An important question: is it possible and how to properly store onions in the refrigerator?
Onions are a healthy vegetable that is used in preparing a large number of dishes. It's convenient to have it on hand, but can onions be stored in the refrigerator and for how long?
Let's look in more detail at how and how long to store onions (including peeled ones) in the refrigerator, whether it is possible on the bottom shelf so that they remain fresh.
Is it allowed and how much?
Onions in the kitchen Can be kept at room temperature and low humidity, but such conditions are favorable for germination.
The temperature in the refrigerator is on average from +1°C to +3°C. This is the optimal indicator for storage, allowing you to keep onions without sprouting, and even keep them in a peeled state.
But there are also some disadvantages using the refrigerator as storage for vegetables:
- short shelf life;
- it will not be possible to place large volumes;
- If storage is carried out without packaging, then the specific smell will permeate all the products.
In the vegetable compartment, onions are best preserved wrapped in a bag or placed in a plastic container.
The need to put onions in the refrigerator may arise when, after preparing a dish, there is excess product left, in some cases even already peeled and chopped.
You will find a lot of useful and important information about storing onions Here.
Preparing to store onions
Onions can be stored in the refrigerator in several ways, taking into account the condition of the product, its type and the volume occupied. Vegetables that were collected on time and dried well are preserved better than others.
During the harvesting process, the roots should not be damaged, nor the bulbs themselves. It is most convenient to dry the onions in the open air, avoiding exposure to sunlight. Another option is to tie it and hang it in bunches.
After drying, the vegetable should be completely dry, including the top.. Otherwise, the vegetable will not be able to be stored for long.
Immediately before storing, the entire volume of vegetables is sorted out, discarding damaged ones. Dried tops and roots are trimmed.
Read about storing onions in a cellar or basement Here, at home in winter - here.
All possible options
The duration of its storage in the refrigerator and the necessary packaging largely depend on the form in which the onions are sent for storage.
Unpeeled prepared onions can be placed in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator. An egg container is suitable as a container.. Each bulb will be located separately in it.
If there are already peeled onions left after cooking, you can store them in the refrigerator. For this:
- The vegetable is washed.
- Place in a glass jar or plastic container.
- Add cold water.
- Change the water every couple of days.
The maximum storage period under such conditions is up to 20 days. You can find out more about ways to store peeled onions Here.
Peeled and chopped onions are more difficult to preserve than whole ones. There are several ways to cope with the problem.
If half or a segment is cut off from the bulb, then the following options will help:
- The cut is greased with sunflower oil and placed on this side in a container. It is better to cover the top with a lid. Without a lid, the storage time is a day, with a lid – several days.
- The remaining part of the onion is wrapped in film. The product can be stored in this form for no more than 4-5 days.
- A layer of salt is poured into the container. Place the onion on it, cut side down. Storage - no more than a week.
Fried vegetable - can be stored for a long time only in one case - when it is frozen:
- The vegetable is cut.
- Fry in vegetable oil.
- Cool.
- Place in containers or plastic bags.
- Place in the freezer.
When using such a preparation, you don’t have to defrost it in advance, but immediately add it to the dish you are preparing, for example, soup.
Pickled onions are an original addition to salads, cooked potatoes, pork and other dishes.
- Wash and peel the onions (3 pcs.).
Cut into half rings.
- Mix the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl (sugar - 3 tbsp, salt - ? tbsp, vinegar - 7 tbsp, boiled water - 0.25 l).
- Stir the marinade until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.
- Place onions in a glass jar.
- Pour over the marinade.
- Place in the refrigerator.
Already in ? within an hour the product can be ready for use. Lightly frying it before serving will add additional originality to the dish. The pickled product can be stored for up to six months.
This video will show you how to pickle onions for the winter:
Rules for freezing vegetables
Vegetables can be frozen in various ways:
- entirely;
- sliced;
- already cooked.
The best option is to cut the vegetable in advance before freezing. This will allow:
- ensure compact storage;
- defrost in the future as much product as needed at one time.
- Wash and peel the onion.
- Chop finely.
- Place immediately into small containers, or, alternatively, freeze in one layer in a wide flat container, and then pour into a bag or container.
A properly frozen vegetable can be stored in the freezer until the next harvest. During storage, a significant part of the nutrients is retained.
The main requirement is not to re-freeze the thawed onion.. And do not allow even partial defrosting of the workpiece, which must lie for a long time.
How to freeze onions for the winter, video recipe:
Storing green onions
Green onions are more difficult to preserve than onions. Greens are more demanding on maintenance conditions and can quickly disappear.
In a refrigerator There are several ways to save it:
- in kraft paper – up to 3 weeks;
- in a cellophane bag – up to 1.5 months;
- in glass containers – no more than a month;
- with a damp cloth in cellophane - up to a month.
When sending green onions for storage, you must ensure that the leaves do not wrinkle or bend, as this will accelerate wilting.
You can learn about storing green onions in the refrigerator here, about ways to preserve it for the winter - Here.
A small amount of leek can be stored in the refrigerator. The compartment intended for vegetables is best suited for this.
When placed in it cut off excess leaves and distribute it into polyethylene bags, 6-8 pieces in one. Cellophane allows you to maintain the required level of humidity. Temperature suitable for storage is up to +5°C.
If you are interested in how to store leeks in a cellar or basement, read this article. Read about ways to store leeks in winter Here.
In an apartment save the sets best in the refrigerator. Before placing it in the cold, it is warmed up for half a month. And before landing, you also need to warm up.
Necessary storage conditions:
- low humidity;
- temperature is cool.
10 recommendations
High-quality storage of onions in the refrigerator can be obtained subject to technology and taking into account the following tips:
- If the storage conditions do not specify washing the onions, this should not be done.
- In addition to fresh storage, leeks, green and onions can be preserved in the form of marinades and pickles.
For large harvests, storage in the refrigerator is not suitable due to lack of space.
- High humidity can cause vegetable rotting and the appearance of mold.
- For freezing, the vegetable can be cut into rings, half rings, and squares.
- Dried vegetables should not be stored in the refrigerator.
- Very small substandard onions can be pickled whole without chopping.
- Violation of the conditions for growing vegetables (high humidity, excess fertilizer, etc.) can shorten the shelf life.
- The white variety of onions is seasonal and is best consumed fresh. It is stored worse than other varieties.
- Before storage, the dry top of the vegetable is cut off, leaving only a small part - this will prevent rot.
The refrigerator allows you to extend the shelf life of onions even if they are damaged and not in good condition - by freezing and pickling. Depending on the variety and condition of the vegetable, the optimal storage option is selected, which allows you to have a healthy vegetable on the table all year round.