In what container and for how many hours is breast milk stored at room temperature?
No formula, even the most expensive, can replace breast milk.
Ideally, the baby should receive it directly through breastfeeding, but in reality this is not always possible.
Therefore, women often express milk for storage. Read the article about how long breast milk can be stored at room temperature.
Shelf life of expressed product without refrigeration
The shelf life of expressed milk is largely determined by the ambient temperature.
There is no difference between which bottle it is stored in. milk: in plastic or glass. The main thing is that it is clean and tightly closed.
What is the best way to store it?
After expressing, the milk is poured into a storage container. It could be:
Glass bottle. Glass is an environmentally friendly material. The bottles are reusable and easy to clean and sterilize.
The main disadvantage of packaging is that there is a risk of breaking it if handled carelessly. In addition, glass containers are more expensive than plastic ones.
- Plastic container or bottle. Plastic products are durable and practical. They are easy to care for, do not break or break. Their prices are affordable.However, purchasing plastic products always carries the risk of acquiring toxic material.
Therefore, it is better to opt for products from trusted brands that produce dishes for baby food.
- Sealed bag. This packaging is good because it is convenient not only to store, but also to transport milk. When heated, the bags do not release toxins, and the convenient zipper closure reliably protects against leakage. Compared to containers, bags take up much less space. They are soft, so they easily take any shape. The main thing is to choose high-quality bags with well-sealed seams so that the milk does not leak out.
Each container has its own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a suitable container, you need to take into account the main rule: it must be clean and safe for health.
An overview of breast milk storage bags is presented in this article, containers - in this. He will tell you how to store the product after expressing in a bottle. this article.
Signs of damage
If the milk has gone bad, several signs will indicate this:
- Change in smell. It becomes unpleasant and acquires sour notes. If fermentation is active, the smell will be pungent.
- Change in taste. If in doubt, you can try a drop of milk. Normally it is sweetish. The missing product is bitter or sour.
- Changing the view. The fact that milk has spoiled is indicated by a change in its consistency. The whey rises to the top, and a substance resembling kefir remains at the bottom. It is not difficult to notice this in a transparent container.Curdled milk cannot be returned to its previous uniform consistency.
The color of milk does not indicate spoilage. If it's slightly bluish, it simply means it's low in fat. The color will change if a woman adjusts her diet.
Where can I keep it at home, for what period of time?
Breast milk can be stored not only at room temperature, as in such conditions it quickly deteriorates. The best place to keep it is the refrigerator.
In this case, the deadlines are significantly extended:
in the refrigerator, at a temperature of +6 to +4 degrees, the product remains fresh for 24 hours;
- in a freezer that shares a door with other products, food can be used for 14 days;
- in a freezer with a separate door, milk will remain fresh for about 3 months, and the temperature should not be lower than -18 degrees;
- In the freezer at a temperature of -20 degrees, milk can be stored for a year.
To prevent milk from being exposed to warm air when the door is opened, it is better to place it at the far wall of the refrigerator.
How long does breast milk last in the refrigerator? here, in the freezer - Here.
Helpful information
Storage tips breast milk:
- To know exactly how much milk is in the container, it is better to choose bottles with a measuring scale.
- Choose containers with a tight-fitting lid. This will avoid premature spoilage of the milk and the introduction of foreign odors into it.
- Plastic containers in which expressed milk is stored should not contain bisphenol A. This toxic component negatively affects health by damaging the endocrine system.
- When collecting milk, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene. Hands must be washed with soap.
- The storage container must be clean and dry. If there is any water left in it after washing, collect it with a paper towel.
Video on the topic of the article
This video will show you how to store expressed breast milk:
Milk can be stored at room temperature, but no longer than 6 hours. This method is very convenient if the mother needs to leave for a short period of time, and the period between feedings is short.
Milk at room temperature does not need to be heated, thereby not depriving it of even a minimal part of its nutrients.