What is the shelf life of chicken, goose, duck, quail and ostrich eggs at room temperature?

foto43465-1The shelf life of raw, boiled and fried eggs at room temperature differs significantly. A special role is played by the air temperature in the room, lighting and the container in which they are stored.

Sometimes you can extend the shelf life of food at room temperature. It is important to follow a number of recommendations for its storage.

We will tell you about the shelf life of eggs at room temperature in this article.

How long do whites and yolks last in the shell and without it?

Since egg yolks and whites are a highly perishable product, they must be stored in the refrigerator. In its absence, the product can be kept at room temperature. But the shelf life will depend not only on the temperature and humidity indoors, but also on the external condition, degree of freshness and appearance.

You can find out how long eggs can be stored without refrigeration. here.


foto43465-2Table eggs last the longest at room temperature. They are marked with a blue stamp. If the product is fresh, it can be stored indoors for a maximum of 25 days..

Table raw eggs are allowed to be stored at room temperature only with a humidity of no more than 85%. The room temperature itself should not be more than 20 C.

The shelf life of dietary whites and yolks outside the refrigerator is a maximum of 7 days. Such a product is marked with a red stamp.

The presence or absence of shells affects the shelf life. It is a natural barrier against pathogenic bacteria. If the shell is not damaged, then the table product can be stored for 21-25 days, and the dietary product - 5-7 days.

Without shells, the shelf life is short. If the casing is damaged, the raw product remains valid for a maximum of 6 hours. Without the shell, the yolk and white are stored outside the refrigerator for no more than 15 minutes.

Eggs with damaged shells are not recommended to be consumed raw. They need to be boiled only hard-boiled or thoroughly fried.

Read about how long boiled chicken eggs can be stored at room temperature. this article.


Since the eggshell changes structure during the cooking process, various microorganisms begin to penetrate inside the product faster. Boiled whites and yolks are stored outside the refrigerator for much less time than raw ones.

It is important to consider the following:

  • hard-boiled egg yolks and whites with the shell intact can be stored for a maximum of three days;
  • white and yolk, hard-boiled, but with a damaged shell, are suitable for consumption within 12 hours;
  • hard-boiled and peeled yolks with whites can be stored for a maximum of 8 hours;
  • Whites with yolks, boiled soft-boiled, can be stored in the shell for no more than 20 hours;
  • White and yolk, soft-boiled, can be stored without casing for no more than 6 hours;
  • an egg in a bag without a shell is stored indoors for 6 hours.

If the product after cooking is located in a room where the temperature exceeds 200 C, then it should be consumed within 3 and maximum 6 hours.


foto43465-3Frying ensures heat treatment of the white and yolk, but their shelf life at room temperature is short in the future.

In the open air, the product is quickly colonized by pathogenic microorganisms.Fried eggs should be stored indoors for no more than 6 hours.

If the room temperature is more than 20 C, it is recommended to use the product immediately. It can be stored under such conditions only for 3-4 hours.

Read about the shelf life of fried eggs in this article.

Features for different types of product

The shelf life of chicken, quail, duck, goose and ostrich eggs at room temperature can vary significantly:

Product VarietyFeatures of storage in shell
Raw chickenUp to 25 days
Raw quailUp to 25 days
Hard-boiled chickenUp to 3 days
Hard-boiled quailTill 12 o'clock
Soft-boiled chickenUp to 20 hours
Soft-boiled quailUp to 3 hours
Raw duckUp to 7 days
Raw gooseUp to 7 days
Boiled duckTill 12 o'clock
Boiled gooseTill 12 o'clock
Raw ostrichUp to 3 months
Boiled ostrichUp to 24 hours

The rules and storage times for chicken and quail eggs are the same. In this case, cooked quail should be consumed as quickly as possible. Due to the porosity of the shell, duck and goose eggs are more quickly colonized by bacteria, so they should only be stored out of the refrigerator for one week.

The longest storage period is for ostriches. They have a dense shell, which, even in room conditions, keeps them fresh for 3 months.

Differences for domestic eggs

foto43465-4A homemade product retains its beneficial properties longer than that purchased in a store. This is due to better nutrition for chickens and the lack of transportation.

Homemade product can be stored indoors for up to 10 days, if the temperature regime is observed (no more than 20 C). Raw whites and yolks can last for 2 weeks if kept in the basement or cellar of a private house.

Boiled home eggs can stay indoors for up to 14 days. If they are stored without shells, the shelf life is reduced to 2 days. Details - in this article.

Is it possible to increase the shelf life?

Food can be stored a little longer than its expiration date, observing the following recommendations:

  1. Keep in a dry container containing coarse salt, ash or calcined sand.
  2. Pre-coat with wax or vegetable oil.
  3. Lubricate with a thick layer of clay.
  4. Place in a lime solution in a ratio of 1 to 3 (a glass of lime per 3 liters of water).
  5. Store in a dark and cool place in the apartment without access to light (in the cellar, basement, in a closet).
The container in which they are stored extends the shelf life of whites and yolks. Eggs are best preserved when wrapped in paper and placed in cardboard cells.

Signs of the onset of damage

Stale eggs float quickly when placed in water. This means that they are already more than 3 weeks old. Fresh ones immediately sink to the bottom of a glass of water. The deterioration of the white and yolk is indicated by the accumulation of air inside the egg shell.

This is noticeable when it is translucent. Air already takes up half the space inside the stale product. Spoiled whites and yolks have a specific hydrogen sulfide odor.

Darkened protein also indicates the beginning of spoilage. In eggs that have been boiled and left without shells, the yolk becomes weathered. You shouldn't eat this kind of food either.


foto43465-5To extend the shelf life of food the following recommendations must be adhered to:

  • store it only in a paper container or basket, tightly covered with a lid;
  • do not keep the white and yolk next to other food;
  • provide a uniform and constant temperature in the room up to 20 C;
  • do not shake or rinse with water.

Boiled yolks and whites can be wrapped in foil to extend their shelf life.


Table and homemade eggs are stored the longest outside the refrigerator. Their shelf life can reach 25 days. In this case, temperature plays a role. It should be within 20 C.

Soft-boiled and fried foods are stored the least indoors eggs. Placing them in a dark and cool place will help to significantly extend their shelf life.


How to remove odor


Yellow spots