Tips from experienced housewives: how to remove ballpoint and gel pen paste from linoleum
You can stain the floor covering with paste accidentally by dropping a pen on it, or on purpose when a child has applied the design.
In each of these cases, the durability of the ink and gel is no longer an advantage, but a serious disadvantage.
To erase them from linoleum you will have to spend more effort than when removing ordinary dirt. It is advisable to do this as quickly as possible.
In this article we will tell you how you can effectively wipe a handle off linoleum.
Features and effectiveness of trace removal
The high durability of the ink composition in a ballpoint pen allows it to quickly absorb into the top layer of most surfaces.
Because of this dark stains from linoleum cannot be removed with ordinary water. But special household chemicals will significantly increase the chances of making the surface cleaner.
There are ways to solve the problem using folk remedies - even if they do not completely remove the marks, they will at least make them less noticeable.
The gel used to fill pen refills is water-based. But its durability is not as high as that of ink. Therefore, to wipe off linoleum, you can use ordinary household chemicals or folk remedies.
Gel removal efficiency is high. Even if the stains cannot be completely removed, they will not be as noticeable as marks from a ballpoint pen.
How soon should action be taken?
You need to remove ink or gel from linoleum quickly before it becomes embedded in the floor covering. The delay leads to deep penetration of the dye into the pores of linoleum. If you ignore the problem, you will not be able to completely remove the marks from the pen - it is possible that you will have to change part of the coating.
If in the first case there is a chance to deal with the problem yourself, in the second you may need to either contact a cleaning company or replace part of the floor covering.
How can I quickly remove ink?
Remove traces of paste or gel immediately after they get on the linoleum products that can be found in almost any apartment will help. This includes regular table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide with soap.
It is a little more difficult to find glycerin and potassium permanganate, but their effectiveness will also be quite high if you start cleaning on time.
Potassium permangantsovka
Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is a product that is often found in the medicine cabinet and is used as an antiseptic.
To remove pen marks the powder is diluted with warm water to obtain a pale pink solution. Then moisten the area of the floor covering stained with the pen with the liquid and wait until the linoleum dries.
After the potassium permanganate solution has dried, wipe the floor with a cloth previously soaked in linseed oil. If the pen marks cannot be removed the first time, the procedure is repeated.
The advantage of this method is the low price of potassium permanganate. Disadvantage: if the potassium permanganate solution is too concentrated, light spots may remain on the linoleum, especially dark-colored ones. The price of potassium permanganate is from 37 rubles.
The advantages of the product are ease of use and affordable price.
The price of glycerin is from 20 rubles.
Hydrogen peroxide and soap
Hydrogen peroxide (3%), which can be bought at any pharmacy, will help remove ink from linoleum. The procedure is as follows:
- Take a piece of cloth (best is a terry towel).
- Dampen the cloth with the solution.
- Wipe away pen marks.
- After 10 minutes, rinse the floor with water and detergent.
When using peroxide, you should wear gloves that protect your hands from chemical burns. And the treatment of an ink or gel stain should be carried out starting from the edges and gradually moving towards the center. This will make the light stain on the linoleum appear less noticeable. The price of peroxide is from 15 rubles.
Warm vinegar
Another remedy that allows you to deal with ink on linoleum during the first hours of contamination is table vinegar.
It can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Can be applied undiluted to a sponge and then treated with pen marks. If the ink or gel is fresh, the chances of removing stains are quite high.
Folk remedies
You can try to remove pen marks using improvised means.The list of the most common includes salt, citric acid and soda. Glue, turpentine and regular matches are suitable for cleaning the floor. The melamine sponge does a good job of removing even old stains.
Use of salt and citric acid
The process of removing ink or gel from the floor includes the following steps:
A solution is prepared from citric acid - the dry powder is diluted with water until it becomes mushy;
- wipe marks on the linoleum with a sponge soaked in the solution;
- leave the product on the floor for 15-20 minutes;
- After drying, the floor covering is wiped with a damp cloth.
To enhance the effect, salt can be added to the citric acid pulp. It is added to a solution that is ready for floor washing and the crystals are ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Baking soda can be called a universal remedy for removing any dirt from different types of floor coverings. It copes with both fresh and old pen marks on linoleum.
To remove stains, follow these steps:
- Mix baking soda with warm water to form a thick paste.
- Apply the product to a sponge or soft cloth.
