Recommendations from experienced housewives on how to remove grease stains from pants or trousers
Getting your pants dirty with grease is as easy as shelling pears, but removing a stain from the fabric is a task that requires a special approach and some knowledge.
The thing is that ordinary washing powder cannot remove stubborn particles of fat from fabric fibers.
Only using proven folk methods, as well as special chemical compounds, can you return your trousers to their original appearance. We'll tell you in this article how to remove grease stains from trousers, jeans, and sweatpants.
How to remove a fresh trace?
It is possible to quickly and efficiently clean trousers from grease stains before the fat molecules have time to penetrate the fibers of the fabric. As experienced housewives and dry cleaning specialists suggest, a greasy stain is best cleaned in the first three hours after it appears on clothing.
You can also use fresh bread crumbs as an absorbent.. A small piece of crumb is applied and pressed firmly onto the fresh greasy stain. As the fat is absorbed, the bread is changed.
If you don’t have salt or bread at hand, wet antiseptic wipes will come to the rescue (they contain alcohol, which effectively breaks down fat molecules). The greasy mark is blotted with a damp cloth until it disappears completely.
How to remove using folk remedies?
The means at hand will help you quickly and safely remove fresh and old traces of fat from trousers and trousers.
Laundry soap
Regardless of what material the trousers are made of, laundry soap will help quickly solve the problem of greasy stains. Algorithm of actions:
- The greasy mark is thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap and left to dry for five to six hours.
- Clothes treated with soap are sent for washing as usual.
To speed up the process of interaction between the alkaline environment and fat molecules, after treatment with soap, the trousers are placed in a thick plastic bag.
Tooth powder and iron
Clean light-colored wool trousers from grease stains without negative consequences for clothing A time-tested method will help:
- the soiled trousers are carefully laid out on the ironing board, the stain is sprinkled with tooth powder;
- through porous paper, a layer of tooth powder is ironed with a non-hot iron;
- using a stack of books, the ironed paper is left under a load for ten to twelve hours;
- Tooth powder that has absorbed particles of fat is shaken off the fabric, and the trousers are sent for washing.
Mustard powder
Dry mustard powder is mixed with water to form a thick sour cream.The resulting product is used to treat stains on the trousers, allow to dry, and then clean off with a soft brush.
Ammonia will help remove grease stains from colored natural and synthetic fabrics.
Algorithm of actions:
- Ammonia is diluted with water (ratio 2:1).
- The resulting composition is applied to the greasy mark and left for fifteen minutes.
- After lightly rubbing the stain with your hands, the trousers are sent for re-washing.
When it is not possible to wash a grease-stained item, treat the stain with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon of ammonia is enough for 250 ml), after which it is ironed through a light cotton fabric with a warm iron.
Glycerin will help remove grease stains from light summer trousers made of silk, chiffon and fine knitwear.
Algorithm of actions:
- The stain is moistened with one or two drops of glycerin.
- After half an hour, the dirt is wiped with a damp sponge.
Gasoline will help remove old, stubborn stains of vegetable, butter and even machine oil.
Algorithm of actions:
- a piece of fabric is thoroughly moistened with gasoline;
- the fabric is placed under the stain;
- on the front side, the trace of grease is thoroughly wiped with a cotton sponge also soaked in gasoline;
- The treated clothes are sent for re-washing.
This method is ideal for thick cotton and wool fabrics.
Application of special compounds
If the methods at hand are powerless in the fight against greasy heels on trousers, special products (sold in hardware stores) will come to the rescue.
To ensure that your purchase meets your expectations, you must study all the information on the packaging.. Particular attention is paid to what stains and what types of fabrics the selected product is recommended for. It is also necessary to check the expiration date of the product.
TOP 3 most effective special products in the fight against grease stains on trousers:
Spray K2r
Spray K2r - powder stain remover will remove greasy and oily marks from fabric in minutes. Easy to use: just treat the stain, wait two minutes and brush off the powder that has formed on the fabric along with the grease particles.
