Where and how to properly store dried fish at home?
Dried fish captivates with its elastic flesh. Unlike dried, it is easy to chew.
However, to keep this delicacy not only edible, but also tasty, it is necessary to follow simple rules for organizing its storage.
We will tell you further about how to store dried fish at home.
General rules
When properly stored, carcasses retain all their beneficial properties and taste. Following the simple rules outlined below will extend the shelf life of the product from several days to 1.5 years.
Storage organization provides for the following conditions:
- optimal temperature indicators are not higher than +1 – +5°С;
- permissible humidity level;
- compliance with expiration dates, eliminating the possibility of product spoilage;
- use of safe containers and packaging.
Shelf life
Only if the permissible terms are observed in combination with the optimal temperature, dried fish retains its taste and remains suitable for consumption.
For every storage method special temperature and time indicators are provided:
Place/container used | Temperature (in °C) | Shelf life (number of months) |
In the refrigerator (parchment wrapping) | +1 to -5 | 6 |
Freezer | — 18 | 18 |
Vacuum packaging | From 0 to +20 | 12-18 |
In limbo | Up to +18 | 1-4 |
In the cellar, on the balcony | +3 – -12 | 3-4 |
In brine | Up to +12 | 3-4 |
In the bank | Up to + 5 | 12 |
Ensuring the specified conditions guarantees the safety of the product. Ignoring them leads to premature spoilage of the product.
Depending on your preferences and available capabilities, you can use different methods to store dried fish.
Conventionally, they can be divided into short-term and long-term storage options. Here are the most popular and effective ones.
As for short-term storage, dried fish retains its taste perfectly during the week and remains suitable for consumption. If stored for a longer period of time without creating special conditions, the product dries out, loses its taste, smell and begins to deteriorate.
Long-term storage has its own characteristicsinherent in each of the effective methods. The most popular and effective of them are presented below.
In a refrigerator
The optimal conditions for preserving the beneficial properties, aromatic smell and excellent taste of dried fish are in the refrigerator.
It maintains a constant temperature from 0 to 5 degrees Celsius and humidity within 80%. Thanks to this, the product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
How long is it stored? dried fish in the refrigerator:
- in vacuum packaging – up to six months;
- in a glass jar – 1 year;
- wrapped in foil – 30 days.
You can also use parchment paper, which keeps the product fresh for about 6 months.
In the freezer
The longest possible storage is possible in the freezer. The shelf life of the dried carcass will be one and a half years or more.
It is important to install and use the product correctly:
- place the roach in a vacuum package, plastic container or zip bag;
- it is advisable to package it in single servings;
- The fish should be defrosted gradually in the refrigerator compartment.
It is not recommended to defrost in a warm place. This will negatively affect the structure and taste of the roach.
In a glass jar
To ensure high-quality and long-term storage, you will need a regular jar, a hermetically sealed lid and a candle. The algorithm of actions is surprisingly simple, but at the same time ensures efficiency and original taste.
Algorithm of actions:
- Prepare the container by thoroughly washing the dishes and drying them.
- Check product quality before storing.
- Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the bottom.
- Place the fish, avoiding too close contact of the carcasses.
- Place a candle in the jar and light it.
- Roll up the lid on the jar. The oxygen present in the container will burn out, which will mean the formation of a vacuum, preventing spoilage of the product.
- Place the jar of vobla in the refrigerator or other dark and cool place.
This method ensures the freshness of the product throughout the year. Having opened the container, you must either consume the fish, or package it in single-use packages and use it according to the permitted time limits.
The video will tell you about storing dried fish in a glass jar:
Vacuum packed
Vacuum packaging is a reliable way to store for several months. True, you will need to use special equipment - a vacuum sealer. The device is inexpensive, but its benefits are tangible.
The storage principle is similar to the previous one. The absence of oxygen in the packaging will prevent the accumulation of moisture and, against this background, the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Hermetically packaged carcasses will remain fresh for more than a year and a half if kept in the refrigerator.
In limbo
By hanging dried carcasses in a pantry, barn or attic, you can keep them fresh for 1 to 4 months.
The main thing is to ensure good ventilation and exclude direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
After collecting several carcasses and stringing them on a strong thread or hook, it is recommended to hang the bunches. The distance between them is at least 5 cm.
To protect the fish from insects, it is recommended to cover the roach with gauze on top.
Is it possible in foil?
Foil, thanks to the antibacterial effect of the composition, provides protection dried product from exposure to external factors and its premature spoilage.
However, in the absence of normal gas exchange, mold quickly appears in such packaging. As a result, the roach becomes unsuitable for consumption.
Without a refrigerator, this method ensures that the product is suitable for no more than a day.
Using brine
A reliable way to store dried fish is to immerse it in a salty solution. The work steps are simple, but ensure the freshness of the product for a sufficiently long period:
- Boil and cool 500 ml of water.
- Add and stir thoroughly salt - 100 g.
- Cut off the tails of small carcasses; cut large ones into several pieces.
- Place in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
- Fill to the top with brine and seal tightly.
It is recommended to store in a cool, dark place. At temperatures not exceeding 12°C, the roach will not deteriorate for up to six months. You can remove excess salt by soaking the fish in water for 2-3 hours. Then it is advisable to dry it in the air for 24 hours.
What's the best way to store it so it doesn't dry out?
Dry fish stock doesn't just become dry. It loses its inherent taste characteristics. In addition, it becomes unusable.
Therefore, it is necessary to provide conditions that exclude the possibility of drying out:
- The optimal humidity level is within 65-80%. Excessive dry air causes the flesh to dry out, causing the fish to become bitter. Excess moisture is a prerequisite for mold growth.
- Ensuring high-quality ventilation. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing a fungal infection.
- Using a darkened room. Under the influence of sunlight, there is a possibility of heating the product, which provokes the possibility of damage to the product by pathogenic microorganisms.
The temperature regime is selected depending on the chosen storage method. As for air humidity, this indicator also varies.
Signs of a spoiled product
You can tell that fish has gone bad by its unpleasant smell, which you can’t help but pay attention to. In addition to the rotten smell, there are others criteria indicating the danger of eating a product:
- change in the appearance of scales;
- slimy and sticky surface of the carcass;
- dents that do not disappear after pressing on the flesh;
- violation of the structure of the carcass with the formation of failed areas of pulp and exposure of bones;
- presence of moisture inside or outside the carcass.
The presence of fish in the diet enriches the body with phosphorus, calcium and polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, violation of the rules and terms of its preservation leads to serious health problems.
To prevent the development of dangerous food poisoning, dried fish should be kept in optimal conditions for the product, providing for specific storage terms and time frames.