- Rub the contaminated area with gentle movements, ensuring that the soda slurry covers the marks from the pen.
- Wait until the product dries and rinse with warm water.
Melamine sponge
A porous sponge made from compressed crystals and melamine fibers is used to remove dirt from the surface of tiles and plumbing fixtures. It can also handle linoleum.
To do this you will have to perform the following steps:
- cut the sponge into 4 parts so that it is enough for several cleaning processes;
- wet the sponge usually with water;
- wipe the stain.
The advantages of the sponge are affordable price, high cleaning efficiency of linoleum and ease of use.
The disadvantages include the possibility of damage to the skin of the hands by the grinding elements. Therefore, you should only use the sponge while wearing gloves. The price of a melamine sponge is from 60 rubles.
To remove ink or gel from floor coverings you can try using sulfur from match heads.
Before erasing pen marks, matches are moistened with water. After this, use match heads to erase the stains until they completely disappear.
For large stains you will have to use several match heads. After rubbing, the linoleum should be washed with water and soapy water.
Regular stationery PVA glue will help remove marks from the pen. It is poured onto the linoleum and wait until the liquid dries. After drying, the glue is removed. Together with it, stains are usually removed from the surface.
Another type of adhesive that helps remove pen marks is BF. It is used for gluing:
- metals,
- wood,
- ceramics,
- fabrics and glass.
You can try removing stains with turpentine. But before you wipe off ink or paste from the flooring, you should try wiping a small area or separate piece of linoleum. This will ensure that the product will not corrode the coating.
Moisten a rag with turpentine and begin to wash away the marks. from the handle. After dissolving the contaminants, the coating is wiped with soapy water.At the final stage of cleaning, the floor is dried with a clean napkin and cloth.
Removing stains with chemical compounds
Special chemicals are effective in removing pen marks: bleaches, stain removers and chlorine-containing powders. If you don't have such products at home, you should try removing ink or gel with hairspray.
Chlorine powder
Chlorine powders are used at home to clean floors.. The method is considered one of the most effective for removing ordinary dirt, but it will also help with ink.
The advantage of the technique is accessibility. The disadvantage is that the part of the floor being cleaned may become lighter in color, and the smell of chlorine will linger in the room for several hours. The price of chlorine is from 200 rubles.
Stain removers and bleaches
For wiping handles off linoleum You can use bleach or stain remover. For example, white, which should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5 and applied to contaminated areas.
It is not advisable to leave the product on the surface for more than 2 minutes. Together with the stain, it also affects the color of the material, so the linoleum will become lighter. The price of whiteness is from 80 rubles.
Used to remove marks and Vanish - a product used to clean plumbing fixtures. Its effectiveness is lower than that of white. But use does not affect linoleum so much. The color of the coating remains natural. Price – from 300 rubles.
A popular product for removing any type of dirt from the floor, including ink.A sponge or rag is soaked in the liquid, the stain is wiped and left to dry for 30-40 minutes. After this, the area to be cleaned is washed with water.
Instead of gasoline, you can try using kerosene, which has a comparable effect on linoleum.
Hair fixation spray
Hairspray in the form of an aerosol can be quite effective in removing stains.. The product is applied in a thin layer to the ink or gel stain.
After 10-15 minutes, when the varnish has dried, its remains must be removed. To ensure that no traces of the aerosol remain on the linoleum, the floor should be rinsed thoroughly. A cloth soaked in soapy water is best for this.
The price of hairspray is from 60 rubles.
Another tool that allows you to remove fresh and old ink is regular acetone or nail polish remover. The price of acetone is from 30 rubles.
The cleaning principle is as follows:
- The solution is applied to a rag or cotton wool.
- The area is wiped until the stain disappears or becomes lighter.
- The remaining product is washed off with a wet cloth.
Do not rub the floor covering too hard with acetone, as the natural shade of the material will disappear. It will no longer be possible to remove such traces - you will have to completely change the linoleum.
How to prevent flooring from getting dirty?
To reduce the need to remove stains from linoleum, you should take care of its protection. For this It is recommended to periodically treat the coating with special products. Among them are mastics that do not cause a slip effect, linseed oil and drying oil.
You will find many useful tips and recommendations on removing pen ink from various surfaces and objects. here.
Cleaning linoleum from pen marks can take a lot of time. Sometimes you have to use one technique several times. Or use several different products, giving preference to those that provide the maximum effect.