Natural medicine: how long does bear fat last in the refrigerator and freezer?
Bear fat or fat is a universal remedy for skin and hair care, as well as the treatment of various diseases.
In terms of the amount of useful substances in its composition, this product leaves many medications behind.
But the benefits of fat remains unchanged only if it is stored correctly and the expiration date is observed.
We will tell you further how much and under what conditions bear fat is stored.
Preparing for storage at home
Bear fat is a semi-liquid mass of cream, white or yellowish hue.
In order for bear fat to remain healthy and usable longer, it is important to properly prepare it for storage.
To do this, it is useful to find out what factors influence the safety of the product:
Humidity. Storage in conditions of high humidity changes the biochemical composition of bear fat, causing the appearance of an unpleasant odor and mold.
- Light. A product that is stored in direct sunlight quickly oxidizes, becomes bitter, and its shelf life is significantly shortened.
- Temperature. In fat that is stored at elevated air temperatures, a change in chemical composition occurs. The product deteriorates faster and becomes moldy.
- Air. The fat should not be stored in an open container that allows air to pass through.Such containers will allow the fat to become saturated with foreign odors. Exposure to oxygen triggers oxidation processes.
Purchased fat must be packaged in suitable containers and stored as soon as possible in a place that is safe for this product.
How and where to store?
The natural product can be stored in a dry, cool place, where he will not be afraid of temperature changes and excessive air circulation. The fat is best stored in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than + 5 °C.
Storage features also depend on the type of bear fat. It can be melted or included in cosmetics or medications.
If the package has been opened, the product should be stored at a temperature not exceeding + 5 °C. The same conditions are suitable for storing dietary supplement capsules based on fat.
Pure bear fat without impurities in melted form is kept exclusively on the shelves of the refrigerator. After a portion of fat has been taken from the jar, the container must be tightly closed with a lid, preventing prolonged contact with air.
In what container can it be kept?
Cosmetic products based on tuk are stored on refrigerator shelves in the containers in which they were produced. The same applies to dietary supplements based on this product - they remain in industrial packaging.
For storing purified bear fat without impurities Glass containers are suitable, or in extreme cases plastic containers. But by no means metal.Such containers trigger the oxidation process and the useful product soon risks becoming harmful to health.
It is recommended to close the container with bear fat tightly with a screw cap.
Tuk can be stored in the freezer at temperatures from - 20 °C to - 5 °C. Low temperatures do not increase the shelf life of bear fat.
It is recommended to send the natural product to the freezer shelves packed in a plastic container, always tightly closed with a lid.
Here you can package ice trays. This way, after removing it from the freezer, you won’t need to take out the entire portion. It will be enough to take fat from one or several cells and use it for its intended purpose.
The standard storage time for bear fat is: 2 years from the date indicated on the packaging. You should not continue to consume tuk after the expiration date has expired, even if there is still a lot of product left.
Spoiled bear fat tastes bitter, emits an unpleasant odor and may change color. This product is hazardous to health and must be disposed of immediately.
It is more difficult to track the spoilage of cosmetics and medicines based on bear fat. Use of the product should be discontinued if an allergy occurs, discomfort and other negative reactions from the body.
Drinks containing bear fat can be stored on refrigerator shelves at a temperature not exceeding + 5 °C. The shelf life does not exceed 24 hours. The specific storage duration also depends on the components that were added to the drink: raspberries, honey, milk, etc.
Bear fat is a real treasure trove of useful substances. Therefore, fat is often used in traditional and folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. But this natural remedy can also be used for other purposes:
- For weight loss. No matter how strange it may sound, the fat of the brown predator is used for dietary purposes. It starts the fat burning process, cleanses the body and fills it with useful substances.
- For cosmetic purposes. Tuk is often used to care for the skin of the face and body, and hair. This product softens the skin, eliminates inflammation, and helps fight problems with subcutaneous sebum production. This natural product is used to lubricate small wounds, cuts, diaper rash, and burns. The fat normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and strengthens the hair follicles.
The video will tell you why bear fat is beneficial and how to take it:
Expiration date of bear fat influences the purity of the original product and the presence of impurities in it. If the container and place for storing the fat have been chosen correctly, the time of year will not affect the duration of storage. It is not recommended to use this natural product after its expiration date.