Review of effective and safe floor cleaning products for pet odor removal
Having pets in an apartment is not only a positive emotion, but also the need to eliminate stains and unpleasant odors.
Professional household chemicals and folk remedies for cleaning floors can help cope with the problem of animal odor.
Recommendations for selection
When choosing a remedy to solve an odor problem, you should first find out the cause. It could be:
- poor quality or infrequent cleaning of the cat litter box;
- diseases of the animal itself;
- the cat is not trained to the litter box.
The products are available in various forms - concentrates that require dilution and products that are ready for use. There are differences in composition, price, manufacturer, and intensity of aromatization.
Top 5 professional drugs
Store-bought anti-animal odor preparations are highly effective. They not only eliminate the problem, but also disinfect.
Neutralizer for animal odor and cat urine. The drug has a convenient packaging - a bottle with a spray. Means shows high effectiveness against various animal species:
- ferrets,
- cats,
- birds,
- dogs,
- horses,
- rabbits and rodents.
The neutralizer copes with odors caused by animal waste products. It can be used on various surfaces to disinfect and eliminate repulsive odors.
The method of application is not complicated - the contents of the bottle are sprayed onto a problem area on the floor, and then cleaned with a napkin. The processing can be repeated. Finish cleaning by rinsing the floor with clean water. Price – from 320 rubles per 500 ml.
Septivit Premium
Floor cleaning concentrate will be useful for those who have animals at home. A 5 liter package will last a long time. The product is suitable for the care of various floor coverings, including:
- laminate,
- tiles,
- linoleum,
- wooden floors, etc.
During processing, specific contaminants and odors are eliminated. Septivit can even be used in a house where children live. The product is biodegradable and does not require rinsing. Price – from 550 rubles.
HAND+ Professional Anti-odor
The product is suitable for eliminating odors in rooms where there are dogs, rodents, rabbits, etc. This tool is antibacterial, available in the form of a concentrate, has an unexpressed aroma.
Before use, the Anti-odor is diluted with water. The degree of concentration of the solution can vary from 5 to 50%, choosing depending on the severity of the problem. Price – from 300 rubles.
ZooClean ZooSan
ZooSan concentrated product is suitable for use in premises where animals are kept. The drug can be used to treat not only the floor, but also carriers, enclosures and various items that are used to care for your pet.
To eliminate odors and stains from furniture and carpets, the manufacturer produces another product - ZooVorsin. ZooSan is safe for animals and people. The product copes with odor from:
- rodents,
- dogs,
- ferrets,
- cats,
- rabbits.
The price of a bottle is 0.5 l. – from 550 rubles on average.
Laina disinfectant
Laina is a cleaning product for rooms where dogs or cats live. The drug is available in various packaging. The product disinfects and fights odors. Price – from 500 rubles per 0.5 liter.
Cleaning various types of surfaces
The main rule for successfully cleaning stains and odors left by pets is to remove the stain immediately. If the liquid is absorbed into the coating and dries, it will be much more difficult to deal with the problem.
Tile and linoleum are relatively easy to clean, especially if the situation is caught right away. After the bulk of the dirt has been collected, the floor is washed with a special product and rinsed with water.
A simple way to quickly collect liquid from wooden floors and carpets is to pour cat litter on top. It will absorb pollution and prevent it from being absorbed into the deeper layers.
Otherwise, the stain will be absorbed even more into the base., and the smell will be even more difficult to remove. The faster the pet urine is removed, the less odor will remain.
Folk recipes
To neutralize unpleasant odors, not only store-bought products, but also folk recipes can be used. The products you have on hand at home are suitable for this.
Among the popular and at the same time effective means can be attributed to the following:
Potassium permanganate in the form of an aqueous solution of pale pink color.
- Hydrogen peroxide diluted with water.
- Lemon juice in concentrated or diluted form.
- Using a paste of baking soda and water is especially effective for carpet treatment.
- Vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.
- Washing with laundry soap.
If the effect is not sufficient the first time, the treatment can be repeated with the same product or another. It is important not to mix components of different recipes together.
Each subsequent one is used only after the previous composition has been washed off.. After using any product from your home arsenal, the floor must be rinsed with clean water.
The procedure for processing with vinegar is in the video, as well as recommendations on how to prevent such troubles with pets:
Useful tips
To combat unpleasant odors from pets, The following measures taken into service will be useful:
- Regular, thorough care for your pet, including short-haired breeds.
- Wash bedding regularly using an effective detergent.
- Training cats to use the litter box and dogs to walk.
- If possible, use a floor covering that is easy to clean.
- It is better to wash floors with a special product.
- If household chemicals are not available, homemade ones will do. If you postpone processing until later, it will be much more difficult to cope with the problem.
- When cleaning floors with home remedies or household chemicals, you should wear rubber gloves.
Video on the topic of the article
One of the unusual options for combating odors is on video:
Unpleasant smell from animals is a problem that you can deal with on your own. The retail chain offers a large list of drugs, among which you can choose the most suitable one for your situation. You can also use folk recipes, tested by time and the experience of generations.