Tips and tricks on how to wash boxing gloves and care for them properly
Sports uniforms have a fairly high price, including boxing gloves.
Considering their complex design (several layers of material, filling and outer upholstery made of leather, or leather substitute in budget options), you need to pay due attention to the features of caring for them.
In this article, we will look in detail at whether and how to wash boxing gloves in a washing machine and by hand, how to dry them properly, what cleaning agent to choose, and how to get rid of the unpleasant odor inside.
Is it possible?
Due to the design features, Both hand and machine washing are highly recommended. The fact is that a large amount of water has a detrimental effect on the material from which they are made.
This is due to a number of factors:
A large amount of water, incorrect choice of mode when washing in a washing machine, errors when washing by hand, as well as violation of drying rules can lead to natural leather hardening and losing its elasticity, and leatherette simply cracking.
- The filler will absorb a large amount of moisture, and during the drying process it will clump into clumps.
- Since drying gloves takes a long time, during the drying process the fabric can begin to rot, and harmful bacteria can form on the inside of the upholstery, which can cause irritation, allergic reactions and an unpleasant odor.
If washing still cannot be avoided, you need to reduce its amount to a minimum, while following certain rules.
Features of choosing a detergent
The main thing is not to use low-quality, cheap powders. It’s better to give up the powder altogether, because... Even if you choose an expensive brand, when washing, grains may become clogged in the filler or pores of the skin, and it will not be possible to rinse them properly.
A good option for washing would be:
- shampoo;
- fabric softener;
- mild detergent;
- cream-gel for delicate fabrics.
In the washing machine
What you need to know if you decide to use a washing machine:
Each glove must be placed in special bags. This minimizes the risk of damage to the drum coating.
- After loading, you should select the most delicate washing mode; the “Hand Wash” function is recommended.
- The temperature is not higher than 40 degrees. Optimal is 30 degrees Celsius.
- Using the spin mode is strictly prohibited.
- You also cannot unscrew them: the water must drain on its own. To speed up this process, you can lightly squeeze the gloves several times.
This is an extreme measure; if there is an opportunity not to do this, refrain. Washing in a washing machine may damage the product.
The process is practically no different from the previous method:
- gloves must be soaked in warm, soapy water for several hours; it is not recommended to carry out this procedure for more than four hours;
- clean the outer part with the non-abrasive side of the sponge;
- The inside is cleaned using a soft brush;
- It is forbidden to twist them; the best option would be to let the water drain naturally or, to speed up the process, lightly squeeze several times.
Wet processing
This method is the best of all those presented above. To maintain a neat appearance and overall service life, It is necessary to perform several actions after each training or fight:
When you get home, immediately take the gloves out of your sports bag, or better yet, wear them separately. The more they are ventilated, the better.
- Make a solution using two glasses of warm water and a teaspoon of detergent. Adding a couple of drops of ammonia will help you more effectively get rid of complex stains.
- The outer part is wiped with a small piece of cloth slightly moistened in the solution. After this, the procedure is repeated, but using a soft, dry cloth.
- To clean the inside, use a vinegar solution: to do this, mix water and apple cider vinegar or regular table vinegar (1:1 proportions). For a disinfecting effect, you can add two or three drops of essential oil to the mixture. Pour this liquid into a container and spray it with a spray bottle, then wipe thoroughly with a dry towel.
Dry cleaning
Using this method is noticeably better than the previous two, but also has some risks. This method will not remove complex stains, but is well suited for regular care:
- After training, you need to remove your gloves from your bag as quickly as possible.
- Using a clean, dry towel, carefully wipe the outside of each of them, removing all moisture.
- The same must be done with the inside. To achieve the best effect, you need to wrap your hand in a towel, insert it into the glove and move it well inside. This way, the towel will absorb all the accumulated moisture and sweat.
- To eliminate bacteria, gloves can be placed in a cold room overnight.
Temperatures below zero Celsius negatively affect the outer coating of the product.
How to dry?
Regardless of whether the gloves have been washed or not, After classes, they must be dried.
There are also several rules for this procedure. The main thing is not to leave them to dry on heaters, and also to minimize their exposure to open sun.
Drying the product in the sun is not completely prohibited, but it is recommended to leave it for 30 minutes, since the sun's rays have a negative effect on the skin.
Next, let's look at 3 common ways to dry boxing gloves:
Using newspapers
This effective folk method will remove excess moisture inside the product.
To do this you will need:
- open gloves as much as possible;
- crumple the newspaper into a small ball and place it inside each glove; you can also use toilet paper;
- leave for a while and check periodically;
- if the newspaper has absorbed moisture, you need to replace the layer with a dry one;
- repeat this procedure until completely dry.
On the shoe dryer
This method involves allowing the product to dry on its own. You need to open the base of the gloves as wide as possible and secure the Velcro or lacing. After hang or simply place on top of the dryer and wait for it to dry.
Using a hair dryer
If you need to dry your gloves very quickly, a regular hairdryer will come to the rescue if you have one at hand.
The main thing is to turn it on in cold air mode, as warm temperatures can cause damage to gloves.
Direct the hair dryer inside the glove and dry it for a while, about 3-5 minutes, then check the result.
If necessary, continue the procedure until completely dry.. Then you can move on to another glove.
How to wash bandages?
The main rule to follow is to wash them separately. The difference between washing gloves is that bandages can be washed in any mode and at any temperature.
Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to place them in a special bag. The same detergents are used as for gloves.
How to eliminate unpleasant odor inside?
To reduce the amount of effort required to eliminate odor, follow 3 rules:
- Wear your gloves outside of your gym bag so they get more fresh air and the odor doesn't linger.
- First, wrap the bandages, and then put on gloves. This will reduce the amount of moisture inside the product.
- Do not neglect the care rules after each use.
Traditional methods
In every home there are many available means that can be used to eliminate foreign odors, for example:
- After completing the initial treatment, place one tea bag inside the gloves. They will absorb sweat and refresh the product.
- A vinegar compress will help get rid of bacteria and remove odor. Simply soak a piece of cotton wool in vinegar and place it inside each glove. Afterwards, the product must be well ventilated.
- If the previous two can be used daily, then this method is more radical and is suitable for severe contamination. You need to pour a bottle of hydrogen peroxide inside the gloves, shake the gloves well and leave for a couple of minutes. Then dry them and ventilate them in fresh air for 3 days.
If you don’t trust traditional methods, you can go to the nearest household goods store and buy the following products:
Antibacterial spray Salamander. Eliminates and prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors for a long time. It is recommended to use 2-3 hours before training.
- Deodorant in the form of pillows NoStink. An alternative to the traditional method using tea bags. Simply place one pad inside each glove.
- Spray Collonil. It will get rid of the smell for a long time. Among all, it has the highest price.
How to minimize the frequency of washing?
To wash your gloves as little as possible or not at all, follow a few simple steps that will help maintain their attractive appearance and overall lifespan.
The rules are simple:
- provide adequate access to fresh air;
- treat them after classes;
- dry in ventilated areas or use newspapers;
- Wear boxing wraps before a fight or training session.
Video on the topic
How to care for boxing gloves, video tips:
That's all, we have looked at all the nuances associated with washing and caring for boxing gloves. All methods have greater or lesser efficiency. The best option would be to take care of regular care for them..
The instructions presented above will help you make your choice. This will minimize discomfort from exercise and extend the overall service time.