Ways and tips on how to keep fresh green onions in the refrigerator for a long time
Green onions are a source of dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements, which are so lacking during the cold season.
However, the maximum benefit can only be obtained from fresh feathers.
Read the article about how and under what conditions to store green onions in the refrigerator so that they remain fresh for as long as possible.
Preparation for storage
Before sending the greens for storage, it need to be properly prepared.
Sort through the stems, removing all damaged elements.
- Rinse the onion in warm water. Even if it looks clean on the outside, this does not mean that it is free of dust, soil and pathogens.
It is convenient to use a large saucepan or bowl for washing. Water is taken into it and the entire feathers are immersed.
It is not recommended to wash them under the tap, as under the powerful pressure of water they can be injured.
- Dry the greens on a paper towel.
- If the onion will be stored whole, then you can not wash it, but simply wipe it with a damp cloth to remove particles of soil and dust. A natural waxy coating protects the product from premature deterioration, so it is not recommended to remove it.
For storage you need to choose bright and juicy feathers, light green in color. There should be no damage, creases, or signs of damage.
How to store so that the greens remain juicy as long as possible?
There are several ways to store onions in the refrigerator. For this use:
- plastic bags,
- containers,
- paper,
- glass jars.
Depending on the container chosen, the shelf life of the product will differ. If you want to know how to preserve green onions for the winter, read this publication.
In packages
In polyethylene (in a bag or in cling film), onions remain fresh for about 30 days, but you need to make sure that moisture does not accumulate in it. To evaporate condensation, several holes are made in the film using a toothpick.
Before wrapping the onion in film, you need to keep it in the refrigerator. The bag itself is placed there for cooling. If they are at the same temperature, much less condensation will form.
No need to wash or cut the stems. They are placed entirely in cellophane. The filled bags are tied and placed in a vegetable drawer.
In containers
It is convenient to store onions in containers. They seal tightly and do not take up much space in the refrigerator. Evacuation of the vacuum helps extend the shelf life of the product by several weeks. In this form, the greens remain fresh for a month.
- rinse the container from the inside, wipe with a paper towel and dry;
- chop the greens and fill the container 2/3 full; if it is large, then the onions can be laid in whole feathers in a circle, making sure that no creases form on it;
- close the container with a lid and pump out the air;
- put the container in the refrigerator.
Housewives store greens not only in vacuum containers, but also in ordinary containers. However, the shelf life of the product in this case is reduced to 15 days.
In paper
This method allows the greens to remain fresh for up to 1.5-2 months. You must act strictly according to the instructions:
Rehydrate the stems by placing their lower ends in cool, clean water. If the onion was recently removed from the garden, then 10 minutes is enough for it to “get drunk”. In other cases, it is left in water for an hour.
- Separately, soak gauze or cotton cloth with water and wring it out. It should be moist, not wet.
- Place the shoots with the bottom part on gauze and wrap it in several layers.
- The paper is laid out on the table. The bundle is placed in it and wrapped so that it does not open. As a result, you get 2 layers. One will retain moisture, preventing the onion from drying out, and the second will be responsible for ventilation of the feathers.
- To prevent the paper from slipping, it can be secured with thread. In this form, the onions are put in the refrigerator.
In glass
Another convenient way to store onions is in a glass jar. Whole feathers are placed in it, covered with a nylon lid and put in the refrigerator. In this form, the greens remain fresh for a month.
Not only whole feathers, but also cut feathers are stored in glass. To prevent the product from spoiling, proceed as follows:
- wash, dry and cut onions;
- the jar is sterilized or doused with boiling water;
- put chopped greens in it, sprinkle the layers with salt;
- 1 kg of onion will require 250 g of salt;
- Close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator.
Salted onions can be stored in a jar for up to 6 months. In this form it is convenient to use for preparing salads and hot dishes.
In the freezer
In the freezer, the shelf life of onions increases to a year. Wherein greens practically do not lose their beneficial properties, but their taste characteristics slightly deteriorate.
It becomes less flavorful and less crunchy after defrosting. Onions can be stored in the freezer either as whole feathers or in chopped form.
In plastic bags
You can store whole greens in the bag. Proceed as follows:
Soak the feathers in warm water for 3 minutes, then rinse gently.
- They cut off their roots, if any.
- Shake the stems to remove excess moisture.
- Spread the onions in a single layer on a paper towel. Leave until completely dry.
- Wrap the plant in cling film or a bag so that you get a long roll.
- Store in the freezer.
If desired, the onion can be chopped and poured into a bag. At the same time, it must be laid out in an even, thin layer. From such a plate it is convenient to break off pieces of the required size without defrosting the main mass. Do not store herbs in the same compartment as fish and meat.
In ice trays
For the purpose of subsequent heat treatment of onions prepared in ice trays:
- wash and chop the greens;
- put it in ice trays;
- pour water over the greens, add very little liquid, there should be less of it than onions;
- put the molds in the freezer for several hours;
- take out the frozen onion cubes, put them in bags and send them for permanent storage.
How long does it last?
Greens keep well in the refrigerator. At a temperature of +3...+4 degrees it remains fresh for 2-3 weeks.
At a temperature of about 0 degrees, its shelf life increases to 1-2 months. If you chop the product and sprinkle it with salt, you can store it for up to six months..
Onions keep for a long time in the freezer. It remains edible for a year. If the greens have been chopped and soaked in water or olive oil, they should be used within 6 months.
Helpful information
The following tips will help maintain the freshness of the product:
- The less time passes from the moment the onions are picked from the garden until they are sent to the refrigerator, the better. This will allow you to retain maximum vitamins in it.
- Feathers should not be crushed or broken. It is better to remove all damaged parts immediately.
- Stems with roots that were not cut, but torn out of the ground, are stored longer.
- You can't keep the bow open. In the fresh air, it quickly gives off moisture and deteriorates.
- The small bulbs at the ends of the feathers do not need to be trimmed. When stored in the refrigerator, they are simply wrapped in a damp cloth and secured with thread.
A lot of useful information about storing onions can be found Here.
Storing fresh green onions in the refrigerator is easy. There are many ways to extend its shelf life. It is enough to observe three basic conditions: protect the product from contact with oxygen, prevent the formation of condensation and store only selected greens without signs of spoilage.