Suitable for all types of fabrics (natural, synthetic, delicate wool and silk). After application it does not leave streaks on trousers. The average cost is 550 rubles. (volume 100 ml).
Edelstar pencil from Faberlic
Edelstar oxygen pencil from Faberlic. Balanced formula based on an oxygenating agent allows you to quickly remove stains from fabric (and other surfaces):
- fat,
- soot,
- rust.
Compact and easy to use. Used both for local stain removal and for pre-treatment of stubborn stains before the main wash.
Directions for use: stains on fabric are moistened with warm water and then rubbed with a pencil. Edelstar from Faberlic before foam appears. After fifteen minutes, the treated area of the trousers is washed off under running warm water. The average cost is 200 rubles. (pencil weight 35 g).
Antipyatin stain remover soap
Active enzymes from bile and natural enzymes remove traces of grease without residue from any type of fabric. It is enough to moisten the stain with water, rub with soap and after fifteen minutes, wash off the resulting foam under running water.
High efficiency and affordable cost (on average 60 rubles) make Antipyatin soap a very popular remedy in the fight against old, ingrained grease stains on fabric.
Before using any special product, it must be tested on an inconspicuous area of the trousers.
It is strictly forbidden to mix stain removers from different manufacturers.. The results of such experiments are unpredictable.
Features of removal depending on tissue
Before you begin removing grease stains, it is very important to determine what material the trousers are made of (information is indicated on the tag). This determines how quickly traces of grease disappear and whether your favorite item will retain its original appearance after cleaning.
Trousers made of wool and light cotton fabrics require gentle, delicate handling. Liquid dish detergent will help remove greasy marks. Using a soft toothbrush, rub the dirt on both sides with detergent and leave it alone for two to three hours, after which the trousers are washed as usual.
Trousers made from natural fabrics are cleaned of traces of fat using shaving foam. It is enough to treat the dirt with foam, and after five minutes you can wash the stained trousers a second time.
When removing grease stains from jeans, you should avoid:
- active friction,
- alcohol-containing compounds,
- kerosene.
As a result of such cleaning, a bald spot or even a hole may appear in place of the stain on the gins.
Alternatively, dishwashing gel will help remove greasy stains on jeans.It is enough to apply a few drops of detergent to the stain, foam it and after five minutes remove it with a damp sponge.
If the fabric composition is not indicated on the tag, you can determine it by the type of trousers. So, sweatpants are most often made from synthetic materials (polyester, microfiber).
To sew classic office trousers, mixed fabrics are used (wool or cotton with the addition of polyester threads), and for jeans, natural cotton fabrics with the addition of elastane are used.
The nuances of cleaning sports and dress pants
Classic office trousers require delicate handling. Such items cannot be cleaned with chlorine-containing compounds or gasoline (trouser fabric sheds a lot). Steam cleaning is also prohibited (high temperatures cause the fabric to shrink and smooth out the creases on dress pants).
In order to get office trousers in order, grease stains are first rubbed off with laundry soap or covered with salt, and then sent to the wash.
Cleaning sweatpants from grease stains is much easier. This type of clothing is made from wear-resistant fabrics that can withstand washing with any powders and stain removers.
Recommendations from experienced housewives will help remove grease stains from trousers very quickly, without deformation and change in color of the fabric:
Before you begin removing stains, it is very important to study the care information for trousers indicated on the manufacturer's label.
- The choice of method for removing greasy marks depends on the type of fabric and how long ago the stain appeared on the trousers.
- The process of removing grease stains begins with the most gentle means at hand, gradually (if necessary) moving to aggressive chemical compounds.
- The grease stain is treated locally with a cleaning composition, being careful not to touch the clean fabric of the trousers. The greasy mark is carefully cleaned, starting from the edges, smoothly moving towards the middle.
After local cleaning of grease stains, trousers should be washed as soon as possible. This will help avoid worn-out and blurry marks and preserve the original appearance of your favorite item.
Important and useful information about methods and means of removing grease stains from various surfaces is presented in this section.
A little patience, accuracy and the right product will help you quickly remove greasy stains from your trousers.