Step-by-step instructions on how to properly remove vertical blinds for washing
Vertical blinds are practical, modern and convenient designs that serve to decorate windows, protect from sunlight and prying eyes. They can often be found both in office premises and in residential buildings.
However, when it comes to washing, their owners are faced with a serious question - how to remove vertical blinds for washing without breaking the fastenings, and how to hang them back. Answers to these and other questions can be found in the article.
How to carefully unhook the strips (lamellas)?
There are craftsmen who clean blinds without removing them from the window, but such cleaning cannot be called complete. To effectively remove dirt from them, they need to be removed and washed.
The main task that an inexperienced person faces is not to damage the clamps and the strips themselves. To do this, you must strictly follow the sequence of actions:
Rotate the slats (blind strips) so that they are in the “open” position. To do this, a chain of command is used.
- Remove the guide chain from both sides of the bottom weight of each lamella.
- Remove the weights from the strip. This is what weight bars are called.
- Remove each strip from the curtain rod. The upper part of the lamella is grabbed near the slider and slightly turned, lifting it up by 3-5 mm. There should be a characteristic click.Then the strip is bent towards the long part of the fastening clip and sharply pulled down.
If everything is done correctly, the strip should remain in the person’s hands. A simplified description of the procedure is as follows: “lift, move the plug to the side, pull sharply.”
If the blinds do not turn, the reason lies in a broken guide. Trying to remove the closed strips is strictly prohibited. To troubleshoot problems, you need to call a technician.
Possible difficulties
Difficulties in removing blinds may arise for people who do not fully understand how to remove the slats from the mount. The main problem is a strip stuck in the center of the mounting clip. This is due to the fact that the lamella was not removed sharply enough.
Sometimes the process of removing blinds from the eaves is complicated by the fact that it is impossible to get close to the window. If you pull them from afar, the likelihood of damage to the product increases. Therefore, it is better to move the furniture than to pay for the repair of the entire structure.
Another difficulty you may encounter is the clamp getting stuck.. If this happens not with one, but with all fasteners, it is possible that there was a manufacturing defect. In this case, you need to contact the store where the purchase was made. You need to turn the slats until they open completely. In relation to the window they should be located at an angle of 90 degrees.
Hands can get very tired and numb when working with blinds. There is no need to rush and quickly pull the slats so as not to break them.It’s better to go downstairs, rest and calmly continue the process of extracting the strips.
What to do if the fasteners are broken?
If the fasteners were broken due to careless removal of the strips, you can deal with the problem yourself. First you need to go to the store and purchase clamps of similar size.
They are available in all retail outlets that manufacture and sell blinds. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is better to take one mount with you.
First you need to remove it from the guide. If the outer holder is broken, then there should be no difficulties.
When the fastening located in the middle of the blinds has been damaged, you will need to disassemble them completely by removing the chain. To get to the damaged element, the fastenings surrounding it are removed from the cornice along with the strips.
The lamella is removed only from the damaged holder according to the scheme described above. You need to act carefully so that the damaged plastic element does not tear the fabric strip. After purchasing the desired element, a lamella is inserted into it and the shoulder is returned to its place. All that remains is to hang the blinds back.
Repairing fasteners yourself is not difficult. The services of a master will cost at least 100 rubles per 1 element. At the same time, he will definitely take money for a home visit.
The average rate in Russia is 600 rubles. Thus, repairing one runner will cost 700 rubles. It is much cheaper to buy and install it yourself.
How to hang it back?
It is not difficult to hang the blinds back after washing, since the procedure for removing them has already been mastered.
The procedure is the same, but in the opposite direction:
- holding the lamella at the base, turn it sideways;
- the loop is inserted between the clamps - a characteristic click will indicate that it has taken its place;
- proceed in the same way with all strips;
- When the slats are hung, weights are installed and chains are attached to them.
All that remains is to enjoy the look of the washed blinds and the freshness in the room.
Useful tips
To prevent the process of removing vertical blinds from becoming a serious challenge, The following tips should be taken into account:
- Before purchasing blinds, you should ask the seller about possible ways to wash them. You should definitely ask a consultant to show you how to properly remove the strips from the mount and hang them back.
- Don't pull the strips down too hard. Movements should be sharp, but without applying significant effort.
- In order not to tear off the lamella along with the slider, you need to grab it in close proximity to the hook.
- It is not recommended to wash blinds too often. They need to be removed once a year, or as needed (in the presence of heavy contamination). In other cases, it is enough to limit yourself to wet cleaning. You can get rid of dust using a vacuum cleaner.
- When removing the slats, you have to climb to a higher elevation. Standing on the windowsill is not recommended. It is better to use a sturdy stool or a reliable table. The support should not be shaky.
You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products Here.
Video on the topic of the article
Video instructions on how to remove, wash and hang vertical blinds:
Removing vertical blinds for washing is not difficult. It is enough to turn them in the desired direction, grab them correctly and remove them from the mount. Return the strips to their place according to a similar scheme, but act in reverse order.
If you work carefully and slowly, the fasteners will not break. If their integrity is damaged, you can repair the blinds yourself without paying for the expensive services of a specialist.