Important rules on how to wash a goat down scarf at home
Knitted items are always popular, and a down scarf can decorate any woman. This delicate openwork product not only warms, but also helps to create a unique image.
True, if you don’t know how to wash it, it won’t last long. If not properly cared for, down items lose their attractiveness, become deformed, and the down falls off. But this can be avoided if you follow washing tips and tricks.
We'll tell you in this article how to wash a goat's down scarf at home, by hand and in a washing machine.
Is it possible?
The less often down scarves are washed, the longer they last. Therefore, you need to use them carefully.
Do not immediately wash the item if a small stain appears.. From frequent washing it will lose its appearance and become deformed.
Therefore, it is better to carefully wash the stain with baby soap or a folk remedy suitable for such materials. For example, an aspirin tablet dissolved in water helps with blood stains.
It is not recommended to immediately wash such a product if it has been splashed on the street by a car. It is better to wait until the dirt dries, then carefully remove it with a soft sponge..
Washing is definitely required if the scarf gives off an unpleasant odor, or if it is very dirty and matted.
Nowadays, rarely do people wash by hand, as it is considered more convenient to use a machine. But for a down scarf it is better to deviate from this rule.
Even with the delicate mode, it will roll over the drum of the machine and be exposed to water for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to use this method as a last resort and only for dense items.
How to choose a detergent?
It is unacceptable to use aggressive substances or bleaches. It is best to choose liquid or gel products, as they are gentle on fabrics and are easier to rinse. They contain a minimal amount of harmful substances, surfactants, and enzymes.
There are several options for such funds:
Perwoll treats any fabric with care, suitable for wool;
- Frosch – a balm based on wheat fiber, milk protein and herbs, helps prevent the formation of pellets;
- Sonett contains natural oils and plant extracts;
- Ecover washes well at low temperatures, does not contain aggressive substances.
You can also use any good shampoo or make a solution from baby soap. But these methods have a drawback - they are difficult to rinse.
Washing recommendations and possible errors
A down scarf should be washed and rinsed at the same temperature. It is especially important to take this into account when machine washing - you cannot set it more than 30 degrees.
People often make mistakes when washing down products. They lead to stretching of the item, deformation of the pattern, and the disappearance or shedding of fluff.
You need to know what is not recommended to do:
- wash in hot water;
- use washing powder or bleach;
- pour detergent onto the handkerchief;
- rub, pull the fabric, brush;
- twist or lift by the ends;
- place the item under running water.
Preparation for the process
Before washing, the product must be properly prepared. It is recommended to comb it thoroughly first. To do this, take a comb with wooden teeth.
After this, it is recommended to soak the shawl for 20 minutes.. This will help get rid of accumulated dust. If necessary, stains must be removed first. This process must also be gentle: do not use brushes, rub too hard with your hands, or stretch the fabric.
After soaking, it is recommended to drain the dirty water and dilute new water for washing.
Step-by-step instruction
After preparation, proceed to washing. It's better to do it by hand. In the car, a shawl, even one made of thick fluff, can become deformed.
It is advisable to wash in cool water, with a temperature of up to 300. First, you need to dissolve the detergent in a deep basin according to the instructions.
Then start washing:
Dip the scarf into water. If there was no preliminary soaking, let it lie in the solution for 5 minutes.
- Using gentle movements reminiscent of making snowballs, squeeze it in your hands.
- When rinsing, perform the same movements. To remove the detergent completely, you need to change 5-6 waters.
- Add a little conditioner during the last rinse. Instead, you can use 1 tbsp. vinegar per 5 liters of water.
- You need to remove the scarf from the basin by first crumpling it into a ball and squeezing out the water. Then put it in a mesh bag and hang it over the sink.
In the washing machine
If you don’t have time or don’t want to bother with hand washing, you can do it in the machine. But you need to immediately prepare for the fact that the item may be damaged.
What are the washing rules?
- select a mode, some models have a special program for wool;
- do not turn on the heating or select the lowest temperature - up to 30;
- turn off spin;
- do not use automatic drying;
- add detergent and conditioner;
- put the item in the drum, having previously packed it in a bag.
"Snow" cleaning
You can refresh a not very dirty scarf in winter on freshly fallen snow. To do this, choose a clean place away from roads, lay out the product, and sprinkle snow on top. The scarf should lie for 20-30 minutes.
In the city you can hang it on the balcony during snowfall. After half an hour, shake off the snow and comb.
You just need to do this on a frosty day so that it doesn’t melt. This cleaning will refresh the color and give it a pleasant aroma.
Features for different types of products
Down scarves come in different varieties. The most common option is Orenburg. There are also varieties knitted from a thin thread with openwork knitting - cobwebs.
There are certain washing rules for different products:
- It is advisable to soak a white scarf for 5 hours in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. When washing, it is better to use products with bleach, but without chlorine.
- The most difficult thing to wash is the web scarf. After combing, you need to soak it in a soapy solution for half an hour. Shake the basin periodically. Without squeezing, place the handkerchief in a net so that all the water drains out.After an hour, rinse with gentle movements in 2 waters. It is recommended to put the damp item in the freezer for 5 hours.
- When washing a Pavloposad wool scarf, it is not recommended to use soaking. It is better to reduce contact with water.
- The thick Orenburg shawl is usually gray in color. It seems easier to wash, but it can also become deformed if not washed correctly. To preserve the fluff, it is recommended to put the still damp item in the freezer for 5 hours. After this, the scarf will become fluffier.
How to bleach correctly?
If a white scarf has yellowed or lost color, it can be bleached. But you can only use folk remedies for this. Do not use bleach, especially with chlorine.
There are several safe ways to whiten:
If there are individual stains, they are removed with acetylsalicylic acid. Dissolve aspirin in water and gently rub the paste into the stain.
- Pour 10 liters of warm water into a basin, add hydrogen peroxide. You will need 100 ml for every 500 g of product weight. You can add 50 ml of alcohol. Soak the scarf in the resulting solution for 5 hours.
- Dissolve hydroperite in the same amount of water at the rate of 5 tablets per 100 g. Add 50 ml of ammonia. Soak overnight.
How to dry?
To prevent the scarf from becoming deformed, it is also important to dry it properly. First you need to wait until all the water has drained. To do this, it is placed in a net and suspended above the bathtub or sink.
Then blot the product with a fluffy towel to remove any remaining water. Only after this the wet item is dried. This can be done on a special frame or without it..
On the frame
Scarves that are dried on a special wooden frame retain their shape and pattern best.
It must be made according to size and shape. Drive small nails along the edge at a distance of no more than 10 cm from each other.
If a frame is used for drying, you need to thread a fishing line or thick thread into the teeth of the scarf before washing.. Then the wet product is pulled onto the frame, putting the fishing line on the nails. This should be done by straightening the scarf evenly. Leave it like this until it dries.
Using a towel
If there is no frame, you can dry the scarf without it. After the water has drained, it is recommended to collect excess moisture by wrapping it several times in dry towels.
Then spread a sheet or large towel on a flat surface and lay out the scarf, straightening all the edges well. You can also put a clean cloth on top.
From time to time it is recommended to change the sheets for dry ones, and shake the scarf and lay it out evenly again.
How to fluff?
It is recommended to comb the dried product carefully to raise the fluff.. But you can use the freezer - this is an easier way to fluff up a scarf.
Video on the topic
How to wash a down scarf, video instructions:
If you wash your down scarf correctly, it will retain its attractive appearance and the softness of the yarn longer. By following simple rules, you can avoid deformation of the product.