Solution to a delicate problem: how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under the arms without washing?
The smell of armpit sweat can appear on clothes even for those people who carefully monitor hygiene and cleanliness.
Washing is the most obvious way to remove it, but what to do if you don’t have time for it, and you need to wear the item right now?
Read the article about how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under your arms without washing, which products help and which ones are absolutely useless.
How to quickly get rid of an unpleasant odor: 12 proven recipes
There are things in which the smell of sweat is so ingrained that it cannot be masked even with the help of deodorants.
In all cases, effective and simple means at hand come to the rescue. The most effective recipes are:
Vodka or rubbing alcohol. These substances can destroy bacteria that cause sweat odor.
To get rid of it, you need to treat the armpit area with alcohol, let it evaporate and iron the problem area with an iron.
- Salt. To prepare the solution you will need 1 tbsp. l. salt and 250 ml of water at room temperature. To remove odor from a thick denim jacket or wool, double the amount of salt.
When it is completely dissolved, a cotton pad is moistened in it and the tissue in the armpit area is treated with it.After 15 minutes, rinse the soaked area in clean water, iron it and use it for its intended purpose. Salt works like an adsorbent, absorbing foreign aromas.
- Lemon acid. Her, in the amount of 2 tbsp. l., dissolve in 100 ml of warm water. The resulting composition is applied to the stains for 30 minutes. All that remains is to rinse the treated areas of the fabric and iron them.
There is a similar express method, which is also based on neutralizing odor with acids - this is the use of lemon peels. The zest is cut from the fruit and rubbed onto the tissue in the armpit area. After this treatment, the clothes are immediately ready for use. Rinsing in water and washing can be postponed for a while.
- Soda. This baking powder is an excellent adsorbent that quickly absorbs moisture and odors. Sprinkle a thin layer of soda onto the area that needs treatment and gently rub it into the material, avoiding excess pressure. After 30 minutes, you need to clean the product from soda using a brush. The unpleasant trail will “go away” with it.
- Laundry soap. This method is similar to washing, but it differs in that the processing is carried out locally, so it does not take much time. The unpleasant-smelling area of the item is moistened with water, soaped and left for 10 minutes. Then the fabric is rinsed and ironed to dry quickly.
- Ammonia. It is used to remove odors from light-colored items. Dissolve 1 tsp in 0.25 l of water. alcohol and apply the resulting composition to the fabric. Leave the item for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
- Cold. The bacteria that cause sweat odor are afraid of the cold. At sub-zero temperatures they are destroyed.Therefore, the problematic item can be hung on the balcony (in winter) or placed in the freezer. However, this method cannot be called fast. It will take at least 12 hours to get rid of unpleasant odors.
Vinegar. Essence is not used to process things. You will need vinegar with a concentration of 9%. It is applied to the problem area using a cotton pad for 10 minutes. All that remains is to rinse the fabric in running water.
- Boric acid. This pharmaceutical product allows you to efficiently remove the smell of sweat from clothes, but it cannot be used on delicate fabrics so as not to destroy their structure.
For 1 liter of water you will need 10 g of powder. Soak the armpit area with the resulting solution, leave for 30 minutes and rinse with clean water.
- Aspirin. This is another medicine that helps eliminate unpleasant odors from things. To prepare the solution you will need 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and a glass of clean water. When the solution is ready, the armpit areas of a jacket, dress or other item are impregnated with it. After 60 minutes, the fabric is rinsed and dried with an iron.
- Starch, chalk, talc. These powder products are known for their ability to absorb odors. However, they are not used to provide a quick effect. For them to take effect, at least 12 hours must pass.
You can speed up this process a little by preheating them in a frying pan. Sprinkle the selected powder onto the smelly area, leave the product for 12-24 hours, after which the composition is removed with a soft brush. This method is suitable for caring for bulky down jackets, jackets, and coats.
- Wet wipes with antibacterial effect. If you need to get rid of the smell immediately, then antibacterial wipes will come to the rescue. They treat the fabric in the armpit area, leave the item for a few minutes to dry and put it on yourself. This method will briefly eliminate the pronounced smell of sweat.
What methods don't work?
On the Internet you can find many tips that supposedly help cope with the smell of sweat. To avoid wasting your time, you should not resort to methods such as:
Use of newspapers. The method is to stuff things with crumpled paper and leave them for several hours or days.
The effect will be zero, since newspapers are able to absorb moisture, but they have no effect on the bacteria that cause the smell of sweat.
- White spirit, gasoline or kerosene. You can find recommendations for getting rid of sweat odor using these substances. They can actually disinfect fabric, but you won’t be able to do without washing them after using them.
These compounds themselves have a pungent odor. Therefore, after using them, the aroma of fuel and lubricants will emanate from clothes, which can hardly be called pleasant. This method is effective, but requires a full wash.
- Ultraviolet. They say that if you hold an item under an ultraviolet lamp, the smell of sweat will disappear. In fact, the item will smell the same as before. The only effect of such treatment is the destruction of viruses and microbes.
The fact is that the smell of sweat is the result of mixing a secretion (a special viscous liquid) that is secreted by the glands of the armpits with bacteria that live on the skin. It is not enough to simply destroy microbes; you need to influence the secretion in a certain way.
Why is it better to wash than to mask?
To 100% get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes, it is better to wash them. The thing is, the disguise doesn't last long.. Contaminants remaining in the fabric fibers will again begin to emit an unpleasant odor after short contact with the skin.
The longer the secretions are on the fabric, the deeper they are absorbed into its structure. It will be difficult to get rid of such a smell, even after a full wash.
In addition, sweat is not only an odor, but also stains. A T-shirt with streaks under the arms does not look very aesthetically pleasing. That's why You should resort to methods of masking unpleasant odors only in case of emergency, when washing things is really impossible.
If you are interested in how to remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes, read this publication. Read about removing sweat marks from a T-shirt Here, from the shirt - here.
Important Tips
To get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes, without harming the fabric and your own health, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- When using any compositions, protect your hands with gloves. Most solutions dry out the skin greatly.
- When using odorous substances, such as ammonia, you need to wear a respirator. The treatment is carried out in a room with sufficient ventilation, or with open windows.
- Many products not only remove the smell of sweat, but also help get rid of yellow spots. For this purpose, you can use: citric acid, soda, aspirin, ammonia, boric acid, vinegar. However, when processing black and dark products, they must be used carefully so as not to provoke the appearance of faded areas.
You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products Here.
Video on the topic of the article
How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, video tips:
You can deal with the smell of sweat absorbed into your clothes without washing. To do this, use available means, for example, vinegar, citric acid, ammonia or other substances.
To achieve maximum effect, they must be used correctly., and at the first opportunity resort to a full wash.