Note to the thrifty housewife: how long can sliced cheese be stored?
Slicing cheese comes in handy when preparing a cheese plate or even regular sandwiches. Pre-prepared slices save time.
But the crushed product has its own storage characteristics, which directly affect the shelf life. We'll talk about the shelf life of sliced cheese below.
Shelf life of a product purchased in slices
In the retail chain you can purchase the product already thinly cut into neat slices. As a rule, hard and semi-hard varieties are chosen for this.
If the packaging is sealed, you can see the expiration date on it; it is indicated by the manufacturer. In a vacuum bag, the duration of storage of slices before opening can be several months. After opening the package, the product should be consumed within 2-3 days.
If cheese is sliced in a store, a sticker must be placed on the slice indicating the date and time of packaging.
of the cut house
In cases where a piece of cheese is cut at home, Its shelf life is no more than 3 days, provided it is properly maintained.
It is not advisable to specially prepare the slices in advance, since a whole large piece fits better and deteriorates more slowly.
Vacuum packaging can extend the lying time if you have an appropriate household device at home. The finer the cheese is crushed, and the softer the variety, the faster it will begin to disappear.
Shelf life of the cut piece
The shelf life of a cut piece of cheese depends on several factors. Among them:
- variety;
- original quality;
- conditions of detention;
- type of grinding (large pieces, grating, etc.).
How to store?
If the product is in its original sealed packaging, it can be kept in the refrigerator for the entire time specified by the manufacturer on the label. If the cheese is cut yourself or in a store, it is recommended to first pack it in parchment and then in foil or a plastic container.
Reliable packaging will better preserve the cheese and prevent it from exchanging odors with other products., and stay fresh longer. If possible, it is better to place slices or individual pieces in special cheese pans - containers with an airtight lid.
To store the product in a cut, you can use special cheese paper. Read about cheese paper Here, about storage containers - here.
5 secrets of a cheese plate
All types of cheeses for the plate are cut in different ways. This is necessary to obtain a highly aesthetic and appetizing dish.
Rules for preparing a cheese plate:
- It is advisable to cut at room temperature.
- It is recommended to use a separate board for each variety.An alternative way is to cover it with parchment paper, which must be replaced after working with each type.
- It is advisable to use special knives.
- You need to ensure that there are cheeses of various tastes - from very piquant to fresh and neutral.
- The required amount of product is selected at the rate of 100-150 grams per person.
You can learn how to make a beautiful cheese plate from the video:
Sliced hard cheese, if you do not plan to use it in the near future, can even be frozen. If it is important that the slices do not stick together when exposed to low temperatures, it is better to line them with parchment paper. And only after that place it in the selected container.
After being in the freezer, the cheese is best used for preparing dishes that require heat treatment.
It is best to store sliced cheese in a closed container in the refrigerator, separate for each type of product. Factory packaging is the best option, allowing you to maintain it for a long time without loss of quality.
Organizing the storage of even shredded cheese is not a difficult task if you know the rules and follow the recommendations of experts.