Note to housewives: how much and how to properly store goat milk
Potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus, vitamins and fatty acids - this is an incomplete list of useful substances that goat milk contains in large quantities.
This product is recommended for use by children and pregnant women. Drinking 250 ml of goat milk daily can improve and eliminate digestive tract problems.
We will tell you in this article how to store goat milk correctly and for how long.
Differences in storage compared to cow
When choosing a method for storing dairy products, you must remember that What is suitable for cow's milk may not be suitable for goat's milk and vice versa.
Goat milk, thanks to its unique protein composition, perfectly retains its beneficial and taste properties during long-term storage by freezing.
Another point - unlike cow's milk, goat's milk can be stored at room temperature for up to eight hours (after that it is better to place the dairy product in the refrigerator). Cow's milk must be boiled immediately, otherwise it will turn sour.
How to store, what is the period?
To organize the storage process correctly, Certain factors need to be taken into account:
whether the milk is freshly milked, or is it a dairy product purchased in a store (the shortest shelf life of a fresh product);
- storage location: in the refrigerator or just in the room (in the refrigerator the shelf life increases);
- whether the dairy product has previously been subjected to heat treatment: pasteurization, sterilization or ultra-pasteurization (processed milk is stored longer).
Thus, bottled farm goat milk is stored at room temperature for no more than 24 hours; in the refrigerator (temperature +2°C - +5°C) the storage time increases to five days. The pasteurized product is stored in the refrigerator for up to ten days.
If goat milk was purchased in a store, then an unopened package (bottle, tetra pack) can be stored in the refrigerator from four days to six months. If the packaging of the dairy product has been opened, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
More detailed information about the storage time and temperature conditions for goat milk from the store can be found on the product packaging.
Fresh or already boiled milk is stored in sterilized glass, ceramic or plastic containers. It is strictly forbidden to store dairy products in open, dirty containers or metal pans.
How to store indoors?
The maximum benefit comes from fresh, steamed milk. It must be stored indoors in a clean container (preferably a jar) covered with gauze (natural air flow is ensured). In this form, at a room temperature no higher than +25°C, milk can be stored for up to eight hours (afterwards it must be placed in the refrigerator).
The lower the room temperature, the longer milk can be stored without refrigeration.So at +22°C the shelf life is 10 hours, at +15°C - a day.
In a refrigerator
A refrigerator will help extend the shelf life of fresh milk.
Fresh, fresh milk, infused at room temperature poured into a clean (preferably sterilized) container, and then placed on the refrigerator shelf.
It is good if the shelf is located as close as possible to the freezer. In this form, the dairy product remains fresh for up to three days.
The container with milk must be covered with a lid and placed away from products with a very strong, pronounced odor (for example, smoked meat or fish). Otherwise, the dairy product will absorb extraneous “flavors” and may even change the taste.
Can it be frozen?
Freezing is a great way to preserve goat milk for as long as possible. In order for the dairy product to retain all its taste and nutritional properties, you need to freeze it correctly:
- We use only clean, sterilized, hermetically sealed containers.
- We freeze the product in a chamber with a fast freezing mode.
- Only fresh, high-quality dairy products can be used for long-term storage in the freezer.
The process of preparing for freezing is simple: fresh milk is filtered through cheesecloth, poured into prepared containers, and loaded into a separate drawer in the freezer. Milk can be frozen for three to six months (after which the milk product must be used).
Is it possible to freeze goat milk? This video will tell you:
Containers with goat milk should not be exposed to sunlight for a long time. Ultraviolet light destroys vitamin D very quickly, thereby reducing the nutritional value of the dairy product.
A sour or bitter taste, viscous consistency and unpleasant odor indicate that goat’s milk has turned sour and there is no point in storing it any further.
Boiling increases shelf life goat milk, but in order to preserve all the beneficial properties and nutritional value of the product, you should not boil it for more than five minutes. Prolonged heating destroys some vitamins and other beneficial substances.
Ziploc food bags are a great way to store goat milk in the freezer. The bags do not leak, are hermetically sealed, and take up minimal space.
Compliance with the temperature and storage conditions allows you to enjoy the taste for as long as possible and saturate the body with the beneficial substances of goat milk.