Important rules and effective ways to wash faded items
If, after washing, things, contrary to expectations, do not become cleaner, but become faded, you need to take emergency measures.
Fresh stains can be removed using improvised means or using professional household chemicals.
Read the article about how to correct an unpleasant situation and wash faded items (white and colored).
How to return white underwear to its original appearance?
Stains are especially noticeable on white items, so simply washing them with detergent is not enough. It is necessary to use compounds that have a whitening effect. Read about what to do with a faded white item Here.
Folk remedies
Effective in the fight against fresh stains laundry soap. It contains fatty acids and caustic soda, which work well on stubborn stains. You can strengthen the recipe with citric or acetic acid.
Grate natural laundry soap 72%.
- Dissolve it in warm water to form a paste of medium thickness.
- Add a little vinegar or citric acid to it.
- Apply the paste to faded areas.
- Leave for 4-5 hours.
- Wash the item as usual.
You can deal with the problem using dishwashing detergent. It contains surfactants that corrode paint molecules, making their connections less strong. Therefore, not a trace will remain of the stain.
Mode of application:
- mix dishwashing liquid and baking soda (2 tbsp and 1 tsp) in a separate container;
- apply the paste to the stain, leave to act for 3 hours;
- remove the composition with a soft brush;
- wash the item as usual.
Dishwashing detergent will remove the stain and soda bleaches the fabric.
If stains are deeply absorbed into the fibers of the fabric, They use a combined composition, which is prepared on the basis of the following components:
- lemon acid;
- salt;
- starch;
- crushed Aspirin tablet.
If the stain has already dried, hydrogen peroxide comes to the rescue. You can buy it at any pharmacy. It is not recommended to apply it in its pure form to things, so as not to spoil the fabric. Based on it, a solution is prepared at the rate of 50 ml per 5 liters of water.
Algorithm of actions:
- Pour the prepared solution into the basin. It should be warm, but not hot.
- Soak things in it for an hour.
- Rinse clothes and wash them as usual.
If the stains are not removed the first time, there is no need to wash the items. They are rinsed, a new solution is prepared and the procedure is repeated again.
Another effective remedy for removing stains from faded items is ammonia. A solution is prepared with it in which white fabrics are soaked:
- washing powder – 1 tbsp. l;
- ammonia - 1 tbsp. l;
- salt – 3 tbsp. l;
- warm water – 3 l.
The liquid is whipped until foam forms, after which the item is placed in it for 2 hours. After the specified time, the clothes are rinsed and washed as usual.The good thing about this recipe is that it can be used to wash delicate fabrics.
Household chemicals
When choosing a stain remover, you need to consider the type of fabric. If it is delicate, preference is given to the liquid form of the detergent. In other cases, you can use powder.
Professional stain removers that can be used for washing faded items:
Vanish Oxi Action Gold. The oxygen bleach and stain remover included in the gel helps to quickly deal with even the most stubborn stains. Therefore, using it to wash faded items will not be difficult.
Fill a basin with water, add 1 measuring cap of detergent and soak the items for a while. For white fabrics, a maximum of 6 hours, after which the items are washed as usual. The cost of a 0.45 liter gel is 240 rubles.
- Sarma Bleach Active. It does not contain chlorine and can be used for washing all types of fabrics. For 10 liters of water you will need 50 ml of detergent and the same amount of powder. Soak the item for 30-60 minutes, then wash as usual. The cost of the composition is about 80 rubles per package of 400 g.
- Bos plus. This oxygen bleach enhances the action of laundry detergent, making it easy to remove even stubborn stains. For soaking, you need 40 g of bleach and the same amount of washing powder. Heavily faded items are kept in the solution for no more than 20 minutes, after which they begin normal washing.The higher the water temperature, the better the quality of the wash. The cost of a 600 g package is 160 rubles.
All of the products listed can be purchased in retail stores, in the household chemicals department, or ordered online.
The video will show you how to save a faded white item:
What to do if colored fabric items fade during washing?
If colored items have faded, the task becomes more complicated, since it is not recommended to use products containing bleach for washing. To prevent your own pigment from being washed out along with the stains, you need to strictly control the soaking time.
Recipes for use at home
To remove faded stains from colored items, you can use one of the following recipes:
Ethyl alcohol with lemon juice. They need to be mixed in equal proportions and soak all problem areas with the resulting solution. After 30 minutes, the item is washed as usual, using detergent.
- Glycerin and ammonia. These components are mixed in an amount of 1 tsp, add 8 tbsp. l. water and apply the composition to the faded fabric. Leave to act for an hour, after which they begin washing.
- Lemon juice. The faded fabric is generously moistened with it, after which it is covered with white cloth and passed through with a hot iron. After ironing, the item is once again treated with lemon juice, left for 15 minutes and washed as usual.
Before you begin removing faded stains, you need to test the selected composition on an inconspicuous area. All colored things are colored differently. On some fabrics, the pigment is held firmly, while on others it is weaker. This is why pre-testing is so important.
Stain removers
The following household stain removers can cope with faded stains on colored items:
- Ace Oxi Magic Color. The cost of a package weighing 200 g is about 106 rubles. For 10 liters of water you need 5 tbsp. l. detergent and the same amount of washing powder. You can soak things for 20 minutes, after which you can start washing.
- Ludwik Color: stain remover for colored fabrics. The cost of the gel is 280 rubles. This Polish stain remover helps not only to deal with faded fabrics, but also with other types of stains, and also maintain color saturation.
- G-Oxi gel for colored fabrics. The cost of 500 ml of the product is 120 rubles. The liquid removes stains well even at a temperature of +30 degrees. For 4 liters of water you need 100 ml of gel. Soaking time should not exceed 5 hours.
What to do with clothes of two colors?
If the product has detachable parts, they must be removed and washed separately. When this is not possible, proceed as follows:
Soak a cotton pad in ammonia. With its help, the composition is applied to faded colored parts.
- Another disk is soaked in hydrogen peroxide diluted half with water. White parts are treated with this composition.
- Leave the alcohol and peroxide to act for 30 minutes.
- Wash the fabric in cool water (no higher than 30 degrees).
You can also use household stain removers, but white parts are treated with a stain remover. washing white clothes, and dyed - for washing colored items.
How to prevent shedding?
To prevent clothes from fading, you must adhere to the following rules:
- do not wash dyed fabrics in hot water, maximum temperature – 30-40 degrees;
- Do not wash white and colored fabrics together;
- observe the dosage of detergent;
- wash a new item separately from the rest.
He will tell you how to wash faded items correctly. this article.
Helpful information
Tips that will come in handy when washing faded things:
To completely wash faded items, you need to start the procedure immediately, without waiting for the fabric to dry.
- Before you begin removing stains, you need to study the information on the product label, as there are things that cannot be washed with acids or chlorine. The data is encrypted in the form of icons.
- White items can be washed in hot water, while colored items can only be washed in cool water.
- Do not soak colored items in stain remover for more than an hour.
- If you have to work with bleach, you need to protect your hands with gloves.
You will find maximum useful information about washing clothes and various fabric products Here.
Washing faded items is not difficult if you follow the basic rules. You should begin removing stains immediately, without waiting for the fabric to dry. To wash white items, use compounds that have a bleaching effect. Stains are removed from colored materials using gentler means.