Little tricks on how and what you can use to remove tar from pants at home
Stains left by any type of resin are some of the most problematic stains. Eliminating them can be very difficult.
To cope with the task, you can use folk recipes or use purchased products.
In this article we will tell you how to remove tar from pants using improvised means and household chemicals.
Where to begin?
It is advisable to clean pants, even if they are work clothes, from stains, including tar stains, and wash them regularly. It is very easy to stain clothes with wood or epoxy resin, but removing it from your pants is a difficult task.
If the stain is fresh and not large in size, then the chances of removing it without a trace increase significantly. But need to act quickly. It will be easier to remove the stain immediately, before the composition has set, than over time.
You can also use any non-sharp object - a scraper, spoon, etc. But even if you manage to do this almost immediately, there will still be a noticeable mark on the pants at the point of contact with the resin.
Folk remedies
Many household products can be used to remove tar stains from pants. But they will only help if the drop or sagging has already been removed from the material mechanically.
How to clean pants with sunflower oil?
Vegetable oil helps prevent the resin from completely hardening.
When in contact with fat, it does not harden quickly and is easier to remove from the material. But after removing it, it will be necessary to wash off the greasy oil trace.
If the resin has already impregnated the fabric fibers and hardened, the use of sunflower oil will be ineffective.
Pharmaceutical alcohol can be used in its pure form to remove residual stains. For small marks this method works very well.
- Soak the sponge in alcohol.
- Rub the stained area so that the resin is moistened on all sides. You can even leave the sponge on for a few minutes to work.
- Rub again.
- Wash your pants.
If the pants are dark or printed, the use of alcohol should be careful to avoid discolouration.
The video will show you how to clean tar from pants using alcohol:
Refined gasoline is an effective solvent, which will help cope even with resin. To do this, use a napkin, which is soaked in solvent and applied to the stain for several minutes. After this, rub the dirty area and wash the item.
How to clean with acetone?
To work, you will need technical acetone. Nail polish remover containing this substance will also work.
After this, the stain is rubbed again.Completes the treatment - a full wash.
Starch, turpentine and ammonia
If the pants are made of fabric that contains natural wool, then The following stain removal method is suitable:
mix 1 tsp in a container. ammonia and turpentine;
- add a tablespoon of potato starch;
- mix;
- apply the mixture to the stain for a couple of hours, if it is dry - for 12 hours;
- wipe off the composition along with the remaining resin;
- wash.
Temperature effect
Both epoxy and wood resin change their physical properties when exposed to high and low temperatures. Temperature exposure methods are the main ones; their use gives even better results compared to solvent applications.
The simplest solution to the problem is exposure to cold. This option is one of the simplest and most effective; it is suitable for most types of fabrics. The exception is very delicate materials.
To cool to low temperatures, it is convenient to use the freezer. The pants are folded so that the stain is on top and packed in a bag.
If it is not possible to put the item in the freezer, You can use ice cube cooling. But this method is less effective.
Heating is an alternative option for resin removal. His choice should take into account the material from which the item is sewn, since the permissible heating temperature of the soleplate of the iron depends on this.
In order to prevent the stain from moving to the other side of the trouser leg, a piece of board wrapped in a light cloth is placed inside.
You will also need paper towels or an absorbent cloth. Such napkins are applied to the material on both sides and begin to iron.
The higher the temperature, the faster the resin will begin to melt.. But it must be taken into account that heating should not be higher than permissible for a particular material. This information can be obtained from the product label.
As it heats up, the resin will begin to melt and will be absorbed into the paper towels. They will need to be replaced with new ones. After ironing, the pants must be washed, and it would also be a good idea to use a stain remover.
How to remove stains with special compounds?
An alternative to home remedies is household chemicals. Their effect allows you to change the consistency of the resin and promote its better removal.
Bleach, which is intended to make things whiter, Can only be used with white pants. Otherwise, you may end up with discolored areas on your pants. The best option is chlorine-free oxygen bleaches.
One of the good options is Antipyatin bleach for white clothes Oxi-formula with active oxygen. Price – about 70 rubles per package.
Stain removers
Store-bought stain removers come in a wide range of products. Different manufacturers offer products in different price segments.
One of the well-proven products is Beckmann stain remover.. It copes with stains from bitumen, grease and other difficult contaminants.
The stain is moistened with the preparation and left to act. In this case, the composition should not be allowed to dry directly on the stain. After the resin begins to sag, the stained area is cleaned, removing any remaining contamination with a damp rag.
The price per bottle is about 200 rubles.
Dishwashing detergents
For removing organic resin stains from coniferous and deciduous trees You can use dishwashing gel. It contains components that can dissolve the resinous residue and clean the material. This method is rarely used to remove epoxy stains due to its low effectiveness.
The gel is applied undiluted to the stained area of the pants and left to act for 15-20 minutes. After this, the stain is rubbed and the item is washed. One of the popular products that can be used to remove traces of resin is Fairy.
Price – up to 100 rubles per 450 ml bottle.
What does the type of resin affect?
It will be very helpful to know what kind of resin was used to stain your pants.. If the resin is wood, then it has an organic composition and is easier to remove.
Synthetic, epoxy, much more difficult to remove from fabric. If the type is determined, you can begin to remove the trace using the appropriate substances.
Tips and prohibitions
When removing resin It is recommended to adhere to a number of rules and remember the prohibitions:
- You should not try to wash the stain with water, or soak the item, as this will only lead to an increase in the affected area due to the growth of the stain.
- Attempts to cut or scratch the stain can lead to damage to the material, including the appearance of holes. Mechanical impact can only be used to remove the top “cap” of the resin drop.
- Using strong solvents to remove resin from pants made of any fabric can cause damage to the material.
Advice and recommendations from experts will help you deal with the stain from tar on pants in the most optimal way:
- It is advisable to wear rubber gloves when starting to clean things;
- you should try to avoid contact of the sticky stain with clean areas of your pants and other things;
- A stain that is not completely removed will be very difficult to remove over time.
If a large area of your pants has been damaged by resin, it will be impossible to completely clean them.
You will find useful tips and tricks on how to remove resin from clothes. Here.
How to remove tar from pants largely depends on the extent of the stain, how old it is and the material from which the item is made. Knowing what simple folk recipes can help clean things, you can cope with the problem even at home.