Proven means and methods for removing brilliant green from furniture at home
Diamond green (popular name - brilliant green) is a very popular pharmaceutical product for disinfecting wounds on human skin.
Along with numerous useful qualities, brilliant green has one, but very unpleasant property - it is quickly absorbed into various surfaces.
As a result, even a few drops of pharmaceutical product falling on the furniture can completely ruin it.
To avoid such a situation and preserve your favorite table, chair, soft sofa or armchairs, you should immediately begin cleaning green marks on furniture using proven, effective products.
Read the article on how to remove brilliant green from furniture at home.
How to remove a stain from wood?
For furniture made of natural wood, even a few drops of brilliant green can become a real tragedy.
The thing is that the porous structure of wood instantly absorbs brilliant green coloring pigments, and all that can be done to return the furniture to its original appearance is just to slightly discolor the stain.
Alternatively, you can use washing powder. Add a little warm water to the dry ingredient and mix into a thick paste. The resulting product is applied to the stain and left to dry for half an hour. During this time, the paste will partially absorb the brilliant green, making the stain less noticeable.
You can also use starch.It is scattered onto a fresh trace of brilliant green, after which they begin to gently rub it into the wood with a cotton swab (in circular, smooth movements) until the particles of the pharmaceutical product are completely absorbed.
If attempts to remove a green stain from a tree with improvised or special chemical compounds are unsuccessful, Damaged areas must be sanded and then coated with a special colorless varnish.
How to remove from leather or leatherette?
The effect of cleaning leather sofas and armchairs directly depends on how quickly the cleaning began.
So, wet antiseptic wipes containing alcohol will help remove fresh, newly appeared green marks on the leather surface. It is enough to carefully remove the stain with a napkin, and then wipe the cleaned surface again with a clean, damp cloth.
Dealing with stubborn stains of brilliant green is much more difficult. Improvised products are unlikely to help remove dirt, so it is worth considering the option of cleaning with more aggressive chemical compounds.
You can use a solvent for varnishes and paints (White spirit). It is enough to cover the stain with a cotton sponge, generously soaked in solvent. After five minutes, the dirt is removed with the same cotton sponge, and the already cleaned area of the furniture is wiped with a damp sponge.
In order to clean a green stain from leatherette, you should use ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.
Algorithm for removing brilliant green from leatherette with ammonia:
- A cloth napkin is generously moistened with ammonia.
- Traces of brilliant green are blotted with a prepared napkin.
- An already cleaned area of leatherette is wiped with a soft sponge soaked in a soap solution.
- Wipe the sofa or chair dry with a clean, dry cloth.
Using hydrogen peroxide, simply pour the selected solution onto the stain, leave for two minutes, and then blot with a clean cloth.
A rich hand cream can remove stains from green paint from upholstered leatherette furniture. Algorithm of actions:
- the trace of greenery is covered with a thick layer of any fatty cream;
- After twenty minutes, the dirt along with the cream can be easily removed from the furniture with a soft sponge.
Fat cream is effective only for fresh traces of brilliant green.
How to remove it from textiles?
The difficulty of removing green stains from textile furniture is that The fabric must not only be cleaned, but also thoroughly dried after cleaning.. Otherwise, the problem of green marks may be replaced by the problem of mold stains and bad odors.
Restoring the original appearance of upholstered furniture with textile upholstery is carried out in several stages. The first stage is removing green stains.
For these purposes, a wide variety of means and compositions are used:
- Hydrogen peroxide (ideal for light-colored fabrics). It is enough to cover the stain with a cotton pad moistened generously with hydrogen peroxide. After ten minutes, the green mark can be easily cleaned off with a sponge dipped in warm water.
- Starch is mixed with water (ratio 1:2). Cover the stain with the resulting mixture and leave until completely dry. Afterwards, the paste is cleaned off along with the brilliant green paint with a stiff brush.
Vinegar and soda. The stain is treated with soda and a little vinegar. As soon as the mixture sizzles, it must be cleaned off with a hard sponge.
- Acetone (good product for light-colored upholstery). The stain is thoroughly moistened with acetone.As soon as the brilliant green begins to dissolve, the contamination must be removed from the surface of the fabric.
It is important to act carefully so that the stain does not spread further along the upholstery of the sofa or chair.
- Vodka and lemon juice. A cocktail made from an alcohol-containing liquid (vodka works best) and fresh lemon juice (1 tsp is enough) will help quickly remove brilliant green stains from textile upholstery. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad in the prepared cocktail and thoroughly rub the stain until it disappears completely.
- Stain removers. On the shelves of hardware stores there is a wide range of products for removing stains from fabric. The most effective are oxygen-containing compounds (for example Vanish Oxi Action). They dissolve the most complex stains as quickly as possible, preserving the structure and density of the fabric. Before using any stain remover, you must carefully study the manufacturer's instructions.
The second stage is drying the sofa or chair. After cleaning is completed, the fabric upholstery must be thoroughly cleaned with a clean, damp sponge and left to dry in a dark, well-ventilated place.
How to remove from plastic?
You can wash brilliant green from thick, wear-resistant plastic by using the following means:
- chlorine bleach (will whiten green marks in a matter of minutes, not suitable for colored furniture);
- gasoline, kerosene (helps to cope with stubborn stains; after cleaning, the furniture must be taken out into the fresh air for ventilation);
- laundry soap (soap shavings are diluted with water to form a thick paste, which is used to rub the stain on the furniture).
How to clean a varnished surface?
The easiest way to remove traces of brilliant green from lacquered furniture. A dense layer of varnish reliably protects the surfaces and prevents brilliant green from penetrating into the wood fibers.
The first thing you need to do if brilliant green gets on varnished furniture is to treat the stain with soda and vinegar.
Algorithm of actions:
- Traces of brilliant green on a varnished surface are first sprinkled with baking soda and then moistened with vinegar.
- The foam that appears during the chemical reaction is removed with a soft, damp sponge (along with the foam, the trace of brilliant green will disappear).
Alternatively, a stain of brilliant green on a varnished surface can be treated with alcohol and then wiped with a stationery eraser.
If the stain has already dried, it must be covered with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide., and leave for at least four hours. Afterwards the furniture is wiped with a damp cloth.
What not to do and why?
In order not to completely ruin the furniture, it is worth remembering a few “no” applicable to the process of removing brilliant green stains.
Do not use hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from dark surfaces (there are high risks of discoloration and the appearance of whitish stains).
Do not clean furniture from green paint with solvents and other chemicals in a room with closed windows and doors. Toxic vapors, accumulating in the air, can provoke severe poisoning of the entire body (headache, nausea, dizziness should alert you).
Clean up a stain of brilliant green while maintaining the original appearance of the furniture A few recommendations will help:
The stain is removed immediately after it appears. The longer the brilliant green is in contact with the surface of the furniture, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it.
- The trace of brilliant green must not be rubbed. The stain is first blotted with paper towels, and then collected with very careful movements from the edges to the center.
- You should not use several available products at the same time, or mix them with professional chemical compounds. The result of such actions is unpredictable.
Regardless of which product (improvised or chemical composition) is chosen to remove brilliant green stains, before cleaning it must be tested on an inconspicuous area of the furniture.
You will find useful tips and recommendations for washing brilliant green from various surfaces. here.
Video on the topic of the article
This video will show you how to remove brilliant green from furniture:
The process of cleaning furniture from green stains will be faster, and the result will meet expectations if you respond to the problem in a timely manner and use only proven cleaning products selected for the type of surface.