Extending the shelf life, or can smoked fish be stored in the freezer?

foto48621-1Tender, golden fish fillet with a light smoky aroma is a favorite delicacy, a product without which it is difficult to imagine a holiday table.

But, unfortunately, the shelf life of smoked fish in the refrigerator is short - a maximum of seventy-two hours (after which the product must be disposed of).

The freezer will help extend the shelf life of fish delicacies.

We will tell you in the article whether and how to properly store smoked fish in the freezer.

Should I keep the product in the freezer?

The freezer is the ideal place for long-term storage smoked fish. The thing is that at the lowest possible temperatures (from -24°C to -30°C), the development of bacteria is completely stopped, which allows you to extend the shelf life of the product to several months.

Smoked fish is a product with a bright aroma. To prevent the smell of smoking from spreading throughout the freezer, the fish carcass must be wrapped in foil or parchment paper before storing it (alternatively, you can place it in a container with a hermetically sealed lid). You can freeze whole fish or individual pieces.

An important point: so that frozen fish does not lose its nutritional and taste qualities, it must be defrosted correctly. Under no circumstances should fish delicacies be defrosted in a microwave or oven.

Quick defrosting is the first enemy of tender pulp. That's right: move the fish from the freezer to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, leave for at least ten to twelve hours until completely defrosted.

Proper freezing

foto48621-2In order for the fish fillet to retain its dense structure, pleasant taste and subtle smoky aroma after defrosting, the product must be frozen correctly.

Rule one: clean space. Separate shelves should be provided for storing smoked fish in the freezer.

Before loading a fish product into storage, remove all excess products from the shelves. It is important to separate the smoked delicacy from meat products, and especially fruit preparations.

Rule two: proper packaging. Smoked fish is a specific product with a very strong aroma.

To prevent smoking aromas from spreading throughout the freezer, the carcass must be carefully wrapped in parchment paper before storing.

If you don’t have parchment at hand, it turns out that thin natural fabric, previously soaked in a saline solution (one part of table salt is mixed with two parts of clean water), can replace it.

Rule three: carcass integrity. For long-term storage in the freezer, it is better to use whole carcasses that have not been skinned (fillets and finely chopped pieces of fish lose their taste and density after defrosting).

Rule four: proper defrosting. In order not to spoil the product, it is strictly forbidden to defrost smoked fish in a microwave or oven. Rapid thermal defrosting will tear the flesh tissues, the fillet will become soft and tasteless.

That's right: remove the fish from the freezer and place it on the bottom of the refrigerator for ten to fourteen hours.

Thawed smoked fish cannot be re-frozen.After defrosting, the product must be eaten within two to three hours (long-term storage carries the risk of severe poisoning).

Hot smoked fish cannot be frozen, since the initially soft and tender pulp after thawing finally loses its shape and taste.

Features of storing oily fish

Oilfish (toothfish, stromatea, seriorella) is an exquisite delicacy. Fatty fish fillet is distinguished by its special tenderness, oiliness, and nutritional properties.

Oil can be stored in the freezer for no more than two months.. It is important to adhere to shelf life, since the longer a fish delicacy is in the freezer, the greater the chance of getting a completely tasteless product after defrosting.

How long is it stored?

foto48621-3Depending on the method (hot or cold smoking) the fish is prepared, its shelf life in the freezer is determined.

Thus, a cold smoked product can be stored in the freezer for up to sixty days. Hot smoked fish product is stored at a temperature of -28°C for up to thirty days.

Before putting it in the freezer Stickers with the packaging date must be placed on bags or containers. This will help track expiration dates and avoid product spoilage.

It is important to remember that you cannot exceed the shelf life of smoked fish in the freezer. Otherwise, the fish pulp loses its density and taste, and after defrosting it becomes unfit for consumption.


Smoked fish is a source of nutrients and a delicious dish. Proper storage in the freezer will help preserve the beneficial properties and taste of this aromatic smoked product for as long as possible.


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