Let's ask the doctor: how long does breast milk last in the freezer?

foto40437-1All women breastfeeding face the problem of storing milk.

The reasons can be very diverse: the mother’s departure for several days, short-term use of medications and more. In this case, the refrigerator comes to the rescue.

Read the article about how long breast milk can be stored in the freezer and how to store it properly so that it does not spoil.

Is it possible to store the product frozen after pumping?

You can store breast milk in the freezer. This is one of the safest ways to prolong its freshness.. Sometimes the bottom compartment of the refrigerator becomes the only way out of the current situation, namely:

  1. Illness of the mother requiring medication (the main condition is the safety of the milk, the absence of bacteria and viruses in it).
  2. A child has an illness that requires him to be isolated.
  3. Baby's refusal to breastfeed.
  4. Prolonged absence of mother.
Women often express “in reserve”, since at certain periods they have an excess of milk, and sometimes a deficiency. In any of the above cases, food can and should be stored in the freezer.

Does it lose its beneficial properties?

foto40437-2After freezing and first thawing, breast milk does not lose its nutritional value.

Despite the fact that pediatricians agree that it is better to feed a child with fresh food, such food can be offered to an infant.

Of course, after exposure to low temperatures, some antioxidants, fats and vitamins are destroyed. However, these losses are so insignificant that they cannot significantly affect the benefits of the final product. The main thing is to follow the rules for freezing it.

Breast milk, even after freezing, is healthier than the most expensive artificial formula.


To prevent the product from deteriorating and losing its nutritional properties during storage, you need to collect it and put it in the freezer immediately after pumping.

A prerequisite is compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands and chest with soap and remove any remaining residue.

If a breast pump is used, it must also be clean. To remove bacteria and contaminants, it is treated with soda slurry, rinsed with water and doused with boiling water. It is not necessary to sterilize disposable containers, as they are sold in individual packaging.

It is better to start pumping after feeding. At this moment, the woman produces oxytocin (a special hormone), which facilitates the process of collecting milk.

Shelf life

The shelf life of breast milk in the freezer depends on the temperature, the features of the refrigerator and the location of the container.

According to available data, The product remains usable for the following period of time:

  1. If the temperature is below -6 degrees: no longer than 3 weeks. We are talking about a freezer with a single door.
  2. If the temperature is below -15 degrees: no longer than six months. In this case, the freezer should have 2 chambers.
  3. If the temperature is below -18 degrees: 1 year. Provided there is a separate freezer with its own door.
To keep the product fresh for as long as possible, it should be placed closer to the back wall of the appliance. This will avoid exposure to warm air when opening the chamber.


foto40437-3Finding a container for storing milk is not difficult. For pumping and storing in the freezer can be used:

  • glass jars;
  • plastic containers;
  • ice packs;
  • sealed bags.

It is best to opt for the latter option. Packages can be single-use or reusable. They are easy to use, do not leak liquid and do not take up much space. The sealed lock prevents foreign odors from entering.

If a woman cares about environmental friendliness, then glass will be the optimal container. However, such jars are more expensive than plastic products. If accidentally overfilled, they may burst.

When purchasing plastic containers for storing milk, you need to make sure it is safe. The container must be marked that it can be exposed to low temperatures and used for food products. Low-quality plastic is a source of toxins that can poison the product and harm the health of the child. Therefore, the container must be marked BPA free.

To store milk, it is recommended to choose containers from well-known brands that are designed specifically for baby food.

An overview of containers for storing breast milk is presented in this article, review of packages - in this.

Freezing rules

To keep breast milk fresh longer and not spoil during storage, you need to follow the rules for freezing it. Basic recommendations:

  1. Milk should be expressed only in clean containers. This should be taken care of at the preparation stage.
  2. The product must be sent for storage as early as possible. If more than a day has passed since pumping, it should not be frozen, even if stored in the top part of the refrigerator. At room temperature, milk should not sit longer than 6-8 hours.
  3. Before sending for long-term storage, the product must be cooled. For this purpose, place it in the refrigerator, cover the container with a lid and leave for 2 hours.
  4. The jar, bag or container should not be filled more than 2/3 full, as the liquid expands in size after freezing.
  5. After cooling, the product is placed in the freezer.

Compliance with these conditions guarantees the freshness of the product throughout the entire shelf life.

In a container

foto40437-4It is convenient to store milk in plastic containers. They do not burst when exposed to cold.

Even if there is too much liquid, plastic particles will not get into the food (unlike glass). After defrosting, the milk fat will not stick to the walls, which is why the nutritional value of the product will not be significantly reduced.

However, plastic is not without its drawbacks. This material is not environmentally friendly, it pollutes the environment. To store baby food, it is better to use special glasses, which are not cheap.

In packages

Airtight bags are a great option for storing breast milk. They have the following advantages:

  • the container is initially sterile, individually packaged;
  • the bags are durable;
  • thanks to the sealed clasp, liquid will not be spilled;
  • convenient to remove excess air;
  • bags can be attached to a breast pump;
  • empty and full bags do not take up much space;
  • affordable price.

To accurately track the expiration date of the product, it is recommended to label the packages. To do this, they put a sticker on them with a mark on the date of pumping.

Can it be re-frozen?

The product cannot be re-frozen. If during the initial exposure to low temperatures a small part of the nutrients is lost, then upon re-cooling the milk will lose its original value. It destroys vitamins, proteins, minerals and antibodies.

Repeated freezing is harmful not only by reducing the nutritional value of the product. It always carries the risk of bacterial infection.

When opening the container, microbes may enter and multiply quickly in a liquid environment. Feeding a child such a product is dangerous.

Helpful information

Storage tips breast milk:

  1. You can add a fresh portion to a container with already frozen milk. However, it should be expressed at short intervals. It must first be cooled in the upper part of the refrigerator.
  2. The 1-year shelf life applies only to the product that was collected and sent for storage in accordance with all the rules.
  3. The portion that is planned to be sent to the freezer can be assembled up to 12 hours. In this case, the container should be in the refrigerator and tightly closed.
  4. If the milk has separated into fractions after being removed from the freezer and thawed, this does not indicate spoilage. This consistency is normal. There is fat in the milk that has simply risen to the top. Before offering food to a child, it must be mixed.

Video on the topic of the article

This video will tell you about freezing, storing and thawing breast milk:


Women who are breastfeeding always have at least a day's supply of milk in the freezer.If you prepare and store it correctly, baby food will remain usable throughout the year.


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