A valuable perishable product, or how to properly store natural badger fat at home
The benefits of badger fat in the treatment of many diseases have been known for a long time.
Due to its unique composition and miraculous effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, it has recently found increasing use in cosmetology.
However, if stored improperly, the product quickly deteriorates and loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is important to know how to prolong the shelf life of perishable fat.
We will tell you in this article how to properly store badger fat at home.
Preparation for storage
There are two types of badger fat. This is rendered lard from subcutaneous fat and a mixed product, which is a mixture of fatty membrane, mesh and lard.
More often you can buy rendered lard from hunters, since the technology for preparing mixed fat is much more complex. You can also buy the finished product at the pharmacy. However, in both cases it should be properly prepared for long-term storage.
You can do this at home in different ways:
Heat the fat to a liquid consistency and pour into small dark glass bottles. You can use plastic bottles. It is important that the container is filled to the brim and that there is no air left in it.
- The size of the storage container should be selected depending on how the product will be used. The less often the container is opened, the longer the freshness of the badger fat will remain.
- For small doses, you can use jars of cosmetic creams.
- Large portions are bottled in plastic bottles. In this case, after squeezing out the required amount, the shape of the bottle is not restored, but is left in a deformed form so that air does not get into it.
Containers with the product prepared in this way are sent for storage. To do this, it is necessary to create optimal conditions. Otherwise, the fat will quickly deteriorate.
Where to keep it?
You can ensure high-quality storage of badger fat in the refrigerator or freezer. At room temperature the shelf life is very short. The product quickly deteriorates, acquires an unpleasant odor and becomes unsuitable for use.
In a refrigerator
The best place to preserve the beneficial properties of badger fat is the bottom shelf of the refrigerator at the back wall. The refrigerator compartment maintains an optimal temperature in the range from 0 to 6°C.
By heating badger fat before use, you can't bring it to a boil. Therefore, having selected a portion for one-time use, the product is heated in a water bath.
In the freezer
Storing unique products in the freezer significantly extends their shelf life.
It is important to follow simple rules:
- the freezer compartment must be clean and dry;
- adjacent products must be carefully packaged to avoid mutual negative effects of odors;
- The smaller the container, the longer the product remains suitable.
At a temperature of -18°C, the shelf life of the product is at least 2 years. Before use, the fat must be kept until it thaws on the refrigerator shelf. Then heat using a water bath.
Frequent freezing and thawing of badger fat significantly degrades its quality. Therefore, when storing, it is recommended to choose small containers.
Is it possible at room temperature?
If it is not possible to store it in a refrigerated household appliance, then you should choose a dry and cool place. This could be a basement or cellar, a dark closet.
However, it should be taken into account that in heat and especially when exposed to sunlight, badger fat will quickly become rotten and become moldy. The use of such a remedy is not only useless, but also dangerous.
The shelf life of the product directly depends on the location and conditions of placement. Namely:
- In a household refrigerator, the shelf life of rendered fat is 10 - 12 months. It is important to use small containers that prevent exposure to air when opening them frequently.
- In the freezer, the shelf life increases to 24 - 28 months. To do this, the product must also be packaged in small portions. In addition, it should be remembered that sudden changes in temperature negatively affect the quality of fat.
- The shelf life outside the refrigerator is unpredictable, since it is impossible to ensure stable temperatures.This is an undesirable method in which the product quickly loses its freshness and suitability.
In addition to the optimal temperature regime, the shelf life of badger fat directly depends on many factors. This is the exclusion of the negative effects of light and air, the degree of freshness when placed in the refrigerator or freezer. And also how correctly the product was prepared for storage.
Features of application
A unique product, rich in natural beneficial components, vitamins and polyunsaturated acids, used in both folk and traditional medicine.
However, the range of its use is not limited to this. In addition to the medical field, badger fat is widely used in cosmetology.
This natural product has a beneficial effect on the entire body. By helping to improve blood composition and cleanse it of cholesterol, badger fat ensures the production of substances such as elastin and collagen.
Thanks to their influence:
- natural rejuvenation of the body occurs;
- wrinkles and stretch marks disappear;
- loose skin gains elasticity;
- the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation on the skin is minimized;
- hair and nails are strengthened.
Use of badger fat in cosmetology also provides:
- gentle care for the skin of the face, hands and whole body;
- getting rid of pimples and blackheads;
- elimination of dryness, redness and allergic rashes on the body;
- softening and nourishing the skin;
- prevention from early aging;
- strengthening the hair follicle during hair loss;
- elimination of dandruff and seborrhea.
The video will tell you about the use of badger fat:
Useful tips
Real benefits can only be obtained from a high-quality and fresh product. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with simple tips and tricks, How to recognize a spoiled or initially low-quality product:
- Fresh badger fat is easily recognized by its white color. The presence of a cream or yellowish tint is allowed.
- But if yellow spots appear on the surface, the product is spoiled.
- Spoiled fat has a sour smell with signs of rot.
- Expired products taste rancid.
- A high-quality product melts quickly at room temperature and becomes like thick sour cream. If it is very liquid, it means there are impurities of vegetable fats.
- You can extend the shelf life by timely placing the product in the refrigerator or freezer.
- Maintaining quality is possible provided that a clean, dry spoon is used to separate a portion of fat from the total volume.
During long-term storage, the consistency of the product changes. The fat becomes dense at the bottom and transparent at the top. This does not mean that the product is spoiled.
Video on the topic of the article
The preparation, heating and storage of badger fat is discussed in the video:
Badger fat remains useful for a long time only if it is properly stored. This approach is a guarantee of quality and usefulness. Violation of recommendations becomes a prerequisite for rapid spoilage of the product no matter where or how long it was stored.