How long and how to properly store dried mushrooms at home?
Drying is one of the most practical ways to prepare mushrooms for future use. This approach allows you to preserve the beneficial properties and aroma of the product.
In order for dried mushrooms to last a long time, it is important to prepare them correctly and maintain them under a number of conditions.
We will tell you further how to store dried mushrooms, for how long, and in what way.
Shelf life
Drying is a safe way to preserve mushroom stocks. You can make the preparation yourself or buy already dried mushrooms in the store. As a rule, mainly tubular types are dried, less often plastic ones, which may have a bitter aftertaste.
Popular types for drying include:
- white;
- boletus;
- boletus, etc.
If drying is done independently, and the raw materials are of high quality, then in suitable conditions, a preparation of porcini mushrooms can last up to 2-3 years, boletuses and boletuses - up to a year. But the longer the preparations lie, the less their nutritional value will become.
It is not advisable to buy dried mushrooms from hand, since it is difficult to recognize the specific type of original raw material in them, and even more so to be confident in the collection conditions and in the correct preparation.
A dry place with good air exchange is suitable for storing dried mushrooms.
The most favorable conditions can be considered the following:
Air temperature from +15? C to +20? C (if there is no alternative, keeping it at room temperature is acceptable).
- Air humidity – up to 40%.
- Protection against exposure of the product to sunlight.
- Good ventilation.
- No contact with products that have a strong odor.
Also It is important to avoid close proximity to products with strong odors:
- smoked meats,
- Luke,
- pickles in barrels, etc.
The rules for storing dried mushrooms are discussed in the video:
Where can I keep it?
You can find a lot of places to store dried mushrooms, even in a city apartment. It could be:
- pantry,
- regular kitchen cabinet
- attic space, etc.
In some cases, it is possible to place mushroom stocks in the freezer. In any case, it is important that the chosen location meets all requirements, and that the raw materials themselves are properly prepared and well dried.
Fresh mushrooms that are planned to be dried must be properly prepared. They collect forest gifts mainly in clear weather. They should be tight and without damage.
Washing is most often not used. Since when in contact with moisture, mushrooms absorb a lot of water. This may affect the taste and aroma of the product after drying.
The harvested crop is sorted and sorted. Damaged areas are cut off. If there are stuck pine needles and dirt, the mushrooms need to be cleaned dry. Nothing can be done about specimens that are damaged by worms - they will have to be thrown away.
Depending on the type and size, they are either cut into pieces or dried whole if they are small. The caps are most often cut off, and the legs are cut into pieces of approximately the same size.
After pre-treatment, the mushrooms are dried. For these purposes, various methods can be used:
- using an electric dryer;
- in the oven;
- on a thread;
- unfolded in the open air, etc.
Only completely dried mushrooms can be sent for long-term storage.
Proper storage organization includes not only choosing a place where supplies will be stored, but also packaging. Taking into account the conditions and condition of the product, the type of container is determined.
Most often used:
- bundles on twine;
- glass jars;
- paper bags;
- fabric bags;
- boxes.
Glass jar
Glass jars can be used to store dried mushrooms. The lids must be tightly closed to prevent moisture from entering.
It is advisable to prepare the container as follows:
- Wash the jar thoroughly.
- Sterilize.
- Dry.
The best option for storing dried supplies is vacuum jars. This method allows you to preserve the fullest aroma and taste of the product. In order to avoid confusion, the packages can be provided with labels indicating the type of mushrooms and the date of harvesting.
Tinted glass is preferable to clear glass as it protects the contents from light.
Storing dried mushrooms on string is one of the most popular methods. This method is suitable for non-overdried product. – mushrooms should not crumble or break off easily.
Additionally, the bundle should be wrapped in cloth at the storage location. It is recommended to pre-soak the material in a saline solution to protect supplies from moths during storage.
It is also necessary to check that the storage area is dry. The presence of foreign odors is not acceptable, since mushrooms are capable of absorbing aromas.
Storing mushrooms in boxes ensures good air exchange. In this form, the product can be kept in dry pantries, attics, etc.
If the box is made of thick paper, then the dried mushrooms can simply lie in bulk. But in the case where the box is made of wood, it is advisable to first cover it with paper or cloth. The top of the box is also covered with paper or cloth.
Canvas bags and kraft paper bags
Fabric bags and thick paper bags provide constant air access to the product.
In the case where such packaging is chosen, close proximity to mushroom reserves of especially aromatic products should be excluded. It is also important to avoid changes in temperature and humidity in the place where the dried product will be stored.
Fabric bags can be pre-soaked in a salt solution. This technique is to prevent insect infestation. You can also place hot pepper in the bag, which is also a preventive measure against moths.
This storage option is most often used for keeping porcini mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and champignons.
Vacuum packaging
Dried mushrooms are placed in packaging from which air is removed. This type of packaging can be used not only in industrial settings, but also at home. in the presence of a special apparatus.
Vacuum allows you to maintain the quality of the product regardless of environmental conditions. This can be convenient in case of high humidity, danger of moths, etc.
Conventional refrigerators have high levels of humidity, which can negatively affect the dried product. The temperature there is also lower than recommended.
Therefore, with this storage option you should take care about the tightness of the container so that moisture does not get into the product. This can be vacuum packaging or a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Sending dried mushrooms to the freezer helps protect them from insects and preserve the taste of the product. But use the freezer only possible if the following conditions are met:
- Reliable packaging tightness.
- The product must be properly dried.
It is not recommended to keep dried mushrooms in the freezer for longer than a year.
Some types of mushrooms have their own characteristics when kept in a dried state. It is also advisable to store each of them separately.
Chaga is a mushroom that has many beneficial substances and is actively used in folk medicine.. The shelf life of the product directly depends on the method of storing birch mushroom.
First, the chaga is cut into pieces of 30-60 mm and dried. Since this species is very susceptible to mold, special attention should be paid to drying.
It is best to air dry in the shade. The oven should not be used.
You cannot choose a metal or plastic container as a container for long-term storage.. The option of storing chaga in fabric bags and paper bags is also not suitable, since the contents will be subject to temperature changes in this case, and even with a slight increase in humidity there is a possibility of mold appearing.
The best thing is to put the dried mushroom in a glass jar and close the lid well. In this form, in a dark place, the workpiece can stand for up to 2 years.
This video will show you how to dry chaga mushroom:
Porcini mushrooms are one of the valuable species. They are conveniently stored in wooden or paper boxes. It is also convenient to use glass jars with tight-fitting lids. If drying and storage are organized correctly, porcini mushrooms can last 2-3 years without losing their beneficial properties.
Porcini mushrooms are most often dried on a string, making small indentations. The ends of the rope are connected and the resulting bundle is hung in a room with good ventilation. Another option is to lay out the entire crop, cut into pieces, on a flat surface, previously covered with paper. Complete drying takes place in a few days.
The video will tell you how to dry porcini mushrooms:
Storing dried mushrooms is not a complicated process and requires a minimum of attention. With proper organization of drying of stocks and the use of suitable containers, the gifts of the forest can last for years, allowing you to diversify your diet and prepare interesting mushroom dishes at any time of the year.