Several ways to quickly and efficiently remove polyurethane foam from linoleum
When using polyurethane foam as a sealant, the floor can easily be damaged.
If the coating is linoleum, special products and home methods will help to cope with the problem and preserve the appearance of the material.
We will tell you in this article how and with what you can remove polyurethane foam from linoleum, including dried foam.
How to clean fresh?
In the case where the foam has just hit the floor, it can be removed quickly and without consequences. At first, a piece of polyurethane foam is so light that you can accidentally smear it by catching it with your hand or tool.
If you don’t have time to wait, you can try to remove the foam ball even when the sealant is still sticky and movable. You will need white thick sheets and silicone cream or oil.
Lubricate the linoleum around the polyurethane loose ball with silicone compound.
- Take one sheet of paper and rub it along the edge with silicone oil (cream).
- Using the treated side of the sheet as a spatula, you should try to pry off the foam and move it onto the sheet. With a second sheet of paper you need to help yourself move the ball and prevent it from moving further along the linoleum.
- After the sealant is removed, it is advisable to wipe the linoleum in the area of treatment with wax or linseed oil.
If the polyurethane foam on the floor is not smeared and has a compact shape, it will not be difficult to remove it. The final result will largely depend on how tightly the sheet used to remove the foam was pressed to the floor surface. The denser it is, the better the cleansing will be done.
When removing uncured foam you need to move from the edges to the center of the pollutionto avoid spreading the sealant over a large area.
How to remove dried ones using improvised means?
To scrub polyurethane foam, not only purchased special preparations can be used, but also those products that are already in the household. First remove the bulk of the polyurethane. This can be done with a stationery knife.
In this case, it is necessary to cut off as much foam as possible. And only after removing the main lump do they move on to using chemicals.
One of the most common home remedies for traces of polyurethane foam is the external pharmaceutical drug Dimexide. Its advantages are efficiency, availability and low cost.
Use it straight from the bottle:
- applied to the area requiring treatment and distributed with a napkin or brush;
- leave for a couple of minutes;
- wash with a rag, prying up the softened mass with a plastic or wooden scraper;
- wash the floor with hot water and detergent.
Dimexide should only be used with gloves. Due to its high penetrating power, this product can damage the skin of your hands.
Method of application - in the video:
It is not possible to remove foam from the floor with vinegar in all cases.. For hardened, heavily smeared sealant, this option is ineffective. Even using a plastic spatula, removing stains with vinegar will be difficult and time-consuming.
If during the initial treatment there is no result from using vinegar, it is better to move on to other methods, since overdoing it can damage the linoleum.
Vegetable oil
Vegetable oil, especially heated oil, has the ability to soften foam and facilitate the process of washing it off. To make scrubbing the stain easier, the procedure should be as follows:
- The oil needs to be heated.
- Apply and distribute.
- Leave for 15-20 minutes to act.
- Using the hard side of the sponge and a plastic scraper, scrub off the foam.
- After completion of the work, excess oil must be removed so that the linoleum does not remain slippery.
Vegetable oil is the most affordable, harmless and simple means for washing polyurethane foam from linoleum.
Top 3 special drugs
Special products can be used to dissolve and remove drips and traces of polyurethane foam. Those designed for washing mounting guns are suitable.
Ultima professional
The cleaner is available in cylinders with a universal adapter. The product is intended for removing unhardened foam from various types of surfaces. The product is also suitable for cleaning linoleum - removing a sticky thin layer from the floor. Packaging volume – 500 ml. Price – from 200 rubles.
PENOSIL Foam Cleaner
The cleanser is designed to remove uncured foam from tools and dirty surfaces. The drug does not require exposure to a dirty surface, as it acts almost immediately. Cost – from 150 rubles per 500 ml.
Penosil Cured PU-Foam Remover
The solvent is an effective cleaning product from already hardened foam. The product is distributed over the stained area and removed after the polyurethane has softened. The cost of a can is from 300 rubles.
6 prohibitions
Trying to clear foam from the surface of linoleum It is important to try to avoid common mistakes:
- You should not try to wash or wipe down a ball of fresh foam, as this risks spreading the contamination over an even larger area.
- You should not use solvents that are not intended for linoleum to treat the floor, as this can lead to damage to the floor covering (loss of the protective layer, erasing of the pattern, etc.).
- Work on washing off foam should not be carried out with bare hands; gloves are required for this. The ban applies to both work with fresh foam and dried foam, which is scrubbed with solvents.
- Solvents and varnish and paint thinners should not be used to remove foam - they can damage the surface.
- You should not use metal tools (knife, scalpel, scraper, etc.) to remove the solvent-softened mass, as this increases the risk of mechanical damage to the linoleum.
- Do not leave solvents on the stained area any longer than necessary. Otherwise, the base itself may suffer.
Recommendations from experts
When washing linoleum from foam, You must follow the advice of professionals:
When planning work with polyurethane foam, it is better to wipe the linoleum in advance with powdered laundry soap or linseed oil.
This will prevent the foam mass that accidentally falls down from firmly grasping the floor covering.
- If it is not possible to polish the floor before using foam, it can be covered.
- Washing with acetone can give results, but such treatment can lead to the formation of dull spots on the surface.
- Before using a product to remove marks left by fallen foam sealant, it must first be tested on an inconspicuous area.
- The removal of foam should be completed by treating the surface with linseed oil or wax. This will add shine to the area and make foam marks less noticeable.
- When choosing special foam removal products, you need to pay attention to what specific composition they are intended for - fresh or hardened sealant. This will allow you to use the professional product as efficiently as possible.
- When processing linoleum, it is recommended to take into account its type - homogeneous (single-layer) or heterogeneous (multilayer). For the latter option, the use of acetone is strictly prohibited; for the first, it can be used to a limited extent, and only in extreme cases.
- Special products are applied to the stained area and left for several minutes. As soon as the foam begins to soften, you need to start cleaning it off.
- If possible, it is advisable to choose a polyurethane foam cleaner from the same company as the polyurethane sealant itself.
- Many cleaners emit toxic fumes, so remove polyurethane foam residues with good ventilation.
- Increased haste when removing polyurethane can lead to damage to the base of the material.
- If there are scraps of linoleum left after laying the floor, it is convenient to check the effect of the cleaners on them.
- The use of solvents must be combined with scraping.
You will find useful tips and recommendations on how to remove polyurethane foam from various surfaces and objects. here.
There are many ways to remove foam from linoleum. Purchased special products and those drugs that are already on hand will help solve the problem. If you follow the instructions, the floor surface can be cleaned of foam sealant efficiently, and without unpleasant consequences.