Expert advice on where to put powder in your washing machine

foto26372-1Each manufacturer's instructions for using an automatic machine contains information about the rules for loading household chemicals to obtain an effective washing result.

If the documents do not contain a description in Russian, they are lost, or a unit was purchased that was used, tips from professionals and experienced housewives will help you understand the function of the cells in the tray.

We'll tell you in the article where to put the powder (as well as pour the gel, place capsules, tablets, etc.) into the washing machine.

What is the correct way - in which compartment, cell?

All products are loaded into the tray (cuvette) of the washing machine before the program starts. If the housewife forgot to add some product, it can be added later if the washing stage with its use has not yet begun.

The tray is made of plastic. Its front panel has the color of the body, the inside is white or gray.

The retractable cuvette has from 2 to 4 cells. Each performs its own function and is marked for convenience. There is no single system for designations; different manufacturers use Roman, Arabic numerals or Latin letters.

Description of the cells of a typical drawer cuvette:

MarkingSizeAccessoriesFunctionWhat to download
1, I, Aaveragenonepre-soak, double wash cyclepowder, starching agent (loose only)
2, II, Bbigcurtainmain loopbulk, liquid detergents, bleaches, stain removers, softeners
Softener, *, flowersmalloverflow valvelaundry careconditioner, fabric softener (liquids only)

The cap marked MAX (overflow valve) is not a dispenser, it shows the maximum amount of product that can be poured into the conditioner compartment.

A curtain (special partition) in the cell for the main cycle is necessary for the transition from liquid detergent (it is lowered before pouring) to bulk detergent (raised) and vice versa.

The number, structure and location of cells for household chemicals may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.


What happens if you load it into the wrong compartment?

According to manufacturers and service workers, Using the tray compartments for purposes other than their intended purpose will not harm the washing machine.. If the housewife mixes up the cells and the powder gets into, for example, the conditioner cell, only the quality of the wash will suffer.

Not only will the laundry not get rid of dirt during the process, but it will also receive a soapy solution when rinsing. This will lead to additional consumption of household chemicals, electricity and water. The unit will have to be loaded again and the wash cycle repeated.

Differences for machines with different loading

A significant difference between top-loading and horizontal-loading washing machines is the location of the tray with cells for detergents, bleaches and softeners.

For units with vertical loading, the container is located directly in the hatch. The downside of such models: you won’t be able to add the product after the program has started; you can stop it temporarily.In modern models, manufacturers have added a reloading function.

For washing machines with side (horizontal) loading, the container for household chemicals is located in the upper left corner of the front wall. You can open the retractable cuvette at any stage of the wash cycle.

Is it possible to pour directly into the drum?

foto26372-3To answer this question, you need to refer to the washing machine manufacturer's instructions.

In most cases this is not recommended, with the exception of some types of household washing chemicals baby clothes.

It is strictly forbidden to put stain removers and bleaches into the drum; they are used only in specially designated compartments of the tray.

The granular structure and more aggressive composition of bulk products are not the best option for proximity to fabrics; mechanical damage and partial loss of the original color are guaranteed.

It is better to pour the powders into a special compartment from which it will be washed, along the way of transportation is dissolved and evenly distributed in the drum.

If the housewife is sure that the bulk product in the drum will bring more benefits, then it is necessary to place it in a special container (a device in the form of a ball with holes), often included with the washing machine.


Information on the recommended amount of detergent can be found in the instructions of the manufacturers of household chemicals for washing machines. If it is not possible to study them, there is a proven standard: 1 tbsp. l of powder (25 g) per 1 kg of loaded laundry.

The quantity can be doubled if:

  • the degree of soiling of the laundry is high, there are old stains;
  • the water quality is inadequate, it is hard;
  • A washing program for certain types of laundry requires more water.
In other cases, it is not recommended to exceed the standard, otherwise the unit may fail due to high foaming.

Where should gels, capsules, plates be placed?

foto26372-4Liquid laundry detergents (gels, concentrates) can be used in several ways:

  1. In the cell labeled II, 2, B.
  2. In the drum of a washing machine.
  3. Place in a special dispenser and send to a load of laundry.

Before loading the product into the drum, you must study the manufacturer's recommendations. In some models this is strictly prohibited.

Direct loading of industrial liquid is undesirable if:

  • it contains bleaching particles, direct contact leads to the formation of stains on fabrics;
  • the composition contains components that prevent the formation of scale, in this case they do not have an effect;
  • The main wash compartment is already loaded with dry powder.

Capsules, tablets, plates are more convenient to use; one piece is enough for washing with a load of up to 5 kg. They are placed directly into the drum before starting the unit, the laundry is placed on top. They dissolve quickly and are distributed evenly.

Washing tablets can also be placed in the main wash compartment. But housewives note that they deal with dirt most effectively when loading them into the drum.

Differences in the design of trays between different manufacturers

In most cases, the number and location of cells for detergents and care products is standard: 3 containers in a pull-out cuvette.

But there are exceptions:

  1. LG sometimes only offers 2 compartments (in older models). Soaking products (small compartment on the right) and care products (insert) are loaded into one compartment.
  2. The main difference between Indesit is the cuvette for bleaching substances, which has a compartment for liquids and bulk or concentrated (thick) products.
  3. Some models Samsung have an additional cell in the pre-wash compartment. It is designed to load bleach. If the cell is not removed, the pre-soak program cannot be started.
  4. Most Bosh machines have a starch compartment added. Starch can only be loaded into the cell in the form of a solution with water.
If the location is atypical, markings will help you understand the compartments of the tray for loading household chemicals.

Cuvette care

The tray for household chemicals in a washing machine is an important part and requires additional care, despite constant contact with detergents.

foto26372-5To ensure that the unit operates normally, it must be washed and dried to prevent the appearance of:

  • raid,
  • mold,
  • clogging of filters and pipes.

In modern front-loading machines, the tray can be easily removed using a special button (PUSH) or a plastic lever located in the rinsing compartment. If the listed devices are missing, you should pull the retractable cuvette and it will come out.

Recommendations for processing:

  • It is necessary to clean after every 3 washes;
  • be sure to use a brush or sponge, special household chemicals;
  • You can use folk remedies: citric acid, soda, vinegar, its essence.

You will find a lot of useful and important information about washing powder Here.

Video on the topic of the article

The video will show you how to properly use the cuvette compartments of your washing machine:


Correct loading of household chemicals for washing into the unit’s tray will free the housewife from additional costs and loss of time for a repeat cycle.

To do this, just read the manufacturer’s recommendations or take advice from experts in the areas of production, repair and operation of washing machines.


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