Let's do without dry cleaning: how and with what can you remove wax from a carpet at home?
Maintaining the original appearance of a carpet is a rather difficult and tedious task, and the appearance of difficult-to-remove wax stains can confuse even an experienced housewife.
How to remove wax stains from carpet? In order for the process of removing traces of paraffin from soft fleecy floor coverings to go quickly and please with the quality, it is necessary to study in advance some methods of cleaning with improvised means or chemical industry preparations.
How to remove paraffin marks from a candle?
To ensure that the process of removing wax stains from the carpet is as safe as possible for the fleecy surface, It is necessary to study in advance the composition of the product and the cleaning conditions indicated on the label manufacturer. Such information will help you choose the right methods for removing candle marks.
Available means
Everyone in the house has a lot of tools at hand that can help remove wax marks from the carpet.
The first thing to do if candle drops get on the carpet is to freeze the wax.
For this Place ice packs on the paraffin stains and leave them until they harden completely. wax.
The frozen traces of the candle are broken with a hammer, after which the debris is removed with a vacuum cleaner.
A soft sponge will help remove any remaining greasy traces of paraffin., soaked in soapy water.
Iron and paper napkin
A hot iron will help you quickly and efficiently remove wax from the pile covering.
Algorithm of actions:
- The area of the rug with traces of the candle is covered with paper napkins.
- Iron the napkins with a minimally heated iron for two minutes (molten paraffin is easily absorbed into the paper). When wipes become dirty, they need to be changed.
- The carpet, cleaned of paraffin, is additionally cleaned with a vacuum cleaner (helps to remove the smallest particles of wax).
Medical alcohol
The drug that everyone has in their first aid kit - rubbing alcohol - will help quickly and without residue remove wax from carpeting.
The steps are simple: Using a cotton pad generously moistened with alcohol, carefully wipe away the traces of the candle on the rug. Movements should be soft and unhurried.
Rough friction can cause “bald patches” to appear on the carpet (the fibers break and lose their shape). Before cleaning colored carpets, the cleaning effect of alcohol should be tested on a small, inconspicuous area.
Salt, vinegar and baking soda
A solution whose components can be found in any home will help you quickly remove wax marks from the carpet.
Algorithm of actions:
- in a glass container, mix baking soda, vinegar and table salt in equal proportions;
- the resulting product is applied to the wax marks and left until completely dry;
- The dry mass along with wax particles is cleaned from the carpet using a vacuum cleaner or brush.
Ammonia and turpentine
A solution of turpentine and ammonia will help you quickly remove wax from your carpet.
Algorithm of actions:
- Mix turpentine and ammonia in a clean container (proportion 1:1).
- Traces of paraffin are treated with the prepared product and left for at least thirty minutes.
- Afterwards, the carpet is cleaned with a soft brush or sponge.
This method of removing wax stains is ideal for light-colored rugs and carpets.
Special formulations
In a situation where folk remedies are powerless in the fight against wax stains on the carpet, professional chemical compounds will come to the rescue. The TOP 3 most effective means are presented below:
Medera Anti-Wax
Anti-wax cleaner It will clean not only carpets without a trace, but also:
- linoleum,
- plastic,
- ceramics,
- wooden surfaces.
It is enough to treat the stain and after fifteen minutes remove it with a sponge moistened with liquid soap.
The average cost is 1600 rubles. (5 l bottle).
Stain remover Dr. Beckmann prewash with brush
A universal assistant in the fight against difficult stains wax on the fleecy surface of the carpet. It is enough to apply the product to the traces of paraffin, gently rub them with a brush and leave for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, remove the dirt with a soft sponge soaked in soapy water.
The average cost of a stain remover varies between 280 rubles. (250 ml bottle).
Frosch for pre-treatment
German quality, hypoallergenic composition, effective in combating wax marks makes Frosch stain remover very popular among consumers. It is enough to treat the contaminated area of the carpet and leave for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, the fleecy surface is cleaned with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.
The average cost of a Frosch stain remover is 180 rubles. (75 ml bottle).
Before applying any product to the carpet, You must read the instructions for use very carefully. Do not exceed the contact time specified by the manufacturer or mix several special products in a single bottle. The result of such actions can be extremely negative.
How to clean stains left after waxing?
In addition to paraffin, depilatory wax contains synthetic and wood resins and various oils. It would seem that it is impossible to remove such a composition from the carpet, but if you use some tips, cleaning will go quickly and you will be pleased with the high quality of the result.
After the depilatory agent has hit the carpet, it must be covered with ice packs (you can use frozen products), thereby stopping the process of absorption and spreading of paraffin over the surface.
Already frozen wax particles are scraped off with a blunt object (you can use a wooden ruler). If after cleaning there are tiny particles of depilatory wax left on the carpet, ironing them through a paper napkin will help remove them.
Features of removal from various materials
When choosing a carpet cleaning method, it is very important to know what material it is made of. Understanding the specifics of removing wax from various surfaces will help extend the life of carpeting:
Woolen carpets are sensitive to sudden temperature changes and prolonged contact with water (especially hot). For natural wool carpets, local cleaning with ammonia, salt and soda or the freezing method is best.
- Synthetic carpets tolerate various types of cleaning (both folk remedies and chemicals).
The only thing you need to remember is that synthetic carpets will lose their appearance if you clean the anti-lint coating with hard brushes, or treat wax stains with boiling water.
- Jute A carpet woven from plant fibers requires special, careful treatment. Jute carpets can only be cleaned dry. It is strictly forbidden to use hot water, as under the influence of high temperature the jute fibers swell and the carpet loses its shape and strength.
The best option for removing wax stains from natural jute coating is freezing. In a situation where traces of a candle have managed to be absorbed into the carpet, special cleaning products will come to the rescue.
What not to do and why?
There are a number of cleaning restrictions carpets from wax, ignoring which may cause final damage to the product:
- Do not heat paraffin with hot air from a hair dryer. The melted wax will be absorbed into the carpet pile, after which it will no longer be possible to perfectly clean the carpet.
- It is strictly forbidden to tear off or scrape hardened wax from the carpet with sharp objects. Such actions will lead to bald spots appearing on the soft pile covering.
- You should not use bleaching compounds, cleaning products for car interiors, floors, or bathroom tiles to clean the carpet. Such compositions are destructive for the delicate, soft pile of the carpet.
Useful information on ways to remove wax from various surfaces can be found in this section.
Video on the topic of the article
This video will show you how to remove wax from a carpet:
A competent and careful approach to the process of removing wax stains can minimize the time spent on achieving the desired result - ideal cleanliness of the carpet.