Powder for hand washing and automatic washing: what is the difference between one and the other, what will happen if you use them for other purposes?

foto26166-1Packages with washing powders always have the inscription: “hand wash” or “machine wash”.

Is there really any difference between them or is this a professional marketing ploy? What is the difference between hand washing powders and automatic washing powders?

Can I wash it by hand in a machine and vice versa? You will find answers to questions in the article.

Main differences

foto26166-2The main difference between powders intended for hand and machine washing comes down to their ability to form foam.

If a person washes manually, then it is important that the composition foams well. The higher this indicator, the better the item will be cleaned. It is the foam that helps knock out various contaminants from the fabric fibers.

Machine wash powder, on the other hand, should not produce a lot of foam. If there is too much of it, it can damage the machine and lead to poor wash quality.

During operation of the device, the drum lifts the laundry upward, from where it falls down, hitting the water. If there is a lot of foam, it will not allow things to move freely through the centrifuge., which will affect the quality of the wash.

Excessive suds can seep through the gaskets, increasing the risk of shorting out electronics, so this wash is especially dangerous for front-loading appliances.

Foam is not the only difference between the powders; there are other differences as well. What is the difference between the powders:

  1. Compound. Automatic powders contain special components that soften the water and prevent the appearance of sediment when it is heated. Hard water leads to the formation of scale on the elements of the washing machine, which is why it quickly fails.

    Moreover, the automatic powders do not contain aggressive components, such as solvents or chlorine bleaches, that can harm the device. Manufacturers often supplement the composition of hand wash products with components designed to care for the skin and protect it from the influence of chemicals.

  2. Dissolution rate. Compositions intended for automatic washing have a higher concentration, so they need to be used in smaller quantities, and they will take longer to dissolve.
  3. Price. If you pay attention to the price, hand wash products are about 20-30% cheaper.
You should not be afraid of the soap contained in the automatic powder. It will not harm the washing machine.

Is it possible to pour hand-washing compounds into the washing machine?

foto26166-3Hand wash products should not be used in the washing machine.

Why not and what will happen? Excessive foam will cause the electronics to incorrectly detect the water level., which may cause its operation to malfunction.

The abundance of foam negatively affects the functioning of the heating element. If it gets on the heating element, it may break. There is also a risk of damage to the motor and control unit.

What to do if the cycle has already started?

If non-target powder was accidentally poured into the machine and the cycle has already started, most of the time nothing bad happens. If the standard doses are observed, the processing of the laundry will be completed successfully, but next time you need to be more careful in choosing the composition.

However, if too much powder has been used, or things that cause excessive foam formation are loaded into the drum, it may come out through the top. In such a situation, urgent measures need to be taken.


  1. The device is paused.
  2. Select the water drainage program.
  3. Empty the drum and rinse things by hand.
  4. Start a new cycle using a suitable product.

If the machine shorts out, you need to turn off the power and call a technician.

Should I use automatic powder for hand washing?

If you don’t have hand washing powder on hand, you can replace it with an “automatic” one. Wherein A little less product will be required, since its concentration is higher.

First you need to pour the granules into a bowl, then fill it with water and thoroughly stir the composition until completely dissolved. This will require more effort and time.

You need to be prepared for less foam to form. However, this will not affect the quality of washing. Hands must be protected with gloves so as not to dry them out and cause irritation.

It is not advisable to use automatic powder for hand washing. It costs more, and you will have to put in more effort for quality washing.

All the most important and useful information about washing powder is in this section.


The inscription on the powders “automatic” and “hand wash” is not just an advertising gimmick, there really is a difference. It concerns the composition, price and features of the use of household chemicals.

It is not recommended to save money and add a product marked “hand wash” to your washing machine, otherwise you will have to spend money on expensive repairs or purchase a new device.


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