We focus on GOST: what are the conditions and shelf life of canned fish?
Canned fish is a popular shelf-stable product among consumers. Their variety is amazing, and their taste is pleasantly pleasing.
But this product can be harmful to human health if the buyer ignores the expiration dates indicated on the can.
We’ll talk about the conditions and shelf life of canned fish in the article.
Does the product have a warranty period?
Canned fish are products that are potentially hazardous to human health and life. The Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” obliges the manufacturer to determine the shelf life of such products. When it expires, canned food is considered unfit for consumption.
How and where to store?
Any type of canned fish is manufactured taking into account the expiration date. This means that before the expiration of a specific date, the product must be consumed.
Canned fish on the territory of store warehouses stored at a temperature not exceeding 15 C° and humidity not exceeding 75%. To preserve these products at home, certain rules must be followed.
In an airtight iron (tin) jar
Immediately after purchasing canned fish in tin containers, you need to carefully inspect the cans.
If dents are found on them, it is not recommended to store such products for a long time. It is better to eat them as soon as possible.
Cans of canned fish should not be wiped down or washed before storing. Otherwise, you can erase the protective layer applied to the surface of the container, and it will quickly rust.
If canned food is stored on the balcony, it must be protected from direct sunlight to avoid bombing - swelling of the can.
Under what conditions canned fish in cans will be stored longer:
- It is better to store products in a cellar, basement or on the balcony. An important condition is compliance with the temperature regime (not lower than -20 C° and not higher than 15 C°). Overheated or frozen foods can not only lose their taste, but also become a threat to human health.
- The humidity level in the place where canned food is stored should not exceed 75%. If this condition is not met, the products will become damp and the cans will become covered with rust.
- It is permissible to store preserved food in the refrigerator. But under such conditions, moisture can get into the tin container, which will cause corrosion of the can. Oxidation processes negatively affect the fish inside the container. As a result, the product acquires an unpleasant “metallic” taste and becomes unappetizing in appearance and crumbly.
In an open tin
If canned fish was not immediately consumed, there is no need to put it in the refrigerator in a jar. It is better to transfer the contents of the container into a container (preferably glass or earthenware) and cover with a lid.
If canned fish was originally sold in glass jars, you should not transfer them to another container before putting them in the refrigerator.
Glass, unlike tin, provides canned products with a high degree of preservation. To prevent canned fish from spoiling, you must maintain the required storage temperature in the refrigerator - no higher than 3 C°.
Shelf life of canned, opened foods on refrigerator shelves depend on the type of fish used:
- in tomato sauce - no longer than 1-2 days;
- in oil - 1-3 days.
How long are they stored?
The manufacturer can set the expiration date for canned fish independently. Specific terms depend on manufacturing technology and product properties. Also, the timing is determined based on laboratory tests.
Canned fish are considered natural if they are produced during the manufacturing process. only fresh raw materials were used, which were not subjected to heat treatment.
The manufacturer sets the expiration date for this product independently.
Provided that the product meets the requirements of GOST, natural canned fish can be stored for no longer than 2 years.
In oil
The fish used for these canned foods is pre- undergoes heat treatment, after which it is filled with vegetable oil.
The shelf life of this product is also regulated by GOST. Based on its requirements, canned fish in oil is suitable for consumption for 24 months. The time is calculated from the production date indicated on the lid of the jar.
In tomato
The shelf life of products with the addition of tomato sauce is regulated by GOST. The exact timing depends on the type of packaging and the type of fish used:
- whiting in an aluminum can is stored for 15 months from the date of production;
- hake packaged in tins must be consumed no later than 6 months from the date of production.
How to determine if a product is spoiled?
Sometimes canned fish can go bad before the expiration date printed on the can. You can track product spoilage using the following signs:
Swollen jar. Most likely, its contents are no longer suitable for human consumption.
Most often, the jar is deformed from the effects of gases accumulated under the lid as a result of the activity of infected microorganisms.
- The presence of a “cracker”. This is the name of the bulge that appears at the bottom of the jar. It disappears if you press on it on one side, but will appear on the opposite side of the container.
"Clapper" may be the first sign of bombing - swelling of the can.
- Chips, “corners” at the joints of the lid seams. The contents of such a jar may not be airtight.
- Smell. After a jar with spoiled contents has been opened, an unpleasant putrid odor emanates from it. The contents of the container fall apart into pieces and lose their original shape.
- Tomato sauce color Expired canned food darkens and stains may appear on its surface.
Can I use expired ones?
Canned fish is considered safe only for the expiration date indicated on the lid of the can. Microbiologists do not recommend consuming the product after this period.
Even if the appearance and taste of the contents of the jar does not cause concern, it is better for the consumer not to risk their health. It is impossible to visually determine that the product does not contain pathogens. Only laboratory tests can determine this.
Video on the topic of the article
This video will show you how to choose the right canned fish:
Canned fish are tasty and easy to eat products. But when purchasing them, you need to carefully study the expiration date and adhere to it during further storage.
It is not recommended to eat food that has expired. It is also worth refusing to taste canned food that has not yet expired if there are doubts about the freshness of the contents of the can.