What is the shelf life of sterilized milk?
On the shelves of modern stores you can see several types of milk. One of them is sterilized. It has distinctive features: a beige tint and a boiling taste.
The drink is not as popular as the pasteurized one, but when it comes to the need for long-term storage, this is a suitable option. It is important to understand the features of storing sterilized milk.
We will talk about the terms and conditions of storage of sterilized milk in the article.
How long is it stored?
Sterilized milk obtained by boiling to 135°C (depending on the method) for 15-17 minutes. This processing technology destroys harmful and beneficial microflora in the product.
However, cow's drink still remains a valuable carrier of calcium and protein. Unlike other types of milk, sterilized milk has the longest shelf life.
The shelf life of a product depends on many parameters. Among them:
- quality of raw materials;
- technological equipment of the manufacturer;
- compliance with sanitary standards;
- storage temperature;
- type of packaging;
- packaging tightness;
- additives used.
The main differences between sterilized and pasteurized milk are in the table:
Pasteurization | Sterilization | |
Milk processing temperature | 63-90 C | 125-145 C |
Shelf life of milk | 36 hours | six months |
Beneficial features | Most of it is preserved | All microorganisms are destroyed |
The video will tell you what is the difference between sterilized and pasteurized milk:
In a refrigerator
The most preferred method of storing any milk, as it increases the period of freshness of the product. Sterilized milk Can be kept in the refrigerator for the entire shelf life, which was specified by the manufacturer.
It is advisable to store all types of open packages in the refrigerator, especially in summer. Temperatures can vary from +2 to +8. The lower the temperature, the longer the milk does not spoil.
In the freezer
If you really need to extend the life of milk, you can freeze it. Deep frozen sterilized milk will retain its taste for up to 6-8 weeks.
With longer storage, the product loses its taste. It is recommended to freeze only fresh milk. If there is any suspicion of corruption, it is better to find another use for it.
For freezing, use practical containers: plastic bottles, molds and ice bags, bags. Do not fill the container completely, taking into account the expansion of the liquid. Defrost once and gradually. First, transfer to a regular refrigerator shelf for about 12 hours or place in cold water. Re-freezing is not recommended.
Freezing milk in glass bottles is not advisable., since such material can burst with careless movements. Read about freezing milk Here.
At room conditions
Sterilized milk can remain fresh even at room temperature. However, it should be a closed package and the air temperature should not exceed +25 C. This way you can store the drink in a tetra pack.
In glass or plastic it is also acceptable, but for a short time. We are talking about several hours, no more than 10-18. The warmer the room, the greater the risk of milk spoilage. It is better to choose the coolest and darkest place, away from sunlight. You can also take measures to further preserve the product.
Sterilized milk in bags is not intended for indoor storage. It has the shortest shelf life, so it is better to consume it quickly or pour it into a glass container and close it tightly with a lid. It is safer to leave closed or opened milk cartons in the refrigerator.
In what container should it be stored?
In industrial conditions, sterilized milk can be poured into aseptic and non-aseptic packaging.
The first option is characterized by all known types of packaging:
- glass;
- PET containers;
- bags and packages;
- Tetrapack
Packaging under non-aseptic conditions most often occurs in glass and plastic bottles. Tetrapack packaging offers the longest shelf life due to its unique multilayer structure. Glass and plastic are smaller. The most short-lived containers are bags and bags.
Foil inside provides a refrigerator effect, so you can store it in a tetra pack for the entire shelf life. The bags are not very convenient, and plastic bottles can let light through, so it is acceptable to pour into a clean, suitable container.
PET containers cause controversy in scientific circles regarding safety. Some believe that under certain conditions it releases phthalates. Others prove the opposite.
Is it possible to increase the shelf life of the product?
Sterilized milk has the longest shelf life. During long-term storage, it changes color, smell, and taste.
It makes sense to artificially increase the period only in extreme cases. For example, an urgent trip.
Sterilized milk can be perfectly preserved in the refrigerator or freezer throughout its shelf life. It also makes no sense to boil the drink, since it has already undergone heat treatment in production. Additional boiling will not increase the time.
The ideal option is to enjoy the fresh taste of milk. Moreover, now it is not a problem to buy fresh products in a wide range.
What to do if it goes missing?
Due to the fact that all microflora in sterilized milk is killed, the souring process is impossible in it. Such a drink usually goes rotten, acquires a bitter taste, turns into a jelly-like form, and smells unpleasant. To ferment milk, you need to add starter.
It could be:
- low-quality raw materials;
- lack of hygiene;
- errors in the technological process;
- packaging leaks;
- improper storage, etc.
Finding a specific cause in each case is difficult. Microbiological analysis is necessary. Few buyers will do this.The peculiarity of sterilized milk is that it cannot be used in spoiled form.
Even if the action of pathogenic microorganisms has just begun, the product is dangerous for consumption, including baking. Unfortunately, you'll have to throw out that milk. You can try giving it to pets, but not everyone will like this meal.
Useful tips
To ensure that storing sterilized milk does not bring unpleasant surprises, you need to follow simple rules:
It is better to buy milk a few days before the expiration date so that you have time to use it.
- It is better to buy as much as you plan to drink in 2-3 days.
- You need to carefully check the packaging: it must be sealed and soft.
- A swollen package indicates spoilage of the milk.
- If you don’t have a refrigerator, you can put the milk in a container with cold water, which needs to be changed periodically or covered with cold wet rags, especially important in hot weather.
- Milk perfectly absorbs foreign odors, so it should be kept with the lid closed, away from strong-smelling foods (garlic, spices, onions, etc.).
- If there is no refrigerator, you need to find the coldest and darkest place in the house (pantry, cellar, balcony, etc.).
- Sterilized milk is great for consumption on trips and hikes in cool conditions.
- It is better to freeze sterilized milk in extreme cases, when there is a need to prepare the product for future use.
- After defrosting, milk should be consumed within 5 days.
Under certain conditions, sterilized milk can be stored for up to one year. The drink can remain fresh in the refrigerator and freezer, as well as at room temperature.
A variety of containers allows you to choose the appropriate option for any situation. Wasted sterilized milk is practically not used.