsible work to a specialist.
In extremely rare cases, the control module is replaced completely.
Constant drain of water
An error indicating insufficient water in the LG tank may be due to the fact that liquid constantly flows out of it without stopping.Self-draining causes the pressure switch to constantly send a signal to the control module about a lack of water, and the operation of the washing machine stops, and the IE command is issued to the display.
In such a situation, you will have to figure out why the water is draining. Most often, the problem lies in incorrect installation, including violation of the manufacturer's requirements regarding the location of the drain hose. With proper installation (with the obligatory raising of the drain hose above the level of the tank), the problem will go away on its own.
Calling a technician: where to call and how much to pay?
If the repair cannot be carried out on your own, you must call a specialist. Companies that provide washing equipment repair services can be found on the Internet by narrowing the search to your city.
The cost of repair (the price of replacement parts is paid separately) for an LG machine will depend on the complexity of the breakdown and the complexity of the repair.
On average, MSK prices start from the following indicators:
- replacement of the water supply valve – from 2,000 rubles;
- clearing the blockage/replacing the pressure switch – from 2,000 rubles;
- repair/replacement of the control board - about 2,500 rubles, etc.
After the repair is completed, the technician performs a test run of the washing machine and issues a warranty.
Preventive measures
To reduce the problem of IE error detection on your LG display, The following preventive measures will not be superfluous:
If the water in the water supply system is very dirty, it makes sense to install main filters at the entrance to the apartment. This will protect the washing machine from the entry of rust particles and other impurities that can cause clogging.
- If there are constant power surges in the house, it is advisable to connect the washing machine through a voltage stabilizer. This will protect the control board and other components from burnout and prevent costly repairs.
- It is advisable to clean the filter at the entrance to the washing machine, like the hose, from time to time. With active use, the best option is once a year.
- The pressure switch tube often becomes clogged with water containing foreign inclusions. If the water has quality problems, the pressure switch tube must be cleaned once a year, without waiting for problems to appear.
When using an LG washing machine The following recommendations will be useful:
- The washing machine and supply lines should be protected from children's pranks and pet mischief.
- The installation of the washing machine must be carried out initially according to the rules established by the manufacturer. This also applies to the location and installation of the inlet hose.
- After finishing washing, it is advisable to turn off the water supply tap to the washing machine so that it is not constantly under pressure.
- There is no need to immediately disassemble the washing machine when an IE error code is detected on the display; first you need to check accessible and simple components (water supply, filter mesh, hose) and only then proceed to diagnosing more complex areas.
You will find a lot of important and useful information about error codes for LG washing machines in this section.
If your LG washing machine produces an IE error code, it could be either an accident or a serious breakdown. In simple cases, it is possible to cope with the failure on your own, even without special knowledge.
But in case of serious breakdowns that require a clear understanding of the structure of the washing machine and knowledge of electrical engineering, it is better to contact a specialized company from which they will send technicians.